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Cutty finds himself unable to pull the trigger while McNulty goes behind Daniels' back to move on Stringer in Season 3 Episode 6 of The Wire!

Reaction: https://youtu.be/-qWIv5twOMg

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/533380512/77c871965d


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Cutty finds himself unable to pull the trigger while McNulty goes behind Daniels' back to move on Stringer in Season 3 Episode 6 of The Wire! The Normies review and discuss the episode after the reaction. We are The Normies, a group of entertainers that create reaction and review videos of various TV shows, anime, trailers, and movies as well as original content such as comedic skits and sketches, vlogs, and podcasts. Check out our weekly upload schedule on our website: https://www.thenormies.com/#weekly-schedule BECOME A NORMIE Get EARLY ACCESS or PREMIUM ACCESS to our content as well as other perks on our Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thenormies Join The Normies Discord Server: https://discord.gg/thenormies CHECK OUT OUR MERCH T-shirts: https://thenormies.threadless.com/ Comic Books: https://thenormiesllc.com/merch SEND THE NORMIES MAIL PO Box 785 Fishers, IN 46038 FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_normies/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thenormies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheNormiesGroup Twitter: https://twitter.com/The_Normies Snapchat: @thenormies Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/thenormies/ #TheWire #HBO #CrimeDrama


Kiana B.


Alwyn Smith

“He a man today…he a man”


“Just a Gangsta I suppose” to thy own self be true.


Oh man, what an episode. I totally forgot that the Omar and Bunk scene was in the same episode as the Avon, Cutty and Slim scene.


Compared to real life stories of Baltimore police, what the show shows you is tame. That would be my only criticism of this show's realism, but the fact is it would be miserable if it was too real.


Ya'll calling Avon stupid like he didn't build a whole empire off of these exact actions and decisions he's displaying here. He may be weak now, muscle wise, but he STARTED from there to begin with, back in the day.

Chaos T

The crime numbers for Baltimore are a bit deceptive. Just like St. Louis, the county and city are separate. That has some impact on the murder rate because they don't count the county population in the statistics. St. Louis has a population of 300,000 and 100 murders are going to impact the murder rate more than a city like Chicago or NY. This county/city separation is also why Baltimore and St. Louis were impacted more than other cities with things like white flight and losing industrial jobs.

Lost Emu

The Avon, Cutty, and Slim scene is so good because it's consistent with who Avon is as a person. It reminds me of two scenes from the first season. The one during the basketball game where Avon got in the refs face for a bad call. He started going in on him about it, but when the ref says he'll change the call Avon flips. He starts getting pissed about him not standing by his own call and backing down just cause he got in his face. The other is when D comes to talk to Avon and String about Wallace. D knew why they were asking, and told Avon too his face leave Wallace be. Avon never went further on the Wallace issue after that. Avon keeps showing he values standing up for yourself.


Avon doesn't *want* to "rise above it", it's not that he can't understand. Avon is not stupid, he just does not care. He doesn't want the life Stringer wants, or the life any of you or I would want. He wants what Marlo is striving for - the crown. And it's nothing to do with how quietly you can make how much money.


IF you think what they did in the opening was bad, wait until you read about the "starlight tours" Canadian police would give indigineous people


You're all giving Stringer too much credit imo. His intro to Econ and Robert's rules is all well and good, but it doesn't solve the Marlo problem.

Jason Williams

I might have missed this because I usually watch the uncut which doesn't include the post-show discussion, but are the Normies aware that it was actually Omar's man Donte that shot Tosha in the head accidentally as they were running? They don't really seem to react much to why Kimmy is so pissed off at him. I was wondering if the reason for that is that they don't fully understand what happened.


I think so, it’s a blink and you miss it moment.


Well it’s their first time, they’ll see how this game is really being played soon enough.


Honestly, Avon is one of the best TV characters of all time. Flawed but iconic. "Just a gangster I suppose."


I love the dichotomy between Avon and Stringer here, in season one they were team, Avon was the King but when Stringer talked Avon listened and they worked together. Then Avon gets locked up and String takes the crown. Avon ran a disciplined crew and String went with Roberts Rules. String did good with the Joe deal and the Co-op but he also weakened them by not recruiting good disciplined muscle, he made that money but it was Avon’s name that kept the wolves away. Now Avon is back and String has failed to bring Marlo to heel and well Avon is just a Gangsta not a suit wearing businessman.


