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We just finished watching the "Very Special" episode and we have questions. Most importantly, we want to hear from you and see where you land on Pietro theories! 



Billy was asking all the questions about him and has the same powers as Wanda in the comics I think he manifested him


I don’t think it’s the Fox Universe Pietro, I think it’s either another town member that Wanda has “cast” as Pietro, or he was sent by/is the secret background character manipulating Wanda (presumably Mephisto)


I think Wanda has accidentally opened a rift to the multiverse aka another universe aka the Fox X-Men universe. She wished for her brother to return and accidentally “summoned” one from another universe. And this version of Quicksilver is now also under Wandas control, therefore he is all like “hey I’m your brother” instead of “How did I get here?”


It is definitely the Fox version, I’d bet money on it. She opened the Multiverse.


I think somebody other than Wanda has brought him across from another universe. I think towards the end of the episode she was telling the truth and is only aware of a limited amount of what's going on in WestView. I'm like... 99% certain she's being manipulated.


I also think the clip we keep seeing of Vision using his "mind unfuck" powers on Agnes sat in her car will show zero effect on Agnes because she is fully aware of what is going on.

Game Wizard001

I think it's give and take. I think someone used her grief to rip open the Multiverse, she from time to time is able to control things and give herself the happy life she wants but someone is probably also manipulating her and through her the town. I think "Pietro" is a distraction but not one of Wanda's making.

Daniel Sessions

It's hard to say because I know this show is suppose to lead to some multiverse stuff in the future, but I'm having trouble believing they're going to the Fox X-men universe. Which is why I think it's another person in town that Wanda, or maybe someone else, just assigned to the role


It’s absolutely possible, and it’s almost 100% clear that Wanda will be the catalyst for the multiverse opening but if he is an AU Pietro I don’t think he will be the exact same one from the Fox Universe, Instead he will just be from a universe with the X-Men in it, Meaning that MCU fans who didn’t watch the Fox stuff won’t have to do any homework.

n p

I'm assuming at this point that his visual appearance is just meta-casting as an easter egg... and storywise in MCU canon he's a just regular person being manipulated by the HEX to act as her brother or the villain taking Pietro's form. This show has been meta and troll-y enough with it's references and easter eggs to pull of something like that.

Heru Muharrar

I dunno all I know is that Peitro reveal made Luke Skywalker look like a parlor trick. Kevin Feige dropping a nuclear bomb on us all.


I believe she somehow summoned him from the multiverse. Looks like they are going with the opposite of the comic story. Instead wiping mutants out she’s bringing them in.


I agree. This version of her brother is alive since she can’t bring back the dead.


It's not Pietro.

n p

You're literally only saying that because Elizabeth Olsen teased a "luke skywalker-level cameo" in interviews... No, no it's not anywhere near that scale, not even close. This comment also isn't gonna age well when this ends up not even being the "luke skywalker-level cameo" she was talking about, it'll probably be one of the Magnetos or a Reed Richards first mcu appearance.


Wanda cast Pietro as an older or time appropriate version (lines up with his casting during Fox Xmen), but she's not meaning to. However, she is NOT in control of everything. Something else is manipulating her to be this radical and extreme, we saw more of the real Wanda in the last scenes of the "show" than we did outside Westview. Someone/something is manipulating her

Ruben Mira Jimenez

like a couple people have said, i think this Pietro has been brought "back" by another person, a popular theory online has been that Agatha Harkness is involved in some way, and it's looking more and more likely every episode.

Reilly Martinez

I think that much like how she rewrote the personalities of everyone in the town, she did that to someone and supplanted Pietro's consciousness onto their body.


Wild prediction the aerospace engineer is (Nova) 👀


There is no way Feige casts Evan Peters as Quicksilver just as an easter egg. We already know the Sony movie Spider-men are going to be in the next Spider-Men movie. We already know there is a Dr. Strange movie coming up called "Multiverse of Madness". These are the Fox X-Men coming over from another universe. Wanda probably has opened a rift on accident, or someone else is behind it.

