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Uncut - My Hero Academia - 5x13 (101) Have a Merry Christmas!

This is "Uncut - My Hero Academia - 5x13 (101) Have a Merry Christmas!" by The Normies on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love...



been waiting on this one lol


damn no nahid in the thumbnail? I was wanting him to see this

Alex cleveland

I keep forgetting yall react to MHA lmao


I saw someone say Shoto's socially inept cause he was raised mainly under his father

Quinton Campbell


eric lemieux

i dont know if they know camie was toga precisely, but they do know that camie was drugged and replaced during the test. it was mentioned when we met the real camie last season. easy thing to forget as it was a pretty minor thing in the calm before the storm


Shoto isn't dumb, he's just socially inept.


not a spoiler, but you should be getting your wish for better female hero fights in the next season.


This season has been...kinda dull so far tbh

Alex Mills

Are we getting the fast 6 movie tonight?

Alex cleveland

facts. MHA has been losing hype for me after S4 bad writing and boring arcs here and there. S5 better but still lacking in some aspects. I feel like MHA has 50 training arcs in the show lol. I don't hate that but it gets over repetitive.

Champion Bescos

It’s insane how dark and grim and constantly action packed the manga is now (and has been for nearly a year). People hating on season 4 and 5 will get their wish come seasons 6 and 7, but it may be too late for the more ADD prone out there who have already written the show off (due to pacing issues with Studio BONES). To each their own, I guess, but I hope people stick it out.

Alex cleveland

I don't want action. I mean I would love action but im talking about overall the plot or storyline of S4 and S5. Its training arc after training arc. Also know that Class-1A is still in their fucking 1ST YEAR of the U.A...... lol. It feels like the plot progression has gotten slower and slower throughout S4 and S5. And the Overhaul arc wasnt great. The ending was mad anticlimactic.... MHA S4 and S5 is having some struggles like Fire Force, if ppl have watched Fire Force, u should also know that show has issues with sequence plot and progression... Now examples like AOT, Demon Slayer, JJK, always shows progression in storyline and characters!


This guy named alex is an idiot bro. Bet he doesn't even read any manga and just judges from bullshit. AoT killed its entire story with its god awful ending. Demon slayer is basic and generic. It does nothing outside the box. The main villain was a letdown. JJK is good and it gets linked up with MHA by manga readers because they are both the best written currently in shonen jump. Chainsaw man is greatly written as well but it isn't current anymore.


This is made for teenagers to young adults. You guys just need to stop complaining about the fan service they add in. It is getting annoying at this point. MHA has fan service to appeal the young adults and teenagers. It isn't even really that forced. Not as some other anime. It also isn't super often and mineta is usually the prime focus for it cause it helps with his comedy.


Also I think you guys missed that best jeanist was missing. Remember he wasn't missing he was just recovering from his bad damage from all for one. They showed subtitles on screen saying that best jeanist was missing but I don't think you guys noticed fully what that meant. So be on the lookout for that in the near future.


@Alex cleveland I suggest you go look up the SOS bros and watch their latest reaction and discussion to episode 14. You will see just how well the writing is getting because they explain a lot of it and they are just anime only. Even anime only people that are smart know how good MHA is starting to get. Manga readers already know it but SOS bros are very good at detecting things in stories and how writing actually works.


One more thing.... The writing is about to get more complex and a lot more serious. Next episode you will most likely if not definitely get confused. The series is going into a direction where multiple threads are in place and a lot is going on. This is going to be the best MHA has to offer from here on out. It starts off slow this season but by the next 2 or 3 episodes you will see it really change and pick up the pace. It is going to get serious and darker than it ever has been before. People who are anime only are shitting on MHA cause of this past arc. If you don't like it that is fine but don't expect MHA to be total shit just because you have kids doing academic portions of the story and making sure you get to see where they have grown and they needed to introduce the class B characters because they will show up in the future. It was at least important for you to see their quirks. Give it another couple of weeks and you will see the vast difference and switch up. All of this in season 5 the last wholesome stuff we get so it should be enjoyed. Nothing is staying wholesome from here on out.

Champion Bescos

@Alex, oh, I respect that man. But the majority of people writing off the show are looking for action more so than character progression, which I’ll argue there really has been. Endeavor and his family, Hawks especially, and even Deku with his new power; they have all had layers added t their character. The problem, however, is the pacing the past few seasons, which is largely due to Studio Bones. Besides finding a balance between producing this show, it’s movies, and other projects, without overworking it’s staff like MAPPA currently is, Bones also wants to end seasons on better arcs. Their early seasons were criticized for having strong beginnings and middle arcs and weak endings, so to fix that they have drug chapters out and even rearranged arcs to better fit their 25 episode formula and end on a high note (the Billboard/HighEnd Arc last season, MVA arc this one). This makes the low points of season 4 and 5 seem really slow and uneventful, but the high points really condensed and amazing. It’s… a bold strategy and it seems to not be paying off with some fans. I can promise this, though; the story, the character depth, the action - they are ALL there in the manga currently, and have been for some time. Stick with it bro.


Oh...it's the shit-poster guy. The one who insults shows he doesn't like, calling those "trash" and whatnot. Like I always say, toxic fandom does not exist, toxic people do. This is an example of a toxic person who happens to be in the MHA fandom.


Lol I was curious and looked up this guy's comment history. Yikes. WIsh Patreon had a downvote feature lol

Erich Bomke

They definitely have a narrow mindset when it comes to media being reacted too. As for this post, is it really needed? Like is any of the paragraph you wrote needed as a comment. Its not like Normies said "this episode sucked, we aren't watching any more of it ever". So because they ARE going to react to the future episodes, telling them about future episodes is kind of inconsequential.

