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Ahsoka nervously takes command when too many lives are at stake.

Reaction: https://youtu.be/fzXBsqyX_f4

Uncut: video above


Edwin Ayala

Fun fact, Ahsoka is the third oldest person in that fleet. Remember, all the clones are only 10 years old lol. They’re ALL child soldiers in adult bodies.

Edwin Ayala

Ahsoka be pulling a Thrawn at the end there, lol.


Apologies in advance for the long comment. The reason Palpatine started the war and dragged it out for as long as he did was by dragging it out longer he made people hate the war more and want an end to come, no matter the cost. If the war ended quickly, people may not have believed the whole 'The Jedi were going to take over!!' lie that Palpatine told everyone. So, the war drags on, and on, and on, and on, for way too long. But Palpatine is there to lead the Republic to victory every time, and to inspire hope! He's regarded as this great leader during this awful time and people look to him and the Jedi for hope. But then he spends all this time making the Jedi into warmongers, which they weren't. They were actually conscripted by the Senate because the Jedi had to listen and do as the Senate wished. By the end of the war, people had begun to think of Jedi and War in the same thought, because wherever there was a battle, there was a Jedi leading the troops.

Daniel R

Suraj: "Are we the baddies??" Well the Republic does eventually become the Empire sooo..... lol

Taheah Shahdaiah

What alot of people don't know about anakin was that he was groomed by palpatine since he was a small boy. When he was growing up at the temple he was pretty much bullied by the other jedi children and being different. Yoda and mace then let him hang out with palpatine since he offered to get the boy used to being on a new planet. He took him places and became a father figure to him. He basically groomed anakin to be his apprentice since he was a kid because the jedi didn't know how to deal with a child missing his mother.


Plus the longer the war was going, palpatine could gain more and more emergency powers / take power from the senate. I believe this will be a topic in future episodes tho

Estevan Sandoval

Please do double uploads of clone wars. This arc is where the show really kicks off


Ahsoka is a Togruta, and answering Chris' question, yes, you have seen more of them. Jedi Shaak-Ti is also a Togruta and she appeared briefly in the films and more prominently in the Clone Wars episode 'Clone Cadets', which you've seen already.


It'd be awesome to get double. Not only because of more amazing TCW content, but also because it will maybe allow them to finish the show before Mandalorian S3 (which will very likely continue some storylines introduced here)


Chris: The Jedi keep doing risky shit with clones. Pong Krell: Hold my beer


I was literally going to start posting a "___ Weeks until Krell" counter on all the Friday premium CW releases, but I can't remember if they're watching chronologically or by date of release

Emmanuel Roberson

Can't wait to S3, When the show becomes one of the greatest action animation shows of all time, and Ansoka becomes one of the greatest Star Wars characters of all time.


If you wanna learn the accent of the clones, its Dee Bradley Bakers attempt at a kiwi accent which Temuera Morrison has. Though Dees portrayal is more of an american, australian mix.

Frankie H

To recap the previous Ryloth episode from months ago, Jedi master Ima-Gun Di (literally "I'm a gunna Die") and his clone force protecting the planet were killed in a heroic last stand. Because of Jar Jar's hijinks the republic was at least able to send the Twi'leks a food drop. Also, it's great when you guys read or paraphrase the comments. I really like that aspect of reaction videos. Thanks Suraj!


Y'all should remember that Ahsoka was already stubborn and reckless before she met Anakin, though meeting him might have made it...worse? lol

Colby Scroggins

This episode and arc is actually a continuation of the situation on Ryloth brought up in the episode "Supply Lines" which was like the third or fourth episode (not counting the movie being divided into three separate episodes) you watched in chronological order. It was the episode that had both Jedi Master Ima-Gun-Di and Captain Keeli getting killed as well as Bail and Jar Jar talking to the king of Toydaria to set up a deal to allow them to send relief aid supplies to the planet.