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Obi-Wan must help save residents being used as human shields.

Reaction: https://youtu.be/1mbA9A2FSU8

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Paul R Peddy

You should try to remember Waxer and Boil, they're gonna be recurring clones throughout the show


btw Numa parents are dead that was her uncle at the end I believe...

Taheah Shahdaiah

It's only told in books and comics but it's actually sad that the jedi also failed anakin when he was first brought to them as a kid. Since he couldn't deal with missing his mother the jedi had the chancellor look after him growing up and became his father figure. He also has been grooming him as a child by showing him the faults of the jedi and planting ideas in his head since 10. Obi wan was his teacher but palpatine was his closest friend which is sad.The jedi needed to be more caring, abandoning emotions is not always good, it can be damaging.

Johnny Blue

Yep. Chancellor has been influencing him since he started. Which makes even more sense given the scene between Mace Windu and the Chancellor.


The Order knew Anakin was a poor fit for them though- it's why they didn't want to train him at first. They changed their mind because 'Sith showed up, and was foiled along with a planetary invasion by a now Knighted Jedi and a prodigiously gifted potential Padawan' is about as clear a sign from the force as you're likely to get. The order definitely did NOT want Anakin spending time with Palpatine as a kid, but they didn't have room to object to The Chancellor, especially when Anakin didn't complain. Palpatine fed Anakin's insecurities and pride, assuring him that Anakin was being the reasonable one and the Jedi didn't know as much as they thought they did. So Anakin buried his insecurities and fears instead of confronting and working through them, and Palpatine knew what they were and how to pick at them because he helped bury them. Palpatine was a mentor figure, but primarily he was Anakin's enabler- he was absolutely closer to Obi-wan. Which is why Palpatine framed Anakin's eventual fall as "choose between Padme and Obi-wan" and didn't make his move until Obi-wan was off planet. Jedi don't abandon or suppress emotions- they just endeavor not to be ruled by them- "Feel, don't think" "Stretch out with your feelings" "Be mindful of your feelings". The idea is if they know what thoughts/impulses/desires are their own, they can tell when they're feeling something from the Force, and follow those instead. They care plenty, but not in the way Anakin grew up relying on with his mother. That doesn't make their way *wrong* any more than Anakin's is wrong- it just means he had to change himself to adapt to their ways, or accept that their ways weren't for him. He did neither, so he broke everything instead.