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Hey all. We just wanted to let you know that our editor Hunter is working through an issue with today's Naruto Shippuden reactions. We will still have them up today as soon as they are ready, but it will be a bit later than usual. We really appreciate your patience today!

Thank you,

The Normies



Thank you for the heads up !


Thank you guys so much for the head work we really appreciate you 🙏🏽


You got this hunter , those claim bots will never stop you💪💪

Gabriel Moreira

nah... its fillers now right? so you can take all the time you need my man :)


Can't wait


Thanks ☺️👍


All i ever need is an update, thanks!


Ok cool👍🏽


Eyy communication all I really could ask for.


No worries I don’t think anyone here minds waiting for fillers ❤️🙏🏼


It's okay. Won't watch fillers anyway but do your thing guys.


I dunno about Filler, but it's going to be a while till we get to the next "set piece" as it were.


It’s fillers so I’m gonna skip this weeks reactions


The discontinue membership is always there for you guys complaining lmao...

Alex cleveland

All good guys! Thx for working hard!


I guess he doesn't have the speed of Hunter!


Re Zero just dropped i can wait ☝🏽


Gracias for the update!


Hurry tf up😉


Is the issue, that you watched filler? hahaha, take your time!

Johnny Blue

Good luck Hunter. Thanks for the update.




Hunter!!! You got this!!! 😭😭😭


Please do not do the fillers the majority of people do not want them only a few people on discord.


Discord spoilers is hyped for the filler unlike patreon lol

Mike Drop

Nonsense ! We love the fillers. They have some good stuff in them.

Chaos T

I look forward to the fillers.


We're seeing some comments separating Discord and Patreon and we really don't want to view these 2 communities as being separate. Everyone is welcome to chat, hang out, and voice their opinions in the server! We're all Normies here. Here's a link if you'd like to join us over there as well. https://discord.gg/Thenormies


How do I you access the naruto filler reactions? Been wanting to check them out as well

Jimmy Wise

If you go to The Normies main Patreon page, you'll see a search bar under "posts"...type in filler and it'll give you the posts they've made


Thanks guy, I've seen the naruto shippuuden fillers which I'll start, are the naruto part 1 fillers there? I can only see shippuuden, if not no biggie.


take your time it is a fillers eps i really don't care


Not everyone likes discord. You are free to do what you want, but don’t be surprised if part of your community feels alienated by your decision.


Filler anyways lol


I don’t care what discord says we all know this filler is waste of time


Ew. Are they really doing the fillers?? 🙄

Jack veliz

you should be listening to what people HERE are saying about fillers. if not, you should honestly be offering some sort of discount as we are losing actual content because of this. and if you've seen my other comments you know I am usually the one calling out the unreasonable fans, but filler is something you should be doing on your own time.

Chaos T

I hope The Normies to more filler just to piss more people off. The anime community is pretty comical in the things they complain about.

Sean Dean

Never thought I’d see so many salty and quite frankly rude as hell people here on the Patreon over something as trivial as watching fillers. Just want you guys to know that we do in fact appreciate you, regardless of what the war zone that is the comment section may lead you to believe. 😅

Queef Burglar

Please no fillers...do them after you finish the Canon episodes...

Shervell Jones

And so the Naruto Normies Civil War begins... The Discord vs The Patreon

Queef Burglar

People who actually enjoy the fillers still live in their parents basement and dosent have real friends 😂


trust me no ones worried about these fillers being late


I don't even need a reaction this week, I'm getting my entertainment from laughing at all the people making these angry/misinformed comments lol


Hunter take it easy bro its fine

Daniel Gonzales

oh... its that time of the wednesday again time for the "fans" to complain

J. J.



Just because they complain doesn’t make them any less of a fan lol


Bro no one should be mad at hunter but wtf discord


Damn, those are filler eps. I understand there are group of people who love fillers, but here i was waiting till midnight from india thinking it was gonna get canon eps, because that's how it's been done thus far in tp shippuden. I'm going back to sleep now and be back after 1-2 months after they've finished the fillers. I don't know if the decision to watch an entire season of fillers is final or not, but here on patreon i could see lot of people are against the filler reactions including myself. I think it would be best to set up a poll to see who the majority is then we could resolve this conflict in a democratic way and find out what the majority wants. Just a suggestion Normies, i think this would serve as a good way to answer everyone's frustration on this matter.


When will episodes 166 and 167 be up?


They are only reacting to 176-178, 180a, and thats it. According to discord anyway.

Bryan Lopez

If ya’ll wanna react to fillers that’s fine BUT also post the cannon for those who don’t care about fillers, it really is such a waste of a week if you’re gonna do fillers at any given time.