Matthew Bankston

Her conscious mind and subconscious mind are conflicting. She told her sons you can't bring the dead back, but that is a contradiction because of Vision. So she created a version of Pietro that wasn't like how she remembered him so she isn't strictly speaking violating what she told her sons, and it also prevents her from dealing with the trauma of his death which she would have to confront if it was actually the Avengers Quicksilver instead of the X-Men variant.

Cory Hawks

I think there is something else going on, and whoever started all this is basically using Wanda as a security system. Offering the things she wants most in order to keep her willingly there and keep people like Sword out. But they can see when she's starting to question herself like at the end of this episode and they give her something else.


She summoned him from the X-men universe, and made a deal with the devil (Mephisto) in order to place visions soul in his dead corpse since she doesn’t have control over him


Here me out. What it the same way of bringing in the xmen, they bring in the chris evans fantastic 4 and the new contract with him is really for the human torch!!!!


However this started its clearly gotten out of her control. so I’m just thinking that the Director from SWORD is evil and was doing something sinister with Visions body. Wanda breaks him out and creates this reality for them but in the process rips open a way into the multiverse that will continue to grow and get worse. That’s how we will get Deadpool and Tobey Spider-Man and all these other characters.


My penultimate theory is this... Wanda, in her grief, is visited by a carnation of Evil (Me-Fist-O???) that prays upon her emotions and uses that pain to trap her mind inside of this Dilusion. By the time Wanda stole Visions Corpse, I'm pretty sure she was already under that influence. I have a very sad and sadistic image in my head of Wanda looking at Vision, smiling through a face flowing with tears, her glowing eyes like two black holes(imagine glowing superman eyes... but black), souless as if she had sacrificed herself un order to make this happen... Umm.. So I was REALLY hyped because knowing only of the fact that this series leads us to the Multiverse of Madness movie, and NOT being spoiler'd at all, I was thinking Doctor Strange when I saw the white and black hair (idiot, I know lol). However, when I recognized the guy from the scene that started it all (The Time stands still scenes, I mean), my hype immediately shot even higher! Using this actor means that: A. Mutants are BACK and possibly done well this time within the MCU. B. That they are loosely following the comics enough to get really excited for the pay off/plot twists to come. And C. That Wanda could quite possibly be the next Avenger to die. A bit of a stretch, I know, but I think Liz Olsen is going to be "Freed" from Marvel after she finally gets to Star in something lol. I'm half joking, but I could see her wanting to move forward with her life, Beyond Scarlet Witch.

Storm King

I don't think S.W.OR.D had anything to do with it. I think she did it subconsciously or maybe the Twins had something to do with it.

Darth Skhorrn

This is all the work of Mephisto. He offered Wanda a chance to get Vision back and she took it without reading the fine print. She has some limited control over the residents of Westview, but I think her subconscious is being amplified by Mephisto, maybe even using the reforged Mind Stone, which may be why he had her bring him back to begin with. I think Mephisto felt his control over Wanda/Vision (and by extension, Westfield) slipping away, so he brought in a new character to distract Wanda from her grief, hoping she will be content and accept the fantasy world he created for her. To what end, I don't know. But I do think Wanda is being manipulated just as much as everyone else.


This is most likely Wanda opening the multiverse she brought pietro back from the X-men fox universe, this is marvels way of introducing the mutants to the marvel universe and these events will tie in to the next doctor strange and spider man 3 which Wanda is also in

Justin Neason



my theory - wanda has *some* control over what is happening but not all the control. she genuinely seems not to know how it all started and seemed upset when vision told her that people were in pain. in the comics she is very mentally unstable so this could just be her mental breakdown but Agatha & Mephisto both have been known to manipulate wanda in the comics. i don't know if Agatha is in on it but i think she's been aware from the very beginning. personally - i think they are using this to bring some of the x-men into the MCU universe, this is a perfect way to do it. wanda *has* to know this isn't *her* pietro but it's still A VERSION of pietro. so there is some connection.


