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This is why we don't bully people!


Deji Sauce

I’m eating good this Monday


Gojo with the old school 8=D 😂

Emiliano Reyes Andrade

I´m not sure if you guys catched it but they mentioned here that by revealing your technique to your oponent it makes it stronger, so it´s their way to justify the classic anime troop


EyeBuyDirect has some nice Gojo-style glasses just lettin y'all know lmao, just look up Guru and Graham styles

Javier V2221

I love how in depth they are getting into the lore of JJK by going back and analyzing important scenes.

Alex cleveland

Big dick energy Nanami this ep. Also small pepe energy Gojo this ep as well !!!!!!!

Luisa MiNami

The scene with the cigarette is them putting them out on junpeis forehead . When mahito removes his bangs you can see the scars.


In jjk revealing their own techniques makes it more effective to the enemy! so like their attack gets a buff for taking a risk..

Jessica Conrad

i loved you guys going back through it to make sure you understood everything! definitely feel free to keep doing that ahaha


Nanami's technique being is a 7:3 ratio is a reference to the stereotypical salaryman hairstyle, which is parted at a 7:3 ratio +fun fact- Ijichi (the assistant) is 26, Nanami is 27, and Gojo is 28, so all of them have known each other since school (also Gojo might secretly be a vampire stealing their youth because what the hell)

Alex cleveland

Also I really like the fact that u guys went back and revisited some scenes from the ep and then discuss them. Thats a really cool way to completely understand everything! Its also a great way to discuss stuff and bring up ideas!!! Especially since Jujutsu Kaisen is kinda info heavy with plot points and just information about the world. The power system is also very interesting and descriptive! Love ur guys' reactions as always👍🏽


The first transformed human was the girl working in the ticket booth. She was wearing the same watch that Nanami saw and when Junpei bought his ticket from her she was eating from a lunch box, hence why it was saying "Lunchbox". The other transformed human was some one from the cleaning staff. When Junpei runs out of the movie screening he runs past a janitors work cart and uniform laying on the ground, you can see it again when Itadori and Nanami are talking inside the theater. Which is why it was saying "detergent" (cleaning product).


i am SO hyped for these reactions, this season really just got better and better and surpassed my expectations. you're getting closer to the best parts. also this show really is very modern even in the raw japanese, the writer is very young, he's in his twenties and is a very quirky, liberal guy living in tokyo.


I really love this discussions!!! Keep it up guys!!!! This cozy 4 is one hella smart bunch here to catch on some details!


I also assumed 7:3 was a reference to an 8 hour workday, but maybe it's just the hair parting


also about what mickey said about japanese bullies, bullying is actually a huge problem in japan. like it's a problem everywhere but it gets downright abusive there a lot of the time.


The 9 tailed fox isn't a god in Japanese folklore. Like no one worshipped it like u would for a god. It was demon that people feared, and it was usually a protector of something. General Japanese folklore just show up in anime because it's part of their culture. The monkey king is another famous one. It was mentioned very briefly in the OG Naruto.


That shit was just cruel. I don't understand bullying like that. It's more like assault at that point. Couldn't he show his scars to the police to put the bullies in jail?


No it is japanese folklore. I was just saying it's not a god, it was a demon that people feared. I just commented bc Nahid kept calling 9 tails a god. I feel he's getting confused bc they brought up American Gods the show. They're not comparable either way.


Japan scares me sometimes. They're bullying is downright sadistic. It pushes ppl to stop going to school all together and just lock themselves away. They're called hikikomori and it's sad to learn about them.


Just a heads up, Mahito isn't a human. As he explained, humans fear of natural disasters and folk stories eventually causes curse energy to conjure up and take form as Curses. Mahito is the embodiment of hatred and fear humans have for one another, which he told Junpei, which is why he looks human but he's a full fledge curse


Wait the monkey king as in like god of high school type of monkey king?


Y’all don’t realize how strong gojo is! When he was born people literally shitted their pants (metaphorically) and ppl were scared of him as a kid not like kid naruto just that ppl didn’t want to fight him or anything like that.


Can’t wait till Gojo’s origin is animated hopefully next season. It’s so good


Also they day cursed techniques out loud because they are more efficient when explained. Kind of like a condition

Jenna Creighton

Nahid saved himself from fully agreeing with that, “If you have boobs, they’re gonna be looked at,” line lol. In this case, the girl was just making stuff up for attention, and no one deserves to be abused for that, but like…no one should have their boobs ogled/stared at merely cause they have boobs. That’s harassment and is super demeaning/uncomfortable.

Arindrajit Sen

It's a new age anime. The other ones you guys watched until now were started quite a few years ago. But JJK is pretty new so it's supposed to be modern. It's more relatable and has lot of western influence to it. One of the reason it being so pupular.

Arindrajit Sen

That's the effect the toxic naruto fanbase that you had to specify that he wasn't scared off of like kid Naruto. Sometimes it hurts to see why my favourite anime's fandom is so bad.

Arindrajit Sen

14:01 They didn't force feed Junpei cigarettes. That black and white flashback for a second was to them pushing the burning cigarette on Junpei's forehead. You can see he has burn marks.


Man I love Jujutsu Kiasen one of my favorites and glad your trying to understand and learn more about it, and poor Junpei I cried when I saw these episodes its sad you gotta love it when manga/anime takes real world problems and tries to teach us a lesson.