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Michael makes a deal with the group to get to the actual good place! Let us know what you thought of this episode in the comments!

Premium access reaction: https://youtu.be/nlBy9LomDtk

Premium access uncut: (video above) 



Tahani doesn’t belong in the Good Place because her motivations for her philanthropy were corrupt so none of that got her any good points. If we then look at her life past her philanthropy we see that she was a shallow, conceited person who was only concerned with status and perception. These aren’t qualities which will get someone to the Good Place and there is her inability to carry off the Mod Look to consider. Also I guess Nikki and Rana would know best but Suraj strikes me as more of Michael than a Jason.


I do think that out of the four people Tahani deserves to be in the good place the most

Pervy Sage

I agree that it's Tahani. While her motivations were wrong she didn't really hurt anyone, she helped a lot of people even if it's for selfish reasons. Chidi had good intentions but his indecisions directly hurt people, either physically or emotionally.

James Jones

In the extended version, Michael adds another dig at Chidi during 1x13. He tells Chidi that he was the closest of the four humans. Then clarifies by saying he wasn't that close, just the closest. And Chidi responds by saying that makes him feel worse somehow. I wish they'd kept in the original cut.