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It's the moment we have all been waiting for ... A PANDA SENPAI SMACKDOWN!!!

Premium access reaction: https://youtu.be/QgHM3h_U-DQ

Premium access uncut: (video above)


Churroguy .

Panda is not a 🐼


I'm glad you guys recap watch during the discussions cause it seems your brain capacity with all these shows has reached 85% lol especially Naruto when alot happens you'll forget the whole first thing that happened


Chris would totally enjoy JJK


What's with the close ups everytime they laugh? Eh eh

Kamina 1

Yes yes yes. Bring Chris on board so his long term goal of infiltrating the Cozy 4 will be complete.

Kamina 1

Recap watches during their discussions are essential at this point.

Maeve Murphy

i would love chris to join


Nooooo Nahid didn’t finish this with us 😩😩😔😔


Damn. i hope someone joins in. Kind feels lonely watching a 3 person reaction compared to others where theres like 5 or 6


what happened to nahid ?


taking personal time away from the channel..theres a vid on their youtube


I miss Nahid 😢

Jalen Christofer

next episode is so cool. i cant wait to see maki in action

Jessica Conrad

gonna miss nahid on these but glad you guys are still enjoying it! and if chris could make it for even a couple of episodes that’d be sick! i def think he’d like it


Yea I'm honestly surprised Chris skipped out on this show, or that he hasn't been put on it since by the rest of the couch potatoes


noooooooooooo nahid is goneeeeeeee

Matthew Bankston

I know Rana is all digging Kasumi (Blu haired girl) because she likes Gojo, but next ep, she going to be head over heels for Maki.


im going to miss nahid on all these reactions but cant wait to watch the remaining episodes with the rest of you. Definitely up for Chris joining these reactions too!