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RWBY 5x6: ($5 holla!)

Premium access reaction: https://youtu.be/04Ss7Ahq958

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/583441241/e986ff4fed

Clone Wars 22 (119):

Early access reaction: https://youtu.be/fzXBsqyX_f4

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/575392977/1d532df6a7




RWBY has the incorrect episode.


For RWBY, the title comes from an old proverb "A bird is known by its song, a man by his words."


Damn, Mikey could barely keep his eyes open. Come on man smh

Chai Tea

Raven said she knows “people” who can come back from the dead. Not that it’s possible to bring someone back. Important difference

Jason S

The last thing Ruby said to Yang before she left in volume 3 was "I love you". The first thing Yang says to Ruby when they reunite is "I love you".


Great rwby reaction guys


So this shows that when ever there was a bird around it was either Qrow or Raven watching them. And the times Qrow was around and a black bird was watching him or everyone that was Raven. Thats the most messed up part Raven has always kept an eye on Yang and given her semblance she could easily portal to see her at any time. But she chose to watch from a far. Thats how she knew to save Yang on the train. So when Raven said she knew more about Yang then she (Yang) realized, Raven wasn’t lying.

Hayden Smith

There’s actually an even easier way to tell the difference between the two birds. In Qrow’s crow form, the feathers stick up on his head similar to how his hair does, while the feathers on Raven’s head lay flat.


We k ow that Qrow was gathering huntsmen because that is what he said that he will do the last time we saw him just 2 episodes ago. He paid off Shiro's debt because he realized that he and all the other huntsmen he was looking for are probably dead. They went on missions and have been missing for weeks.


Hahah, part of the discussion made me feel a big "ouch" and now i'm more excited for upcoming chapters