She wished her brother alive, just that a different universe brother came. It's kinda like option one but she's not in total control and she's most probably not aware that she caused it.

Reynaldo Urena

My theory is that, people have speculated that because Phase 4 of the MCU will deal with a lot of Magic, that Mephisto will be the big bad Behind the scene. I believe that Mephisto, because he is the All Powerful Devil in the Marvel universe, took Pietro’s soul from the Underworld and placed him in the Hex to distract Wanda


I think she made someone in the town act out his part. and the cameo is just a cameo


Loving reading your theories guys! - Marketa

Alvin Cura

Well, wouldn't that be an Agents of SHIELD-level misdirect. :)


I'm just assuming that a third party created him? She seemed a little shook to see him at the end there. Also, the fact that Darcy recognized him makes me think that he was just pulled from his universe and was only recognized cause he looked like him.


Pietro was brought in/created by Dr. Strange/Agatha (Agnes) to connect to the multiverse and allow Wanda to make a reality without hostaging the townspeople (if that makes sense... she could replace them with real people from the multiverse).


This was started by Mr Sinister working from the 20th Century X-men dimension. He opened a door between dimensions for some reason and Wanda was actually working against him when she stole Visions body. But things went pear shaped somehow and now Wanda is just going with it. With the dimensional door open Wanda pulled Quicksilver through it to fill in for her Pietro.


i for one like the theory that says that Evan Peters is playing Mephisto playing as Quicksilver, and that this is just super meta-casting by the MCU. but honestly i could go either way


My theory: Wanda is still struggling with grief and her “children” mentioned family. While she is consciously control people and the town, I think she subconsciously manipulated reality and pulled a version of her brother from the X-men universe to this reality. If you noticed, she didn’t ask who he was or why he was there. Even though she was shocked, he recognized him instantly.


*she recognized him instantly


It’s either 1 or 3 maybe even a combination of 1 and 3


I think she manifested him subcounciously, which is why she was so surprised when he appeared. Her mind is extremely powerful and unless she is in full control over her emotions, weird shit can happen.


Here is another theory I have. Agnes is actually behind most of this. She doesn’t seem to be affected by Wanda.


Yes she’s another witch from marvel comics Agatha Harkness


Most of this situation is set up by Agnes who’s actually Agatha harkness another powerful witch from marvel comics who’s worked with the Scarlett witch


Agnes / Ralph sent Evan Peters in

Matthew Cronin

I think she willed “her brother” here subconsciously, but she has now decided not to raise the dead again. So her powers pulled Quicksilver from the X-Men (Peter Maximoff) into her reality from his. I don’t think she intended to do this. Also I think Chris is right and Agnes is evil.

Daniel Gotenks

i think there is another force at work that wanda made a deal with. That force is responsible for the Quicksilver from another reality.

Liam Barnes

I think the "her" Norm referred to isn't Wanda. Wanda is being used, and whoever is truly manipulating things summoned Quicksilver from another world in the multiverse as a distraction for her.


Wanda has unknowingly tapped into the multiverse and pulled the X-men Pietroff to her. Wanda wanted her brother but since he died in her reality before she manifested the one, she pulled the nearest best thing to her.


I think this is tied to the kids. They have been shown to be out of Wanda's control, with events occurring in reference to Wanda's interactions with them. Examples: they can't keep Sparky until they're 10? Aged up. Wanda says they can't bring back the dead, and that her brother is "far away" and she's sad about it? Just pull a Pietro from "far away"...like a parallel universe but the "same time period". All this actually tying to the kids' comic counterparts: Billy and Tommy exist in the comics as Wanda and Vision's children, and one in particular - Billy - ends up going by the hero name Wiccan and inherits his mother's brand of powers, namely reality warping and "hex magic." So a young kid with full access to the Scarlet Witch's raw, subconscious reality bending power...this would add up to it being the kids' doing. And this might make a good moment for Tommy as well, aka Speed, who ended up with Pietro's speed powers who is now conveniently a part of the story.