Don’t really see why your all so weirded out by Carcetti watching playback of his council meetings. It’s no different than an athlete watching tape of themselves compete to look for flaws in their form.


There have been bodies from other crews and other people that Jimmy had no interest in pursuing, because those bodies weren't from the person he wanted to arrest. First episode of this season he literally said that he's not going to let Stringer beat HIM again. Jimmy's "good po-lice" but most of the time he's "good po-lice" by accident. He cares mostly about his ego, proving he's the smartest person in the room, and being right. If 100 people got killed in one day and 99 of them were from Kentel Williamson and 1 of them was from Stringer, Jimmy would be trying to put all of the department's resources into getting Stringer. The frustration you guys feel towards Avon is how I always feel towards Jimmy. The only character that's worst to me is Herc and that's because Herc has ZERO redeeming qualities.


As for Avon, I want to say so much about Avon, but I'm going to wait a couple more episodes so I can really dig deep into it but I will say that I've always been more of an Avon person than a Stringer person, because he knows who he is, knows what he wants, isn't trying to live a double life and unlike Stringer, Avon does actually have SOME sense of loyalty and a code. Stringer definitely would've had Cutty killed if he tried to walk away. Also I feel like as the years go on and Idris Elba's popularity has risen, more people coming into The Wire have a tendency of overstating Stringer's intelligence and understating his mistakes.

Kamina 1

I could be wrong, but i think the "favorite episode" of the season Chris may be referring to is season 3 episode 11. It's a pretty iconic one for the show.


The scene between Bunk and Omar . Wow. The dressing down Bunk gave Omar is probably the first time anyone spoke like that to him in year's. Someone calling him out on his bullshit. He knows he doing wrong, for himself and the community but its all in the game. But it still hurts to have it thrown in your face how fucked up you are and how that effects everyone else.

Kamina 1

I agree. The gap between the soldiers Barksdale crew had in season 1 compared the soldiers they have now is like heaven and earth. Stringer has had more than enough time to recruit loyal soldier's and train them to have discipline. He was lucky enough to come across a gem like Slim Charles. Avon picked up on all the cracks in the crew immediately. Especially when he seen some of his men acting a fool in the club on his return day. You need an Avon type individual to deal with a Marlo type problem imo. I feel like it's not mentioned enough how much Stringer has screwed up in that regard.


you guys have to watch bosch after, its similar to the wire.


Such a great scene. From what I remember the writers were getting concerned about the audience idolising Omar (especially those younger than 21). Everyone loves Omar because we do sort of see he has this kind of nobility or 'code' where he genuinely believes he only hurts those 'in the game'. - but his actions do hurt ordinary folk. Bunk (and the writers really) call him out on that .


Avon sees the game for what it is. He wants legit money coming and everything but he also sees the things Stringer does not see. Like they’re in no position to get out yet. Avon saw Marlo for what he is Stringer did not.


Incredible Hulks oh my haven't had one in forever. She was my favorite before and she loves Hennessy 😂😂😂


Stringer isn’t his partner Avon is the boss. You don’t buy corners either Marlo literally said last episode tell our people tool up. Avon sees it Stringer doesn’t. Marlo was ready to make the move on Avon. Have we not learned from all Stringer mistakes that have happened throughout the series?


I think that Avon respects that Cutty has the courage to leave the game even though it's all he knows. It's all Avon knows, but he can't walk away himself. He also respects that Cutty looked him in the eye and said it instead of doing what most people would do which is cut and run. And finally, he knows Cutty did 14 years for his family and said nothing. That means something too. Stringer wouldn't care about any of that.


Avon is the boss guys he doesn’t need to run shit by stringer


I mean, maybe. But we don't see Marlo planning on trying to take more real estate. I always read it as him knowing that he'd need to be ready for them doing it the hard way if he didn't go along with their wholesale plans. He ended up being right, even if only because Avon was home. Even after the Barksdale botched move we still didn't see him planning on hitting them, just on being ready for them to try again. He's got good position to hold out since he knows he has more muscle and more discipline than the Barksdale crew has at this point.


he also inherited a violent legacy after his father, I think they mentioned that once? I might be wrong - ketty


Carcetti didn't want to watch for flaws, he wanted to watch himself lay it on what's-his-face when he tried to block his resolution. It was pure narcissism