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Lester and Kima report for duty in the homicide unit while Cutty takes a new job rounding up kids for school in Season 4 Episode 4 of The Wire!

Reaction: https://youtu.be/Q-Q2S2DdFvk

Uncut: video above


Kamina 1

I like how no one but Spidey noticed the blasphemy of Marlo putting his sucker in an ashtray 🤮 lol

Kamina 1

An this is why Avon was correct in how he chose to deal with Marlo. Marlo makes people disappear. Where even your family will never know what's happened to you. The guy is genuinely terrifying, and imo the worst of the streets.

Philip G.

RIP Suraj I guess


I mean I don't think he intended to start suckin on it again X)

Kamina 1

If you check the comments for 4x1 reaction, he said he will likely be back by episode 5. If the group is wearing the same clothes in the next reaction, than expect him back in episode 6. So long as he doesn't change his mind again of course.

Pronto (SK)

How you managed to tie in Candace Owens with a city run (into the ground) by Democrats with an overwhelming number of liberal teachers is beyond me. Delusion is real.

20 16

Lmao yet you'll keep paying for for there service . Only delusional person is you


Talking like that to people ain’t gonna win you any converts to your way of thinking. It’s deconstructive, if you got views explain them to us, talk with us. All your doing with this rhetoric is deepening divisions, you just help to make the world slightly worse not slightly better.


The slow reveal of Michael being a victim of child abuse is so tragic but so well done by Tristan and the writers. The way he keeps his eyes down cast in shyness that is really shame. The way he constantly looks after his little brother Bug and then they reveal it subtly by showing him pulling away from Cutty and his inability to be comfortable or feel safe around grown men, even one who is reaching out in a positive way. The slow reveal of “Michael was Molested” is one of the best examples of “show don’t tell” storytelling I’ve ever seen. Yeah Rana, it’s gonna get rough, it’s gonna get really rough.

Pronto (SK)

20 16 I am delusional for supporting them? That's like saying all people of random race are bad if 1 person of said race committed murder. Kindly go F yourself. They are reacting to literally my favorite anime (Haikyuu) and TV series (The Wire). So I'll gladly support them while those 2 shows are running. Most of their reactors are interesting, others I choose to mostly ignore, unlike now. Also, you have unsubbed already (This patron isn’t supporting any creators at the moment.), why do you care? Is it to get more people to unsub, to give you some validation why you unsubbed?

Kenneth thomas

This legit might be my favorite season of television ever.


The city, and most cities like it, were "run into the ground" 60-80 years ago by redlining, White Flight, and the loss of manufacturing/industry jobs. Don't even get me started on mass incarceration. And The Wire is is your favorite show?!? Some people really just don't get it...


Just an fyi. Lime doesnt dissolve or speed up decay of remains but it does mask the odor.


One of my favorite scenes in this show is that brief shot of Bunny looking into a classroom and seeing a teacher doing a great job engaging the students (as a stark contrast to what Prez is doing so far). A tiny scene but it gets so many details right, from the energy of a teacher, her positive reinforcement of the children who *are* the most engaged, using a game to teach. Literally the exact qualities I've seen in teachers who work miracles. (too bad the system rewards teachers who "teach to the test" and not teachers who teach to cognitive and social-emotional growth).

Chaos T

"There was a buffalo war?" Damn it Pat........ 😂


Let's go! I got my food and drink ready for this, easily a weekly highlight! 😁


Fuq that crypt keeper looking you know what Candice Owens lol. Take your republican ass to another show


Exactly, how can he be a fan of the show and not know the history of why these cities are like this. Dude blames everything on dems. No milk for my cereal! The Dems fault!


Maketa using Candence Owens as a insult is literally the funniest thing ever 😂