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YASUKE: This show isn't replacing anything. it's just something Suraj Pat and Micky fired off 1 day because everyone was out of the office.

NARUTO: We combined 179 + 180 into 1 episode with just the canon parts.



Bliss 28

2 shippuden episodes. 1 filler 1 canon 🥵🤮🥵


They really posted another filler ._.


^calm down




we back on canon 🔥


This was addressed in the update post Suraj wrote last week. He explained that we triple dropped last week to keep there from being 2 straight weeks of filler only.


Hey Jazmin! In our update post written by Suraj last week, we addressed that we triple dropped to avoid two straight weeks of fillers only.

Dean Cyphers

They already explained why they triple dropped fillers last week so they wouldn’t have to drop fillers two weeks in a row before getting back to canon episodes, hence the final filler 180.


So what foreign show is replacing Dark


Looking forward to the spin of the reaction wheel 🤞

Pedro Rufino

I hope they start Jujutsu Kaisen anytime soon


So is the Dark trio gone?

Kamina 1

LMAO 🤣 To the people that didn't pay attention last week. Let the flame wars.... RESUME!


I think a monthly schedule would resolve a lot of the issues people have with your filler schedule. For me I'm gonna stay subscribed to patreon either way cuz i watch other shows yall do. 4 filler episodes is pretty lame even if you did split it up so we got one canon episode.


180 is a supercut of canon material yall. Stop getting angry

Golekane (Dark Ocean)

Y'all should try reacting to Tokyo Ghoul after death note or after parasite to the maxim


I agree, a monthly schedule would a lot more easier and beneficial to both the crew and editors since they'd only post monthly and patrons would know what to expect for the month they're pledged for.


Isn't their little bits of 179 that are canon? Like when they're discussing Kakashi being put forth as a hokage canditate?

ALi Karam

I got tired of talking about this another bad week


Glad we are seeing 180 because parts are canon but more than anything? We get that new intro and especially ED. They'll only see the ED once but that ED is one of the best in the series.


Might as well do all the filler


The entire thing? I think RE gets pretty confusing if you're not reading along. I'd love that or Blue Exorcist though. Or even something like Young Justice.


When will you guys watch Jujutsu Kaisen?


demon slayer mugen train. when?


Yall said filler was over last week bruh


yes they should have done Shadow and Bone


Why is this series called Yasuke taking priority over other anime? Why would I care about that? If another slot opened up for an anime series on monday I can name off multiple good anime to fill it up with.

Aj Shaniq

YALL Elité on Netflix deserves some love


How about epi 179 for naruto shippuden?


Why don’t they just spit in our faces and rob there fan base that gives them the most view. It’s a shame, I try to hard to just stay subscribed but this might be my last month.


Did you read our update post from last week written by Suraj? This week's Naruto Shippuden reactions were addressed there.

Johnny Blue

Canon parts of 179 are edited into a 180 edit by Keep It Zen. That's what the 180 is this week.


We combined 179 + 180 into 1 episode with just the canon parts.

Morgan Le Fay

Damn. Naruto fans stay coming for the Normies’ necks😩. Chill.


@kennicapone Sorry your comment got accidentally deleted but here is the response: We combined 179 + 180 into 1 episode with just the canon parts.

Johnny Blue

FYI: 180 is an edit done by Keep It Zen that combines canon parts of 179 into 180. 180 was recorded before the backlash last week. After this, it's back to the Naruto episode guide.

Weston Coley

No disrespect but why not do this from the beginning makes a lot of sense Like you could do one filler and one cannon episode or monthly or my last option or sorry opinion posted an hour before or at the same time so both parties are satisfied but yeah


Please react to line of duty!!!


No worrys, but my comment had nothing to do with that :D I just said i will cancel my subscription because dark is also getting replaced by an anime. So there is currently nothing on your schedule that looks interesing to me. Maybe i will come back in a few months, if there`s someting that looks interesting to me. But to everyone else: have fun with the current shows :D


Keep up the great work Normies!! I would watch all the filler happily with y'all! 😁

Jimmy Wise

I almost wish Patreon gave Normies the power to revoke memberships for some of these toxic people...

Jimmy Wise

They wouldn't lose that much overall...and if it cleanses this comment section, it's worth it


God I defended people complaining last week because I thought maybe it's a lack of communication, but I see now that I was wrong. This weeks Naruto situation was clearly communicated. People just don't read.


I had alot of criticism too but now it's clear that eps. 180 is a cut of the canon pieces, so people can stop whining now lmao. I am getting the feeling that people are complaining and hating just to hate at this point.

Johnny Blue

It's way easier to bitch and moan than read what was already stated.


Toxic Naruto fans Has Joined the Chat


They already do have that power. They just choose not to use it because it is stupid to throw away all that money. https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/207982093-Block-a-patron


It was not clearly communicated at the start. Last week Suraj implied that the fillers would be for one week only. Then this post went up and people saw another filler with no explanation. Then, the Normies went crazy in the comments replying to everyone that 180 is just a cut of canon pieces. And since then, the Normies have edited the original post to put that message in there. It was definitely not there at the start.


To be fair, the whining happened before the Normies explained about 180 being canon. The Normies have edited the original post to put an explanation in there.


Not about the edit cannon parts you'll be releasing. But about Iruka's fillers from last week: The problem with reacting to fillers is that when you watch it for free, you can certainly take it, but when you pay a montly subscription, you know those fillers took some money from you. A 10 dollar for a US citizen may be nothing, but here in brazil that's R$60,37. It's really something. Not hating, just so people can understand why someone might complain.


Really you go with the fillers? wtf i hate this bullshit

Edgar Cervantes

Lol straight trash. We hated watching fillers for free back when we were waiting for canon episodes to come out so why would you make your subscribers pay to watch fillers?


Why waste your time hating? just move onto the next video reaction.


HEY!!! The fillers are important in the Naruto Series! It gives them the opportunity to connect with All the characters especially the side characters in a way that you simply can't in the Main Story of the show. You have already seen the show guys so why are you in a rush? Shut up and enjoy the Whole of these Reactors Journey. Love You Normies!!!


i appreciate you guys, fuck the whiners


I'm fine with them watching some of the filler and all but the only one I really wanted them to watch was 194 and looks like that won't happen :(