Alex cleveland

I hope ppl know in Patreon and Discord that there are trash fillers, and there are great fillers. Idk these specific fillers that they are watching rn, so who knows lol. Overall, just know that some filler arcs are trash asf, and some filler arcs are fire asf. (Talking from a person who has watched and experience Naruto fillers).


Can we get a refund for this week lol?


For real, if they would watch fillers, they should choose the ones of the jinchurikis, or those that have like movie animation.


Alotta real strong opinions here... Some of y'all are so rude smh




i mean can't blame em... They're paying money for a service (no it's not "donating" or supporting it's a full on service) expecting certain things... Besides the most notable filler people expect certain episodes to come out... Getting unwanted filler is a week effectively wasted. Especially when the episodes on the filler were probably decided by like 10 people off discord vs the mass of people here. Weekly calendar leaves people blindsided to things like this. Some people are being rude yes but can't just outright deny that their frustration is unwarranted


Y’all need to touch grass fr. One week of fillers isn’t the end of the world 😂


Thanks for the update! Much appreciation to you all for bringing smiles to our faces during this time


Thanks for the update 🤙🏾

Runner Up

Well to be fair, people are paying for it. So it's okay to voice their concerns as long as they aren't rude about it. Personally I don't see a problem in having a week of fillers, but a poll on Patreon or a heads up in advance would've been appreciated.


A lot of you folks who complain about some “Boo Hoo, it’s a filler week. I’m GoNnA hAvE to wAiT unTil nExT MoNtH unTil tHey fiNiSH.” Please STFU. You’re all overacting and misinformed.


Regarding fillers, I think adding a poll to patreon would be better than discord. Regardless, the people bitching need to move on lol.


It blows my mind that people who love a show like Naruto that discusses complicated issues like world peace, how to deal with emotions and grief, etc. and yet they can’t control their anger when it comes to which episodes are watched lmao. Such a strange juxtaposition

ALi Karam

So a group of people suggested these episodes!! Well what about our opinion


at this point ...i would really love it if they took a break from shippuden and started watching other seasonal anime,since ya'll are such big babies and can't handle a week of filler that they chose to watch...outchea ruining the experience for them...matter of fact they should even watch on their own time so they won't have people bitching cuz they reacted the wrong way or reacted to the wrong episodes


We demand a 3rd episode as compensation 😂😂😂jk


Guys it's a youtube reaction. Stop getting so upset about it it's embarrassing.


Take all the time you need! Don't care since it's filler. Hope that the people on discord enjoy them eventually since they seem to have the loudest voice when it comes to suggestions. :)


Lmao we pay; we have the right to complain. Simple as that.

Raul Iggynashow

Wrong. Youtube reactions are seen for free. These are Patreon reactions that people PAY MONEY to see so they have the right to be upset.


Just relax one week won’t kill you


Personally I think they should have let the patrons decide if we wanted them to watch the filler or not. It is frustrating because there are 500 episodes and more than 200 are filler. They already skipped some of the good fillers. But either way I hope they consider our option next time instead of just discord.


Eerrrrbody just needs to chill and enjoy the normies discovering the next stage of the shippuden tale. Fillers or no. There is good sh*t ahead. So lets all be happy 😊 ☺ 🙂


Imagine all the people who cant afford next months payment and are struggling financially and cant support their kids or family or someone on their deathbed with less than a week left and the last episode they get of the month is some garbage irrelevant filler about the time Naruto stubbed his toe then shit his pants.


this comment is worse than the filler posts wtf did i just read

Erwin Smith

Ouch. Yean I mean it sucks since the filler is not what I came for but it's not a big deal. I'll just catch up on your Death Note reactions and other shows until then!


Next time put a poll in patreon not only discord cuz the majority here wont watch this shit filler episodes


This outage about filler wouldn’t be as bad if they watched more than 2 episodes a week for a 500 episode anime.


Please by all means buddy takes much time is you need I am cancelling My Patriot I will Check back in a couple months when you guys are done bullshiting and Wasting people's money with filler Ark.

Bully Finch

This is the first filler they've reacted to for shippuden next week they'll be back to canon

Bully Finch

This always happens with Naruto. The "fandom" is so quick to snap someone's neck.


Its a single week, upset much over a week? lol XD


Rude comments have been few and far between. Overwhelming majority is just paying subscribers voicing their displeasure which they have every right to do

Zen Reacts

I mean im not gonna start throwing insults around but this is the sort of thing you should make a poll a for since not everyone on patreon uses the discord. Its the fairest way to decide for the people that are paying for the sub

Vin Sama

by snubbing those that also pay to see them react to certain fillers


Yea the issue is you're reacting to filler trash, and not the good filler either. Smh. The 7 people in discord that asked for this are trash too.