And this goes into another aspect of the story that will come up later as well: Agnes. In this episode in particular, she has been a recurring "convenience" for Wanda and has suddenly become super involved now that the kids are around and active. Which could also tie to a particular character in the comics with ties to Scarlet Witch, a storyline with her and Vision's children, and another particular character that may "look better in the dark."


I think the twins (well one of them brought him here, Wanda was just telling them how sad she was that he was “far away” and then a version of him turns up? They could have just got a random version from another universe and when he got there he was under control.. I also don’t think Wanda is the one pulling the strings


I think there is another force that is controlling part of the Hex, Wanda herself said she doesn’t know how it all got started and she was as surprised as everyone else to see Peter (he is not Pietro).


Wanda was telling the truth when she said she didn’t know how Westview started. As she became aware, she started controlling things more. But whoever kicked things off brought in this other Quicksilver to continue manipulating events because it was all about to end with Vision revolting. Gonna be a saaaaaaaaaad ending to this story.


Evan Peters "Pietro" was brought there or manifested by Wanda's kids to make her happy because she told them her brother was far away and it made her sad sometimes.


Similar to the first option, but Wanda is not in full control. She couldn't control the stork or her kids, so I think there is a second magical player that has yet to reveal itself. Agness/Agatha? Ralph? Mephisto​? Or maybe it's Wanda doing it subconsciously.


I think Doctor Strange has something to do with it, remember the Multiverse Madness trilogy starts with WandaVision then Spiderman 3 and conclude with the Doctor Strange Movie.


I know it looks like it's all Wanda in control, but I think it's really the neighbor woman in control of it all. My theory is Wanda is the star of the show and so far Agatha, I think her name is, is the only one playing the role of the nosy neighbor. The guy vision temporarily released from his role said 'shes in my head, shes in control' he doesn't say the name of the woman in control. Wanda and vision are the stars of the show, I'm guessing the neighbor is the producer, but questioning who the target audience of the show is is? I mean, I doubt they are broadcasting just for sword to watch what's going on inside the hex, since wanda made it clear she wants to be left alone.


I'm going to believe Wanda that she didn't do it, Either she did it unconsciously or Agnes did it as a distraction because Vision is becoming too knowledgeable. I don't think SWORD has any control of whats going on inside, its all Agnes and Wanda.

Eline Cote

I wanna believe that she didn't start all of this. I think Agnes has something to do with it, OR her husband Ralph who we conveniently have never seen. I think this Pietro was sent here by either Agnes or Ralph to distract Wanda and keep her in her bubble because things are starting to seep through.


I think I figured it out. This tv show is a tv show, and it’s being ran like a tv show. Scarlett Witch is like the Director she didn’t start this ball rolling but she is the one who makes it all work by setting the decade, the costumes and what not. Agnes is the shows producer, her goal is to help Wanda make her show and she takes care of the nitty gritty things to help Wanda. Mephisto (Ralph) is like the show runner he is making all of this happen, while Wanda gets the episodes out the door and Agnes keeps Wanda working towards the goal of raising Wiccan and Speed. But as always the one who is really in control is the network exec and that is Mojo. This is a tv show and who always needs new tv shows? Mojo does and this would probably be his biggest hit. Just when Vision began reaching Wanda and potentially ruining his new show Mojo cracks open the multiverse and sends in Quicksilver to distract her.

Connar Woodhead

I think Wanda started of with a simple desire to bring back Vision and have the perfect life with him, and maybe someone else is/will take advantage of her Reality bending powers

Thomas Hodge

Wanda has the power to strip all mutants of their powers she did m day and made mutants almost an extinct species