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The last few days of the training camp are upon us, and Karasuno is still struggling against Fukurodani, Nekoma, and the others.... but Daichi overhears about a barbecue coming up!

Premium access reaction: https://youtu.be/jgH5Hi3glhw 

Premium access uncut: (video above)



These guys are athletes, they do their talking with actions. Practice practice practice and don't give up until you get it right.


"we got the cleveland caveliers down here" lol

Jake Thompson

Weird how they keep forgetting that other teams have managers.

Latt Mee

guys it still would have been the owls point when hinata hit levs finger.


Rana was making good point about the exchange of info and veteran moves when she got interrupted by the 2 supposed sports afficianados in the middle. It is cool that some of the top players at perennial powerhouse schools were imparting wisdom to some freshmen/first years from schools they have a healthy rivalry with. They interrupted with unrelated input that didn't prove anything Rana and Suraj were saying wrong. 2 in the middle bringing the IQ down in the room and being annoying as usual.