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The Wire keeps surprising us with adding more and more incredibly developed, relatable and sympathetic characters within a story that deals with topics not many of us really had any real life experience in (thankfully). I know we've done this before, but because this show just keeps on adding more and more amazing characters, here is another character poll and I am sure it won't be last! Out of these, who is your favorite and why? Why do you love / hate him or her? Do you root for them? Tell us everything! 



My boy Slim. The perfect soldier


Marlo the best “bad guy”


Slim Charles, as honorable as a muscle can be. He has a set of principles and stands on those. Never doing too much, he is the perfect team member and has the ability to step up and lead when needed. Salute to the “tall man” as Marlo calls him 😅.

Nicholas Reed

Slim Charles has stronger Hufflepuff energy than most actual Hufflepuffs

Pronto (SK)

Not that he would fit in this poll but.. love how Mr. Little is on none of these polls in general :D. He has to be in any top10 all-time TV series characters.

Kamina 1

Marlo gang all day. I just really love how he is introduced as an up and coming pup in the game. Underestimated by all in the game, and outside the game. But in actuality he is potentially the most dangerous man on the streets of Baltimore. His characterization throughout the show is some of my favorite material that David Simon has written, and has some truly iconic lines within The Wire community.


I *like* Slim Charles more, but Marlo is a more compelling character.

Alwyn Smith

It’s clearly cutty

Kamina 1

Omar would win every poll if they did that haha. I think Marketa manages all the polls, updates, etc... So good on her for not putting him in yet. At least not until more characters are introduced, and fleshed out.


My heart lies with Cutty, but Silm Charles is my dude, if I was going to be making moves in West Baltimore I’d want that tall man with me.

Lost Emu

Slim Charles. Follows the old school code, but adapts to the new ways. Chill most of the time but when work needs to happen he's ready.

Ron H

It’s not apparent yet but Marlo is the most memorable

Ruben Lopez

I relate to Cutty on a personal level. Old school in a new era.

David Zimmerman

Slim Charles is like a young Avon with his respect and his adherence to the rules of the game...Also he’s just the chillest character in the whole show on the drug dealer side

Pronto (SK)

Voting Marlo because of a single line he said that I'm using whenever I can. :D "Wear it in health"


Slim Charles. None of these street dudes are people you want to admire, but Slim is the most relatable.

C Perry

Tall Man all day. If there can be some such thing as an honorable drug dealer, Slim Charles is that.

Chris Partlow

I love seeing Carcetti in last. Next seasons poll will be the hardest.


I don’t think I could choose between them, I love them all. Fayett Mafia Crew forever.

Kamina 1

Man this race between Cutty and Slim is getting goood 🍿 i knew it would be close but damn. It's hard to tell who will edge out the other. Love when the polls aren't landslide victories.


You absolutely cannot make me choose between Cutty and Slim Charles. Both in my overall series top 10. Voted Slim because he was behind. I love Cutty because he's a flawed and imperfect person who doesn't know what to do and often messes up but nonetheless, you can see his heart and you want him to succeed. I love Slim because he's a super-cool, top-level competent employee who knows his place, does what he has to do and manages to play the game without making enemies. Marlo and Carcetti are both fascinating characters but I can't love them. Marlo is Avon without the charm or sense of community, a ruthless monster who cannot be reasoned with. Carcetti is a man trapped in a struggle between wanting to reach a position of power in order to make the world a better place and the shit he has to do and sacrifice in order to reach that position.


I’m ok with either one winning it

Jarrod Wild

I can't not choose Cutty. But I can't really explain why without talking about his character arc.


Marlo. Can't say why yet. Let's just say he's extremely memorable and leave it at that.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

Marlo, and I’d have to add Chris and Snoop onto him, but we’re not there yet


Slim Charles easily. I love Cutty, but Slim Charles is hands down the best simply for one thing he's yet to do. When it happens, you'll understand.