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Bliss 28

Let the pain arc begin. Who's hyped


The wait is finally coming to an end! And so, it begins!!!


So many new patrons here for the pain arc lol. Nice


I have watched every Naruto and Naruto shippuden reaction, just to reach this arc. I'm here at last.


Get ready for my favorite arc


I'm so h*rny for these next few episodes lol The Rana and Navi tears won't stop


Holy fuck...Next week...Get ready :D

Invert Zeth

And so it begins


Bananas are to Suraj as Fish are to Gollum


Triple drops are a thing of the past


You guys can watch the intro now...


We heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere!!!


Poor summer children. :)

Jarryd Thompson

Finally after years of waiting the best arc in the series is starting y'all shall know true pain


Chris you mentioned that the Leaf's reaction is slow, but try to remember that they *were* reacting quickly. We saw multiple Leaf ninja being killed by Pain like the one who had his soul snatched and the one who had his fire jutsu absorbed. The reaction speed was there, they were all getting owned by Pain since regular Chunin and Jonin are fodder to them.


ugh next week can't come fast enough!!! I wish there was a patreon early access for the patreon early access T____T Also i want you guys to watch the OP already its my fave opening so far from the ones you've 'heard' and seen lol


my soul ascended this arc


I still get chills. I can't wait for the next ep. reactions. Let's all feel the pain.

Mike Drop

Damn Rana, didn't have to call out a guy enjoying his banana

Neal Cabanos

Suraj really be holding that banana like Gollum lmao

Abdul Manneh

I hope they weren't spoiled tho especially since I hear Rana mention boruto a few times


I just watched the intro in anticipation of them watching it next week (assuming they’ll watch it then)... the intro hypes up so many fights that doesn’t happen but god damn I wish they did! Intro is HYPE.


k so we need a like a 6 or 7 ep marathon now


Guys just 2 episodes away! Just 2 episodes away...please go back to reading titles and WATCH the non spoiler intro

_ FlusterCluck

Chris why do you have to rub it in that I can’t see the next reaction yet, don’t you know it hurts


They really think the trashest hokage ever will do anytung


Nahid channeling his inner Naruto with that faith in Sasuke haha. Damn can’t wait till next week.

Zero Requiem

Best arc is underway 👏👏👏


Some japanese lore: Tendo (Main Pain) - path of gods Chikoshudo (Summoning one) - path of animals Shirado (Which launching rockets and stuff) - path of demons Gakido (Which consumes chakra) - path of hungry spirits Ningendo (one, who pulling souls out) - path of humans Jigokudo (one, which summon giant head) - path of hell Konan - dope chick with blue hair

Daniel Sessions

I'm sorry I need an update on triple drops, with this arc! Please

Alex cleveland

Top 5 arcs in all of anime has arrived!!!! PAIN ARCCCC🔥🔥🔥💔😩GOTTA FEEL THE PAIN

Abs Mahamud

the pain of knowing theres no triple drop, cant wait for the next 3 episodes!


Just five more episodes


This was awesome!! Can't wait for the next ones.. get ready y'all...


the time to know pain has come


Tripple drop is needed ! Its a crime not too , this is the point you will love naruto forever


you need to binge this arc !!

Alex sh

im usualy a normal reaction guy, but for this... its uncut time


The next 2 months just gonna be action and 🔥


*Joker voice* and here...we...go!


Oh yeah Danzo is going to do a thing....


167 hype


Pain’s favorite song..........Believer by Imagine Dragons


NOT A SPOILER: Just an FYI! Danzo’s Foundation or “Root” has no affiliations to the ANBU Black Op’s that are directly under the Hokage’s command. It can just come off as confusing because they wear similar/identical attire. Kakashi and Itachi never worked under Danzo and I think that’s important to know.


She might not be the strongest of the Kage’s but you can’t argue she wasn’t a redundant factor during this battle. Keeping spoiler out of course.


Sakura is a medical ninja, her first priority is healing not fighting.


can't wait for next week


this is gonna be the longest week ever man...


I thought there were triple drops by at the end of the month ?


The names are not actual name. They are the path of the power they represent. So they are called by the power they each have.

John Vick

You guys need to pay more attention, they explained it. They launched the one that can summon into the village , so the village thinks that its a single target, and as soon the one who can summon landed, she activated the summoning jutsu and summoned the rest inside.