Alex cleveland

@Kryptonite lol calm tf down im not taking shit about ur family my guy, gotdamn 😂. Im just having critical analysis of what MHA has been doing the last season and this season. U say buildup, yet how much fucking buildup do u need?? Plus I do not read the manga, so stop giving hints and stop assuming that I read manga because clearly im just talking about the anime only stuff 🤦🏽‍♂️. Plus ur opinions on other anime is so ass lmao. Who tf says Demon Slayer is complete ass, JJK takes a lot from MHA, and AOT is overall trash because apparently the manga ending is bad (Which is lowkey hints, so stop it asshole). Ur just a huge delusion STANboy. 🤷🏽‍♂️ I cant really agrue with a guy thats gonna have the same argument over and over again. Even if I say something that makes completely sense, ur just gonna say stupid shit like "read the manga" or "they kids, they need to train 50 times in the show for their 1st of U.A." MHA has been in their 1st years for the entire damn show.... And u think having 20 training arcs EVERY season makes sense and needs to happen? ok, like I said I love MHA but ima be a critic if a show I like seems kinda bland here and there

Alex cleveland

@Champion Bescos Oh ima def stick with MHA to the end man for sure! And yeh, I did hear they rearrange arcs in S5 so thats pretty interesting. Im still happy and like S5 but im just missing that S1,S2, and S3 greatnesses that MHA brought. It seems to decrease in story and character screen time for other characters. But overall, cant wait for more👍🏽

Christophe Kanaa

I don't want to defend Kryptonite guy but MHA has 1 real training arcs (the first all might training with Bakugou vs Izuku, begining of Kamino and begining of the internship are only in the begining.... The other school stuff are 3 exams ( end of season 2, end of end of season 3 and begining of this season. Now if you count how many exmas you get in a school year the definitely haven't done that much compare to our society and the number of exams we have in a year, yet it was specifically said in the anime that last arc was the exam before the end of the year... So 3 Exams before going 2 year after the work study probably. Other than that everything else is either slice of life of the kids having fun or them being on a mission. You probably exaggerated on the number but still you make it seems sooo high as if it were not normal stuff.


Yeah, they worked out it was Toga when Deku saw her using her quirk during the Overhaul raid and recognized the goop from her transforming


lol Shouto's always been super blunt and very literal "You think you can help people as the fish turds you currently are???" "Well I could help indirectly as fertilizer-" "WRONG" He's just usually interacting with people who are fine with skipping small talk (+ lowkey doesn't see himself as attractive because of the burn scar- ex when Momo's flustered after he compliments her plan they used to beat Aizawa, he asks if she's feeling nauseous) Also- Bakugo drinking alcohol? Bakugo goes to bed at 8:30, is 3rd in the class grade-wise, and chewed out his friends for smoking because if they got in trouble it could hurt his chances of getting into UA. In practice he's actually more straight-laced than *Iida*, who tried to kill a guy lol


Now that y’all are done with death note y’all should react to The rising of the shield hero has potential to one of best reaction show


MHA and complex are two words that don’t belong in the same sentence together. MHA is good but it definitely ain’t complex.

Alex cleveland

@Christophe Kanaa lmao ofc I exaggerated the number of training arcs. I understand that a lot of the training arcs r necessary, ofc they are. However, imo I don't think MHA needs a training arc every single season lol. And they r very long training arcs as well. They sometimes take half the season. I will say tho, one of the training arcs is one of my fav arcs in MHA. Its just that they tryna make every character shine and that takes the story to a complete slow down and kinda forces character development on ppl that seem wont have a further impact later down the show at all.


I love how he trashes so many other animes and peoples enjoyment of them, as if he's some sort of anime connoisseur and yet at the same time finds MHA "Complex" 😂🤣😂


@Kryptonite Cmon dude we all know Alex is a moron but that's no reason for you to go on a 20 comment rant.


Im sure someone else said it but you gotta realize shoto's been super sheltered so i dont think its that far fetched for him to be so socially awkward. edit: or im just impatient cause suraj just said the same thing posted lol sorrry

Alex cleveland

@Mo Ur mama is a hoe and thats y ur a built like a pussy. U want no smoke on discord VC cause I will dawg shit ur clown ass on any discussion and I would ratio tf outta u🤷🏽‍♂️ Mo aint got no bitches; still holding grudges and talking shit for no reason 😂


I just don't like morons. Also you've never linked your discord @ once you pussy 😤

Alex cleveland

@Mo wow Mo, u discriminate against ppl who r stupid and who can be considered “slow,” wow would a great person u r. I don’t care who I hang out wit, if they cool ppl then ima fuck with them no matter what’s going on with them. It seems ur a horrible person too Mo👀😬. I’m glad I don’t fuck wit ppl like u. I alr know what type of person u r on after this comment. Smh, ur a L human being. Basically ur a menace to society 😆😂😂. And I gave u my discord u blind bat lol. U just tryna avoid smoke cause ur family built a solidified P.U.S.S.Y. I’ll give it to u once again since ur such a hoe: ACee#6055. Friend me and then ima VC ur bitch ass. We can even bring more ppl if u wanna feel more comfortable joining me 🤷🏽‍♂️😂

Alex cleveland

U need to stop complaining about other ppls taste of other shows u asshole. That’s what u need to do!

Pervy Sage

has anyone mentioned Shoto being sheltered yet? because he is

Matt $

Christmas? Bruhs it's July