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Subaru heads back to the Mansion.

Reaction: https://youtu.be/1JlGQf1CsLA

Uncut: video above



🇵🇸 good reaction 🇵🇸


where's that Naruto??

Mike Drop

Is it thursday ? No ! so wait for it like everyone else


Naruto is Wednesdays, although he is being annoying. He's been asking this since 4 AM lol

Jesse Collins

Fun fact: Rams wand is made from the material of her horn.


Well you see people were very rude to the Normies about fillers couple weeks ago...so now ever since then we get to get it later now n never early anymore :D nice job yall lol


@Lerak33 pretty flawed logic because they have also posted reactions at 8 am 9 am 10 am 11 am. They dont post these on a schedule they post them when they are ready.


Don't worry, you'll get your Emilia's trial/flashback episodes. But it might still take some episodes to get there, though =)

Brandon Miller

@Pam So then what is the point of asking? Just to annoy the fans of the other show? They are obviously going to post it as soon as it is ready. Do you guys really think that they see these comments asking "Where is Naruto?" and think "Oh shit, they are right! We forgot to post it!" It is dumb and unnecessary.


can you be a normal person and have some patience?

Axl Jones

are uncuts going back to vimeo in the future?

Kamina 1

I agree Micky. I would like a few episodes in a row where there is no twist, and it just focuses more on good old fashion storytelling. The twist aspect can feel a bit unnecessary, and silly at times.

Giorgi Kvernadze

oh boy, you'll gonna get quite a bit of that at the end of the first half of this season

Giorgi Kvernadze

Just one thing I'd like to mention/correct a bit. ram didn't remember something out of a previous loop. Because rem is basically been erased from everyone's minds, the events of the whole mobbeast hounds event is kinda clouded for her, since rem was such a big part in it.