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Happy Friday Normies! We hope you have a great weekend. 

RWBY 3x2

Reaction: https://youtu.be/j2nyKPhjyhY

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/508582274/fe976e5ccc



Zen Reacts

well shit maybe i wont go to sleep then

Edwin Ayala

Fun fact that’s only explained in the RWBY books: The reason why Neptune is afraid of water is because he unlocked his semblance Hydrokinesis at a young age and nearly drowned his brother with it. His brother doesn’t hold anything against Neptune since it was an accident but the event still traumatized Neptune and he refuses to put himself in such a potential situation again.


Ha, such a clean transition from the watches Im so hype, season 3 of rwby and the current shippuden arc? ooooo Maaan and these speculations every week make me so excited. Not even evaluating them(no spoilers), but these are some fun thoughts


They think the Crow Bar is funny now lol Can’t wait for the next episode’s reaction...if they do notice 🤣


that's intense, didnt know that. Maybe their theory about him overcoming his fear is true haha


Fun fact: Scarlet David is the name Peter Pan adopts in a sequel book in which he takes over Hook's crew. Scarlet David being able to glide like he does is also tied to Peter Pan's flight.


OMG next episode is gonna be sick


Nora is based off of and basically is Thor...The God of Thunder/ Lightning


It should be noted that most of volume 3 was animated by Shane Newville who’s been apart of RWBY before volume 1 and after volume 3 he was no longer apart of rooster teeth


All the team fight names are actually their ship names in the community. So “flower power” (Nora and Ren). “Argos” (is Jaun and Pyrrha) “there last names together” and in season two when team rwby fought the robot they said like “checkmate” Weiss and Blake( black and white) Bumblebee (Yang and Blake) White rose ( Ruby and Weiss) and lady bug (Ruby and Blake)

Andrew Hart

I wouldn’t say most of it was animated by Shane, The bits we know he specifically had a hand in animating are the RWBY vs ABRN fight in chapter 1 as well as, without spoiling it, the fight in chapter 6 as well as helping Dillon Gu and Kim Newman complete the fight in Chapter 12 I’m sure he did other bits and pieces in the volume but he was just a part of the larger animation team for volume 3