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The scale of things keeps growing as we grow more well acquainted with the war at large. It's time for Shikaku to flex that big ol brain of his.


Chaos T

Shikaku is Batman.

Raul Iggynashow

Sorry Suraj. "I think therefore I am" was a quote from Rene Descartes and not Voltaire.


Oh the Tsuchikage Ohnoki is not going down that easy


Guys please tell them to be all in the reactions for ep 321 and 322, they are i think at ep 276 they need to know that it is a major eps if someone in vacation or something to wait until they all together again for those 2 eps


Mickey: “I hope there isn’t some enemy ace in the hole”. Me: 🤭

Jan Pospisil

Kinkaku and Ginkaku are based on two demon brothers who fought with the Monkey King in "Journey to the West". Even their weapons are pretty accurate to the story. I recommend the retelling by OSP in this YT video: "Legends Summarized: The Journey To The West (Part V)"


Correction Suraj: the second Hokage invented reanimation, orochimaru refined it, and kabuto perfected it.


Orochimaru wasn’t the one who created the reanimation jutsu it was Tobirama the second hokage who created it

Adrian Bisutti

we need triple uploads!!!!

Benjamin Donahue

Kinkaku and Ginkaku are character's in older asian folklore, but admittedly I don't know the tale (Thinking it's actually part of Journey west which is the known basis for Goku). Just know that in this case Kin = Gold and Gin = Silver. As far as I know the "kaku" is just a naming convention that doesn't have a definition much like "maru", "jin" "suke" or "ko" (it may denote male or female as japanese does have masculine and feminine terminology) Kekei Touta is a justu that combines 3x elemental charkra types at once (Currently the Tsuchikage is the only shinobi alive that posseses one (His Particle Style)). There are plenty of shinobi that possess two or more elemental chakre natures but only one that can successfully use them at the same time.


Man, it’s almost time for the Normies to dance

Rishi Hattiangadi

I dont think the normies are the type of people to really care amount names and pronunciation, they’ll still make their corny jokes outta names they cant pronounce… also the kekkei touta will be explained again later


Does anyone know when we'll get to the good parts of this arc? I skipped this part of the anime so I dont know lol

Michael Diaz

In the censored version of the drunken fist, they said it was "Loopy Fist"

Michael Diaz

If you skipped it, then you should know exactly where the good part is. It's probably where you skipped to. Or were you just attempting to be funny?


Are triple uploads at the end of the month not a thing anymore


I don't think they're ready to dance

Pervy Sage

Did Micky say he wanted to see another Tai Jutsu battle? Boy is he in for a treat

Darren Metts

First week of janruary guys we get THAT episode

Darren Metts

They not ready for 321-322