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We were speechless by the two episodes we watched about the... fall of the Fall... We are so excited for what is to come next! Suraj missed on so much with just missing these two episodes, feelsbadman :D

Without spoiling future plot points for us (speculations and theories only plz), what do you feel is the end goal of Cinder and her gang? And why does she feel like she needs to work with the White Fang? She seemed to have OP'ed to the max in these last two episodes. 

We're excited to read your thoughts! 




Just a small correction, she never said she was working with the white fang, she needs them to work for her. Shows you her mentality on being the one on top.


There's a lot of posturing by our villains and no one seems to know how deep it goes and how organized they truly are. All I can say is buckle up!

Zen Reacts

I know you guys should probably refresh your knowledge on aura after listening to the discussion about Mercury being injured after the fight


This ^^ Understanding how aura works in RWBY is a key point in the show.


Well, from the little hints given in these episodes Cinder said herself that she wants to be strong, powerful, and feared. The question is whether that is an end unto itself for her, or if it's a means to achieving something else. Her team in general definitely all seem to share a bit of a chip on their shoulder to some degree.

Norrin Radd

She's not invincible because the maiden is still mortal. A mortal, even with great power, can be hurt and killed by sufficiently powerful and skilled opponents.

luke nwagbara

without spoiling you can be caught up and still guessing 8 seasons latter youll still be trying to find out


The thing to remember about Cinder is that she only has part of the Maiden's power at the moment. There's part of that power still with Amber, right? So while she's powerful enough to order around the White Fang (who doesn't need manpower, after all) she isn't able to just unleash the almighty power of the Maiden outright.

Anthony Peralta

The needing of the white fang seems to be more about man power/ strength in numbers. She on her own is powerful but she is going up against ironwood and his army and ozpin and his gang.

Edwin Ayala

While Cinder is a threat, we know, telling by dialogue you have seen, she isn’t the ‘Queen’ but rather another ‘piece’ that is more dangerous than a ‘pawn’. She seemed to be communing with someone/something else after taking a part of Fall’s power and she had access to a glove that had a strange symbol on it that could conjure a Grimm Beetle. Also a black and red energy appeared on Cinder’s palm, beneath Cinder when she was stealing the maiden power, and in the intro right before they show RWBY and JNPR falling. That same red and black energy can also be found in each of the previous intros, I’ll let you find it on your own.


Ummm i mean how can we speculate if we know already? Lol ummm Cinder is trying to attain the nine tail maidens across the world


One of my favorite things about this show is that when you rewatch the older volumes after a new volume drops you notice all these little things that you either missed or thought were unimportant.


I don't think so. All the questions they're asking have pretty much been answered by now (Volume 8)

Chris D. Jones

These aren’t question anyone can answer. Maybe we could say what we thought when we first saw it but that was so long ago and so much has happened I doubt anyone remembers their theories. Just the actual facts of the show.


You think back to what you were thinking when you first saw it


When I watched for the first time (like a couple weeks ago, thank you Normies and a couple others) I just assumed she was hear like Petyr Finger for chaos.


To be completely honest. ....I have NO idea what her goals are other than to destroy everything!


I think I speak for the entire Attack on Titan fandom when I say you guys should stop watching lame RWBY and watch more AoT


... But... they are all caught up with the anime... I don't... what more AOT is there for them to watch? XD


Cinder, like in the line where she says "It burns like a hunger... I like it." (I'm paraphrasing) sort of encapsulates her. She lusts for power, the maidens have it, and there seems to be someone helping her attain it. She has strong subordinates (Mercury/Emerald) but with just them it'd be hard to take down the pillars of the world, so the White Fang is a means to an end, they're a powerful group in opposition of humanity and of course, all great villains need henchmen.


They will know...Pain...oh wait wrong series. Anyway, the next episode is (IMO) the one of the 2-3 best in the entire series.