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The froggy mitts are coming off and our boy is getting serious.


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Another time that we didn't get a triple upload :( ok i guess...

Jarryd Thompson

Only three more episodes till they meet him

Chaos T

Happy Naruto Day everyone!


So early 😳 wow, thank you guys

Bliss 28

Next week is going to be 👌👌


But kakashi was not fighting alone tho So...


true, also at that point they had more intel on Pain and his abilities from the time Jiraiya fought them.


That tweet that Rana read was so biased lol

Trey Milliner-Williams

I’d argue fighting someone with 4 summons one being immortal is vastly harder than a robot


God damn just drop triple eps already ! We're thirsty 🤧


They literally don't have enough episodes in reserve to do a triple drop so quit asking. Yall are hella annoying.


You can tell they were in a rush this week as the discussions so short especially when lot happens in past 2 episodes

Darrell Henry

They know 85% of the pain


I and a few other thinks that he’s real best friend is shikamaru not sasuke.

Flex i cute

Almighty Push aka Shinra Tensei is lit lit 🔥. Suraj you trippin’ buddy


The guy who tweeted that Pervy Sage and Kakashis fights were comparable lol wuuut ??? Kakashi couldn’t do anything until help showed up, he did great and found out their ability once help showed up, but still they were only able to take one out and the weakest one of the six probably.


Yeah Kakashi isn't on Jiraiya's level in that fight. DGMW, Kakashi is still an upper S-Class Nin when he fights Pain, but Jiraiya was stronger then.


Highlight of my Wednesday haha. Naruto’s transformation is like day 1 stuff and I keep forgetting about it every time he does it (back when I was watching/reading the series).


lol jiraiya is head above kakashi... no comparasion

Dashanti Begay

I can’t wait for your reactions for next week episodes!👀


Comparing Kakashi with Jiraiya is insane. Jiraiya fought pain with no prior knowledge of his abilities and had no help. He still managed to capture one of the pains and figure out their abilities.


Why no more triple drops??????? You can't separate these episodes!


who the fk tweeted that stupid sht lol

Anfernee Felix

Yeah plus Kakashi fought the weak Pain with the Rockets and Tendo , how is that even comparable lol


exactly!! i've been saying this for years but someone always wants to say sasuke and naruto's relationship was more genuine (?) or whatever... i felt like their "friendship" was more one sided than anything else


Hmm Sasuke and Naruto Vs Pain at this point... That's an interesting fight.


Is it just me or is it anyone else's post not loading at all for any of today's naruto reaction's?


Kakashi also had help lmao. Kakashi could only kill one Pain (tendo ) at the most. Jirayia could kill at least 3 of them (all at once).

Gershwin Alessandro Farao

At this current point, Naruto is definitely stronger than Sasuke. Landslide at least.

Quinton Teratino

I agree, its because of sage mode is what made naruto able to surpass sasuke at this moment.

Lively Nili

Comparing Kakashi’s fight with Jiraiya’s fight is hard. There were a lot of variables that played a part in them. With Kakashi, he used the Lightning Style Shadow Clone which was said to have drained half his chakra for the rest of the fight, and he was fighting Tendo Pain whilst assessing his abilities to report to Tsunade, and protecting Choji with Kamui. On the other hand, Pain forced him to use those abilities. With Jiraiya, he fought the weaker Pain’s in the beginning of his fight, and its safe to say he was being pushed to use Sage Mode, which we know is an enormous boost. And he wouldn't able to go into sage mode if it wasn't for Gamaken and the Two Great Sage Toads (I mention them because their input is highly downplayed in that fight, likely because the're toads). But they still took on 3 of them without major risk. In my opinion, Kakashi’s skill, jutsu and battle awareness is superior. But Jiraiya has way more chakra and power.


I think one of the things that makes the first Shippuden arc so frustrating is that Naruto just got back from this 3-year training journey, yet is still acting like the obnoxious little kid he was when he left. The Pain arc is where I started to appreciate that a bit, though, because I would much rather get to see him grow on-screen like this, instead of during a time skip. Looking back at how far he's come just feels satisfying.


Battle toads it's such a great reaction

Dylan Hughes

love every character in this show cause you dont know who gonna get bodied or who gonna live till you seen it all. Sorry RAHNA Zyou had to see ur fav die


Jiraiya fought 3 and beat them all... then fought all 6 and still killed 1... he beat 4 in total! Kakashi wasnt comparable at all...


What a surface level take from that person who tweeted :P Kakashi had the benefit of having information that Jiraiya DIED for, knowledge that their vision is linked, and Chozo and Choji's help lol

Abdul Manneh

He almost took out tendo who carries the team. Jiraiya only fought one of the attack paths where is kakashi and crew fought 2 heavy hitters. Tho tendo could've ended the fight early way earlier

Abdul Manneh

Pain is heavily exhausted at this point and doesn't have killing intent. With intel the duo can beat a healthy full power pain imo high diff but nagato as one unit will destroy them

Abdul Manneh

Kakashi is a better tactician but lacks the chakra and stamina. Asura path took out jiraiya arm in one attack so much for sage mode sensory capabilities lol


Twitter users name is @thelastweet5


For anyone wanting to have a friendly chat with the guy who sent Rana the tweet his twitter handle is @thelasttweet5

Michael Diaz

You gotta love how Mickey always sees something and immediately laughs at it as something stupid before wondering if it's something more complex. XD The good thing is it means he gets to be surprised when he's wrong. So it's a fun reaction to see.

Darren Metts

The guy who tweeted them your wrong lol kakashi and jiraiyas feats are not comparable especially when you consider jiraiya took out three pains not to mention the only reason jiraiya lost so badly is because he was literally SNEAK ATTACKED AND LOST AN ENTIRE ARM WICH further hindered him from having any chance of winning that battle so no there feats are not comparable in the slightest


@Lively Nili I think you're right in your assessment with perhaps the exception of Kakashi’s jutsus being superior to Jiraiya's. I will however add that when Kakashi fought Pain he did so with a great deal of foreknowledge, unlike Jiraiya. I doubt without that knowledge he would have performed as well.