Kevin Kovacs

Man... I want to see Rana's reaction sooo badly for the next 2 episodes!! and I know I'm such a bad person for this to say but.. COME ON!! XDD


I think the next few episodes are the ones most of us were looking forward to the most. The Normies finally about to know Pain.

Jin Thao

At what point does Nahid give up on Sasuke?


To be fair, that response time to the attack was stupid slow. Where my Elite Shinobi at?

Nikki Pierre

Do what rt_tv did and drop the whole pain arc in a higher tier. I'll pay it 😭


The beast without tails is the strongest of them all......... But 50 more episodes,😭


this is so hype my god


Spoiler alert you would now know pain


I love how all the prediction you guys make keep up the good work


and shiho is a 4 03


People say Rana is the simp but man Nahid super simps.


Except she trained specifically to be a front-line healer, which means her best post would be directly next to those engaging the enemy to both help with the fighting and protect front-liners from mortal wounds


I cant wait to see the ONE tweet from them when they react to everything!


They figured it out.. you are the one not paying attention.


Nahid: " IM with this" as people are getting murdered!!

Michael Diaz

Huh... coulda swore they said they were doing a triple drop soon for the end of the month again. And I can't see any later Wednesday post this month than today. Oh well.


The Leaf knew Orochimaru was there before the attack so they were prepared, while with Pein they were off guard. However, their reaction time was mad slow; they should've had a plan incase this happened. Its not the first time the village was attacked and its not the first time the Akatsuki attacked a village.

Rushdhan Ibrahim

Just wanna say that the Hyuuga dude we saw playing cards this episode was not Neji.


I was waiting for that reaction for the pop up.

Keep It Zen

This arc is GOAT


why is there a 100 bucks on the floor? can i have it? lol

Tispy Wombat

I cannot wait for the upcoming reactions guys, you will soon know Pain. LOL!!!

Chili Chanda

I don't never feel pain, 'cause I done felt too much pain


I wanted to see the next two episodes. I'm guessing those two episodes will be ready for next week


I love how this week Blind wave Patreon just started the invasion by orochimaru and Normies pain invasion


"It's already worse than Orochimaru's attack" LOL you ain't even seen shit yet


so when did the loser crybabies suggest the normies watch the intro?? hopefully not when the arc is already done lol


The whole fight with Jiraiya vs Pain didn't last 5 minutes. Jiraiya can remain in sage mode for a long time but his sage mode was incomplete. Naruto's sage mode is complete but he can only sustain it for 5 minutes. Though both of them have to stay still to gather nature energy and use sage mode. Like Jiraiya was weaving signs when the Toad was fighting the dog remember.


Yep plus it was during the chunin exams so the security was probably more intense.. sarutobi also saw first hand who the attacker was so he had an idea.. whereas tsunade didnt see pain coming. She didnt know the explosions were due to terrorist attack


If this were in real life people would protest against tsunade for having poor response to calamity compared to sarutobi lol


We need 3 episodes next week! 2 episodes is too short!


Sasuke dgaf about the Leaf Village at this point


Haa....all of the Normies are gonna contemplate pain in the coming episodes......


Ok Normies history lesson incoming. Each of the Rinnegans abilities coordinates to a Buddhist realm of reincarnation. Each Japanese name for the Paths of Pain relates to Animal path (Summonings) Diva path or Heaven etc. on and on.


After this arc yall should watch the Swagkage video - The Rinmegan explained. All of the confusion is explained perfectly there.

James Keong Sin Gen

Get ready your tissues yall cause next week is gonna be lit 🤣🤣


hope Rana will be okay after next week


Its not japanese its buddhism Naruto takes a lot from buddhism and Hinduism


That's not Neji btw...


I love how Nahid is enjoying the hell out of these episodes. This will be epic.


Now after Pain's Arc, do you want to dance?

AyPeeElTee .

are triple drops just not a thing anymore?


Idk nahid.. why would sasuke care about deceiving the akatsuki?? ..he said during his little arc that he wanted to destroy the leaf village so I don't think he cares about anything or anyone besides his goals right now... but interesting theory i gotta say

EJ Roldan

I waited till today specifically to watch this so the wait wouldn't be as long 😂


lol! they think the guy playing cards is neji


Normies are so racist, not all hyuga look alike!


Can we PLEASE get a triple drop this week or next week? It’ll mean a lot to us fans!


Was it the Navi pop? Because I was looking at it for most of the discussion