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Morning all!  Over the weekend I binged through The Night Stalker documentary. Come hang out bring your own copy and lets discuss this hell of documentary. - Nahid

Episode 1: Devil in the City of Angels - https://vimeo.com/502055965/b7c41d5c2f

Episode 2: Anyone Could be Next - https://vimeo.com/502055311/d9451d35bb

Episode 3: Lock. Your. Doors - https://vimeo.com/502067930/c333c37219

Episode 4: Manhunt - https://vimeo.com/502072066/675f9c8d97




I've been meaning to watch this but I've been putting it off. Guess this is a good time to start.


I've been looking forward to seeing this. I finally have time for it this week, so nice to get these bonus reactions.


It was good, I’m actually reading the Book right now and they didn’t mention the whole pedo thing, it makes me hate him even more


Keep these docu-series coming Nahid. Love em.

Malik Black

I watched a show called "Monster In The Family" discussing this guy. I made sure all my doors and windows were shut tight.

Tina L

How?! Like my sister and I started but we're so freaked out that we had to stop after the first 15mins! Although I will admit we quit because the editing choices were a bit much...lol


The reason they dropped the kid's cases is because they would've needed the kids to testify which would just traumatize them even more. However, with everything else he was charged with, the amount of evidence, there's no way he wouldn't have been found guilty and most likely charged with the death penalty. Pushing to prosecute him for the children's assaults wouldn't have changed the outcome or made it any worse for him, it would've just hurt the kids, so they dropped those cases.


Yeah I thought it about it for a sec. That little girl volunteered and said she would go and do it so no he cant hurt any other kids. That shit broke me man but after I pondered and thought about the whole thing in Hindsight she she didnt need go through all that. Enough is enough and he had his day in court although I dont believe true justice was served. - Nahid


I have a thing for these documentaries once I get started I just cant stop. - Nahid


Yeah I never understood the old school sentiment " the door is always open" Lol the show Full House rocked that idea. I even have friends family that are still like that. I'm sorry i just don't think anyone's home should be easy access. - Nahid


Nahid have you watched Wild Wild Country ?


I just watched the 2nd episode, and I can safely say that the lady reporter who threatened to release that information is one of the worst people in the world. I consider myself extremely liberal and believe journalists need protections, but she should have been put in jail until the case was solved so she couldn't fuck it up. I'm not a legal expert, but releasing such sensitive information should be considered obstruction of justice, or at least obstructing an investigation. the worst part about it is that she knew full well what she was doing and didn't give a shit.


Not sure if Nahid will see this, but if you do, please consider watching The Ripper. It's another 4 episode docuseries on Netflix, and it's about The Yorkshire Ripper in England in the late 70s. I already knew a few things about the case, but not some of the more important bits that I don't want to spoil for you. All I know is that you'll love it and I am dying to see your reactions to it.