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Happy Friday fellow Normies! We hope you have a great weekend. 

RWBY 3x6

Reaction: https://youtu.be/lytKpbm9IXk 

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/517279470/3cc22dc34e

RWBY 3x7

Reaction: https://youtu.be/0WZHvai1pNI 

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/517284304/a316f658eb



Zen Reacts



Is that a double drop I see?!?!?!?!


Yess! Double drops FTW. Thank y’all

Chai Tea

Double Drop!!!! This just made my day, Thank you Normies ❤️❤️❤️

Andre Ransom

Yes! Thank you 😂 Christmas came early


Thank you so much for the double drop I’m so happy!


Thank you for double drop !!


Marketa seems to forget that Mercury's aura is broken. When that happens, you are basically defenseless right?


RWBY double drops? Y'all just made my day! Thanks guys!


Yes but that was the first time aura was visually shown


Semblance refreshers: -In the Emerald Forest when they were taking an exam that determined the teams, we saw an interaction between Pyrrha and Juane in which she explains to him how huntsmen use their auras as a passive protection and self-healing (He has a lot of it). -In a Glynda Goodwitch class where Juane was sparring with Carden, Glynda explained the importance of monitoring your aura level in battle and that if it dropped too low fighters became susceptible to more serious injuries/death. Starting this volume, when a person's aura drops to a point where it will no longer protect them, they show a kind of web like glow breaking up - it's visible with Amber in 7 and Mercury in 6. -Less obvious is taking note of the 'health bars' on the billboard during the tournament battles. Fighters are considered eliminated if their aura levels drop past a bar located at the value 15, thereby preventing serious injuries to their student combatants. It can be deduced that Mercury purposely stopped his attack on Yang when she was at a value of 16 and still in the competition with the largest power boost possible when she attacked him and dropped him to 0, making it especially heinous for him to be attacked after the match since his natural defenses (as far as the audience can tell) were gone. On an unrelated note, Grimm sublimate when they die, and the grimm/glove here definitely appears to be doing that, so it wouldn't be able to retain any power.


They’re invincible in fights because Aura is a force field until it breaks which is what the effect is on Mercury and Amber when they go down.


Still love these, but it definitely sounds like it’s time for an Aura 101 refresher course haha. Please recap the rules about aura before the next ones *cough* Marketa *cough*. Don’t forget to watch the World of Remnant videos soon. They’ll help a lot, also that Mister_Momus comment above lol

Morgan Le Fay

I would say watch World of Remnant now since there’s major knowledge gaps, but RT changed thumbnails on some vids so it’s super spoilery. It will be safe after the Vol 3 finale though, so I think you guys need to watch it after you’re done with this volume. Just to avoid the copious amounts of comments correcting you every week lol.

Chai Tea

Aura https://roosterteeth.com/watch/rwby-world-of-remnant-season-1-4 Watch: RWBY: World of Remnant video on AURA. It’s only 2 minutes long.

Morgan Le Fay

And thank you for the double drops! The rest of the volume is straight 🔥 from here.


woo RWBY double drops you love to see it! definitely good episodes for it too! can't wait for the reactions to the rest of this volume (and rest of the show really) but this volume especially is beyond amazing from this point out



Benjamin Donahue

The Grimm didn't sense Yang or Mercury they sensed the audience's shock and fear at what they saw Yang do. That scene is probably deliberately there to highlight and reinforce the reason Ozpin's group keep that secret. If that brief moment of shock affected the grim to that degree, then people finding out about all of those secrets the initial response would call the Grim and devastate (or possibly wipe out) humanity.


That house where they showed Mercury’s backstory wasn’t the same one from the four maidens story, just so you all don’t get confused

Chris D. Jones

I always appreciate how they told pryyha everything they could. Obviously they left out a big detail but she isn’t trusted yet. Most conversations like this in other shows someone like pryyha would be manipulated and lied to so she make the decision they want her to.

Makenna R

Thanks so much for the double drop!

Dominick Sermeno

Refresher: Grimm are attracted to ALL negative emotions: -Fear -Anger -Sadness -Despair -Rage etc.... thats why a Grimm attack is such a problem, all the panic from an attack leads to more fear and sadness, and thus MORE GRIMM

Luz quiroz

weating for wandavision

Edwin Ayala



Please Please remember aura protects their bodies during a fight until it runs out, once your aura has run out your body will sustain real damage. ( and dont forget Yangs semblance of being stronger the less aura she has) You can tell it runs out from the shimmer of light when they are hit hard. understanding Aura is SO IMPORTANT! every time you ask "Shouldn't they be dead?!" AURA is the answer. also the "health bars" you see during the match are the fighters aura levels.


Ahhhhh!! Double drops! YAY! 😁


Fasten your seatbelts, we're beginning our descent!

Chris D. Jones

Remember aura protects them up to a point and then once it breaks ( you can tell when u see them shimmer) they are a regular person. Mercury is not the son/ancestor/anything of the old man of the story it was just a house on a hill there’s a bunch of those.


Don’t forget about a post credit scene at the end of the volume and you should react to the song “cold” that they made for Monty but don’t look it up until the end of the volume due to spoilers. There is also a character video to watch before volume 4 about Ruby


i love mikey

Michael Diaz

Well maybe if Mercury’s dad being the guy in the story doesn’t make sense then perhaps consider the possibility that his dad isn’t the guy from the story. Just in case. Also he’s not name after a planet. He’s named after the metal. Mercury. So his dad’s name coulda been Iron or Aluminum or Magnesium. lol

Michael Diaz

Also they can withtake the blasts if they’re using their aura. If the fight is over and he’s not using aura, makes sense they’d see it as a bigger deal.


Mercury’s dad being the Wizard is one of the more out there assumptions I’ve seen someone make reacting to RWBY lol.


On top of everything being said Cinders semblance is that she's able to superheat things.

Shak Vids

Though I think they did re-use the same asset from the fairy tale for Marcus Black's cabin. I can see how they made that assumption.


Remember Mercury's Aura was broken when she shot him. So he had nothing to protect himself.

Fighting Wombat

Its past due that you all watch the World Remnant videos,