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Candice Blair

They are right they added more people to the picnic scene.

Alex cleveland

Yalls reaction to the Juju scroll got me dead asf😂


the people they fought weren't the kids from the theater, one was the ticket woman (she had that watch) and the other was some other bystander Kurama isn't a japanese myth, but the nine-tailed fox is- the strongest kitsune (fox spirits) have nine tails because they've lived like a thousand years


The other transformed human was actually the Janitor of the movie theater. When Junpei runs out of the movie screening right outside you can see a janitors work cart and uniform laying on the ground, which is why when we first see him transformed he mentions detergent (cleaning product)

Michael Davies

If it wasn't clear revealing ones cursed techniques is important in the show. By explaining your techniques to your opponent, even partially, the technique becomes more effective. This will be touched upon more as the story continues. Pacts are one of the most interesting things in the show, much like HxH. And this is just one of them that is used to help Sorcerers and Cursed spirits in battles. Offering up information that would possibly help your opponent counter your ability in exchange for more power/better effects.


I *thought* the other one was identified lmao but I couldn't remember OH and curses also will repeat seemingly random words and phrases- usually in some way related to the emotions that spawned them- which is why that didn't raise any flags for Nanami and Yuji. But yeah these two were probably talking about what they were thinking about before Mahito got them


And Gojo's eye showing is new as of this episode iirc Junpei's been at the picnic from the start, though, with Yuji, Megumi and Gojo


Another thing to note is they weren't actually curses, rather they were humans filled with and transformed by cursed energy, which is part of Mahitos cursed technique. Without going into spoilers they are more akin to Panda as opposed to being real/full curses/cursed spirits. Which is probably the reason why they said what they said because there is still some semblance of humanity inside of them.