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Our first winner, Spiros Vondopoulos, was followed by winner of the second poll, Bodie Broadus (to our great surprise lol - he killed Wallace y'all!).

In our last character poll for season 2, let's examine our Stevedores. We will vote on our favorite police as season 3 continues!



Yeah he killed Wallace but...you’ll see.


I'd argue Poot shooting his homie twice in the face was way more messed up.


Frank wins this easily for me. He was one of the very few new characters that I actually liked this season. Besides the Sobotkas, all of the other dock characters were pretty vanilla


Sure he shot Wallace but String gave him the order and to quote the man himself “You either step up or you step off” I ain’t gonna hold it against him for being a soldier. And Frank takes the Docks poll easily.

Ruben Lopez

I don't like any of these characters so I voted other lmao

Kamina 1

Damn, lol thought Nicky had this poll. Had no idea Frank was so much more popular.


According to this poll, he's just as popular as Ziggy 🤣


Bodie is a favorite cause of his loyalty and continued progression as a character and in Barksdale Organization.

Jan Pospisil

Re-elect Frank Sobotka!


Bodie is a perfect example of a character that isn't black or white. His morals lie within the gray area, but he holds strong to them.


Nah, Poot did the humane thing. Better that than leave Wallace to gurgle on his own blood as Bodie was going to do.

D. Kennedy

I think ppl who've seen the whole show chose Bodie for obvious reasons!