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Reaction: https://youtu.be/mB1k6NvdsLo 

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/575450918/1b6628c445

Clone Wars 19 (115)

Reaction: https://youtu.be/zhZvGNl7Vus

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/566587223/b13c355755




Great reaction guys

Zen Reacts

You guys seriously need to watch the shorts. Youd understand more about Ilia and what happened with her parents


One more thing about Dooku and the Separatists. The average Separatist, like the citizens who make up the Separatist planets, are good people who just want fair governance and independence. However, Dooku and the upper military leadership of the Separatists are evil. Dooku used to genuinely care about the Separatist cause, and that is one reason he left the Jedi Order. But Palpatine corrupted him to the dark side afterwards. Palpatine had Dooku co-opt the Separatist movement so they would be controlled opposition. Dooku doesn’t actually care about the Separatists anymore and doesn’t intend for them to win. The Separatists are to lose the war and the Republic is to become the Empire. The reason the Separatists commit so many war crimes and the Republic doesn’t is so the Republic (and later it’s successor the Empire) can have the moral high ground. Dooku ensures this by making sure the rest of the Separatist leadership (Grievous, the Viceroy, etc.) are corrupt, and that the Separatist Senate has very little real power and control over the war effort. The average Separatist didn’t even want war in the first place. Palpatine and Dooku engineered all that for the Sith takeover of the galaxy. It’s really horrible when you think about it. A manufactured war that didn’t need to happen. Quadrillions of beings had to die for the game of Sith. And that’s Dooku’s character arc. Once a principled and good person who was willing to call out the Jedi and the Republic on its failures, but became consumed with only power and greed in the end, abandoning his principles and leaving trillions of people who believed in him to die. Ironically Dooku thought he would be part of Palpatine’s new Empire, but even after betraying everyone else, he couldn’t see Palpatine’s betrayal coming.


Regarding Palpatine's overall plans: Palpatine’s ultimate goal is to become the supreme ruler of the galaxy. He wants to re-establish the ancient Sith Empire of old, with him as its Emperor. First, The Phantom Menace is all about Palpatine organizing the Trade Federation’s blockade of his own home planet, Naboo, to make the current Chancellor look weak so that the Senate would replace him with Palpatine as the new Chancellor and head of the Republic. Then, Palpatine’s plan was to start a galaxy-wide conflict (The Clone Wars) that will strike such fear into the hearts of the people of the galaxy that they will willingly submit to his rule. That they will exchange their personal freedoms for the security of his rule. The Separatists are just controlled opposition, and Palpatine had Dooku co-opt them. The Separatists were always supposed to lose. They were a needed threat so that the Republic would have an excuse to build up a military, which the Republic didn’t have before the war. And Palpatine needed a military to sustain his dictatorship in his new Empire after the war. Palpatine’s true goal was to have the Republic Senate give the Office of the Chancellor emergency wartime powers to deal with the crisis. Sort of like when Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas corpus during the Civil War, or when Franklin Roosevelt put Japanese people in internment camps after Pearl Harbor, or the PATRIOT Act after 9/11. Palpatine needed an unprecedented crisis to make the Senate legally give him dictatorial powers, which he promised to give up when the war ended, but he ultimately didn’t of course and declared himself Emperor, which wasn’t difficult as Palpatine held all power in the Republic at this point and the Senate was essentially a pointless body. In addition, the population of the galaxy was so scared and beaten by the Clone Wars that many willingly embraced his dictatorship, just like he intended. Palpatine wanted to keep the Clone Wars going for as long as possible so it could have maximum effect in destabilizing the galaxy. It ultimately lasts nearly four years. By the time of Revenge of the Sith, the Republic is on the brink of victory over the Separatists and the Jedi are close to discovering his identity, so Palpatine enacts his endgame, making Anakin his new apprentice, initiating Order 66, and declaring himself Emperor.

Marcel Vaughan

Blake's last name, Belladonna plays a key role in the future for a Weiss schnee story. Belladonna is a poisonous plant and Snow White was poisoned by a Apple dipped in poison. Now, where do Belladonna's grow and and where is the Snow White story originate from?

Shak Vids

Its honestly on Roosterteeth for hiding them in a separate video list. IMO the 4 OG trailers should be tacked on to the shorter, less action heavy episodes of volume 1. World of Remnants could be episode intros. Episodes are already inconsistent lengths, they've made and paid for this awesome content, since it's must-see they should be part of episodes and not homework

Zen Reacts

Or they could actually listen to the people paying for patreon and watch them before hand like everyone else did. Its not on roosterteeth for anything. This is the way delivered it and every other reactor ive watched has gone through it. And the only reason wor videos are separate was for budgetary and production restrictions

Marcel Vaughan

Just stop and think about what I said. I'm not trying to argue.

Gray Dmitriev

He didn't mean it like that, it's merely a neat allusion to their respective origins and then RT tied it into Atlas arc primarily.