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Kageyama is back on the court to help push Karasuno to a third set against Oikawa and Seijoh in Season 1 Episode 22 of Haikyuu!

Reaction: https://youtu.be/j8WFuK6RgZM

Uncut: video above



"sugas not that good" lmaoooo


This is Dustins show right? Thank you Dustin 💚☺️

Alex cleveland

Oikawa is a good leader lol. Idk where yall see Oikawa being like old Kageyama. Oikawa is not demanding and hes not yelling at his players everytime they mess up or don't score a point. U guys think Oikawa is a douche on the court and off because he likes to get into peoples head, especially Kageyama's. Oikawa acts very competitive, especially towards Kageyama because thats his underling. Its ok though if yall still don't understand this. U gotta play sports, watch sports, and have annoying rivals to go against in sports to understand that dynamic of Oikawa.👍🏽 Oikawa is the best written character thus far in the show. U just don't have the sports perspective


i know nothing about sports, so i went in it for the story and the characters. and i still understood where oikawa is coming from. i don’t care if they don’t like his personality but jeez at least understand what’s happening.


Normies when Karasuno playfully tease teammates vs when Oikawa does it: https://i.imgflip.com/3hpm69.png

Blue Sapphire

There are some double standards going on when Oikawa is messing with his teammates and when Karasuno is messing around lol. When Oikawa does it he's a dick but when Hinata/Tanaka/Tsukki/Nishinoya/ANYONE in Karasuno does it, it's just banter?


Oikawa is one of the best written characters on the show. That’s not me being biased it’s just facts. I’m just wondering how they’ll react to the future players they’ll come to meet who are just as competitive as Oikawa.


100% facts. i don’t understand what’s wrong with being cocky or confident in your own skills. i mean they work hella hard and it shows. hinata is always saying he’ll win when his skills are below average…i love karasuno, all the teams honestly. i love the diff dynamic. but even they acknowledges the other teams skills. and repeatedly shows us their thought process. so i just don’t get the unjustified hate for the other teams.


The hate on Oikawa isn't that bad they are still in season 1 chill guys , they haven't seen much yet


The hate on the far right of the couch... jesus it’s a show with great characters on both teams. Hating a player for being great is just dumb

kevin (btw i'm a girl)

True but I’ve seen reactors hate him from season 1 all through season 4. And it showed him running and those reactors were either saying ew or oh god not him


It’s weirdly satisfying seeing everyone in the comments being respectful to the show and different opinions on oikawa while the reactors are being children for the most part 😂


the salt is strong in that one. more than tsukki, didn’t think that was possible.


Agreed, and the show does a great job of showing how even oikawa can see his junior getting better, he isn’t ignorant but he’s also a great leader to show his team he is still the better player

Storm King

Everyone pretty much defended Oikawa already with their comments but the thing I want to point out is that this flash back episode was meant to show you that Oikawa is indeed putting the teams needs over his own. After his friend stopped him from hitting Kageyama when he was stressed about not betting that other team he was told that he is not in the game by himself, it takes 6 people to win. After that pep talk his personality really did change. Instead of working hard to be the best he now works hard to bring out the best in his team.


Hoping for a double drop for the last 2 episodes.

kevin (btw i'm a girl)

Exactly. He doesn’t give off being a bad person honestly. I guess people get mad when he’s insulting kurasuno’s players but it is a competition most players trash talk each other. It’s not like he’s saying anything really bad like kill yourself or something. If he did I could understand the hate.


karasuno be doing the same thing and it’s cool but whatever oikawa does he’s an ass. let my guy breathe lol


lol! right! they be acting like he slapping ppl left and right. at this point i want him to throw hands, than ppl will actually have something to back up their comments


Double episodes for the last two? (24 & 25)


Guys chill I’m pretty sure they’ll change their perspective on oikwawa and tsuki later on. So just bear with them since it’s only the first season.


i rather have 23 & 24 together to conclude the game.


their not trying to make them like the characters. their correcting them on things that they misinterpreted.


*Oikawa has an emotional moment where he vows to defeat Shiratorizawa and Kageyama in a friendly, competitive, sports way* Marketa: "What the fuck is your problem dumbass?" ?????


I think a good example of this in the episode is before Oikawa got some sense beat into him he was saying I need to win and I am going to do this, but afterward he said we are going to win and we will make it to nationals.


i dont think oikawa slander is a big deal he isnt the most likeable person and like coach donny said you dont have to like every player thats good.


no one is telling them to like his character … ppl are just correcting things that they are misinterpreting.


suraj mickey and pat also acknowledged his skill


yeah your right. it’s the dictator comment and the double standards that irks me. but hey ig when your hella invested in one team, no one can talk smack to them unless it’s you lol.


guys relax. people have their own interpretation of things.


yeah thats how it is with most sports in real life though when a team you really like is losing you are going to be biased i think them being biased may not be liked but it adds a realistic reaction that shows they care about what is going on


NO EVERYONE HAS TO LIKE OIKAWA, I LIKE HIM SO EVERYONE MUST, thats how some of yall sound remember on your first watch through you viewed these characters different, im not going to force people to like tsukki when you dont learn about him and see his development until later, thats all

Champion Bescos

I disagree. I think the majority of people complaining don’t care if they like the character, just dislike that some of the Normies have repeatedly ignored or missed information about him that has expressly been stated and clarified, and instead they’re claiming the opposite. It’s a critique on their actual reacting (absorbing, processing, and retaining information), not their character preferences. (: Secondly, your Tsukki example is A) a spoiler, and B) a poor example. The majority of Oikawa’s backstory and the information needed to know he’s the opposite of what the Normies see him as has, has already been revealed over the past few episodes. The same can’t be said for Tsukishima and his complexities. I genuinely love the Normies, but it’s just like when they repeatedly miss things from MHA or from GoT days; it’s to be expected that fans will be quick to point out that they’re ‘objectively’ wrong about something. 😅 They’ve been doing this a while and have thicker skin than you give them credit for, plus the conversation from the fans in this thread has been fairly respectful.


I dont think them disliking oikawas personality is objectively wrong


we’re not saying they have to like his personality. their just misinterpreting what kind of player he is. and we’re just correcting them on the things that have been already stated or they missed.


We are not asking them to like him. Hell, even I didn’t like him starting the show but I related to his situation and understood his character. It wasn’t until later that I ended up liking him. Liking him and understanding him are two separate things. Everyone who’s discussing this has acknowledged that they don’t have to like Oikawa but to at least try to understand him and not trash on him for everything he’s been doing.


Who knows they may not be able to relate to him and i feel like they are only acting like this towards him because we are playing them which is making them understandably bias.


god damn, make your own react channel then if you want people to react the way you want too.