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Same post twice again both YouTube reactions


10:40 rana has mastered the art of meditation and sage jutsu


I think one of the reasons why they put spoilers in the openings is because, the manga came out first so they are like expecting you to already know the story so they are able to put spoilers in the openings

Jack veliz

lol no, but good guess. they do it with anime that has no manga too. the real reason is that the Japanese simply do not care about spoilers, not like westerners anyway. to them , a spoiler is showing or telling about a major character death. know about what fight or thing is coming next is just not seen as a spoiler like it is here.

Lively Nili

Comparing Kakashi’s fight with Jiraiya’s fight is hard. There were a lot of variables that played a part in them. With Kakashi, he used the Lightning Style Shadow Clone which was said to have drained half his chakra for the rest of the fight, and he was fighting Tendo Pain whilst assessing his abilities to report to Tsunade, and protecting Choji with Kamui. On the other hand, Pain forced him to use those abilities. With Jiraiya, he fought the weaker Pain’s in the beginning of his fight, and its safe to say he was being pushed to use Sage Mode, which we know is an enormous boost. And he wouldn't able to go into sage mode if it wasn't for Gamaken and the Two Great Sage Toads (I mention them because their input is highly downplayed in that fight, likely because the're toads). But they still took on 3 of them without major risk. In my opinion, Kakashi’s skill, jutsu and battle awareness is superior. But Jiraiya has way more chakra and power.


Not gonna lie, I hate the way they explain the strategies sometimes. Like, you can't find a way to do this without making one of the characters seem like a complete moron? There's no way Gamabunta didn't understand exactly what Naruto did, but he's asking like a 3 year old who's never seen a fight before lol.


it's a common trope that plagues shonen battle series, it's just for the readers benefit


166 and 167 are is even better can't wait.

Richard McClure

Seinen have less of the tropes purely off of demographic I like them more then shonen but I grew up with these so what can you do

Dylan Hughes

just waiting patiently for you guys to get to the next season, its hella lit 🔥🔥🔥


Naruto isn’t a seasonal anime. Maybe the next arc?