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Lucifer 3x17

Reaction: https://youtu.be/TO6DBrPgf6c

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/603946308/0c9af9af92

Parks & Recreation 6x13

Reaction: https://youtu.be/MHPpJR6HoM0

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/605101190/5ff6cd2244

StarWars: Visions 1x5

Reaction: https://youtu.be/zdZpy1FFXko

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/630420317/965135b958




Just thought I’d clear up their confusion involving the saber colors, so as far as I know in canon there is no special meaning to the colors. Also the color doesn’t change depending on who wields it, the color will always be the same from when they are first gathered. And as for getting a red kyber crystal, the Sith use a technique called Bleeding where they literally make the crystal bleed from them pouring all their hate and negative emotions into the crystal. Lastly a white crystal is only caused from healing a red crystal and purifying it, only known person to have done so is Ahsoka Tano. Sorry for the rant just thought I’d try to help them clear it up


Okay they watched the only good episode of Visions, hopefully they stop now before the furry shit.

Deviant Parker

That might be technically true now but was not the case in the expanded universe. KOTOR isn't canon anymore, but in that game the colors did correspond to something. Red was dark. Green was for consulars. Blue was for guardians. Yellow was for sentinels. So before Disney ruined everything, there was some canon that suggested the colors corresponded with a type of Jedi, at least in the ancient Republic. On another note, it always annoyed me that Lucas didn't include any yellow sabers in the prequels.


In a galaxy full of the creatures you’ve seen, chewy, you think furry looking creatures don’t fit? LOL like that isn’t even what furry is…


It's sad that your blind hatred keeps you from enjoying what's, in my opinion, the best story in Visions. Also loved the art style


bruh you should probably be a little nicer


Someone forgot about ewoks and Wookiee…..


What do you watch Parks and Rec on? I watch on Netflix but sometimes the show has different scenes in different orders to what I see here and is very confusing