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Ah well here it is ya'll... The final conclusion to the Skywalker Saga and The Normies reactions to it! Who will be a SUPER STAN of Star Wars? Who will enjoy the ride? Who will be crabby about it!? Find out on another NORMIES MOVIE NIGHT to Star Wars! Can't believe we finally completed this journey of all 9 movies in about a year's timespan.

Can't wait to start up Clone Wars soon and finish up the side movies Solo and Rogue One.

Reaction: https://youtu.be/vo4AWsirx5w

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/499445997/753ef62845

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Watch rouge one next I love that movie so much!!!


Imo, Force Awakens is nostalgic dumb fun, Last Jedi was just... terrible, and this one is utterly forgettable.


Rogue One and Solo, my favorite Disney Star Wars movies.


Wished Rian Johnson had gotten the helm for all 3 films. Would have been so good. He totally captured a lot of Lucas's Strange Magic in TLJ. 99% of the fandom doesn't even understand its importance unfortunately. And thus the hate for TLJ looms. Just sucks Lucas doesn't get his glory for this reason.

J. J.

Rouge One next please, it's better than the sequels


99% of the fandom is exaggerating. Unnecessarily being patronizing doesn't help the divide either. Lot of people, myself included, simply just didn't like the direction he went in. I absolutely understand Johnson is an incredible director, I loved Knives Out and I look forward to anything he does. I can also say I didn't like TLJ, not because I didn't understand this "importance" you speak of, but simply because I didn't think his story was good. The real issue lies with Disney and how they had no plan for this trilogy unfortunately.


Here it is, the finale of the directionless trilogy. Although, yes it is visually stunning, I do have to say that every time I watch this movie I hate it more and more. This holds true for the entire trilogy honestly and its a damn shame. Although I dislike Disney, I will admit that Rogue One and Solo are probably the two best Star Wars films (as blasphemous as that might sound).

Jules Eris

I just want Clone Wars honestly.


Who else is cringing


If you like this Star Wars trilogy, than your just a Disney mark. I don’t even acknowledge this movies. The canon are the books!!! No real Star Wars fan enjoys this movies except maybe the first because it’s a copy and paste.

Anthony Villena

I used to not like Star Wars but going through this entire series with y'all has taught me to appreciate it, thanks


I hate this movie but it's annoying that all of Mickey's critique of these films is just regurgitating the negative stuff he read on star wars reddit before he even saw the movie. 😆


As reactors stop being so influenced by other peoples reviews. Actually grow some balls Mickey and have your own opinion for once you sheep.

Chaos T

To be fair, the criticisms are spot on and the issues are pretty apparent throughout the film. There's not much more to add that already has been said.

Chaos T

I hated this film more than Attack of the Clones. Rise of Skywalker is the result of not having a plan. This movie looks like it was directed by Michael Bay.


Im the first quarter, i also shared the chronological order since there isnt a order in particular


I really appreciate Chris' love for these movies. While the Disney trilogy is definitely my least favorite of all 3, I definitely don't hate it with every fiber of my being like it seems some people do online. It's a breath of fresh air to watch someone genuinely enjoy these movies like I do. can't wait for more Star Wars content!

Derek Willerton

Low key Chris lookin' fresh in this video


Rian johnson might have had a plan for his film, but the thing is that he was so concerned with subverting expectations for the film that he ended up making some things that should be impossible to the universe of star wars, such as destroying the ship with the other ship in lightspeed (hyperspace is supposed to be a different dimension and not just a ship going very fast) and letting leia live in outer space just by using the force. Plus, Luke is supposed to be the greatest jedi, a beacon of hope, and yet he does the same mistake as yoda by becoming a hermit in ahch to, and he does this after believing his own grandson is irredemeable before he's done anything wrong, even after saving darth vader after 20 years in the dark side. And this is not even counting with the uselessness of Finn's whole journey in the movie. Rise of Skywalker is just trying to recover from all the mistakes in the Last Jedi, but ends up being a very forgettable movie


Chewie and the medal... Chewie was offered a medal by the Rebellion but he refused, he said his medal should go to all the Rebel pilots in Red and Gold Squadron who died. It was a display of his Wookie warrior honor. Albeit that was explained with EU stuff, but it always felt like a good explanation to me. As for this trilogy... I grew up with the EU and Disney erasing all of it made me judge these films harshly. I'll put any prequels above these, but again I am biased as I liked the EU books, comics, games, etc... almost more than the OT and PT. That said I do wish they ended the movie with Rey joining Palpatine with the intent of trying to rule from the light and prevent his darkness from taking over. She could rule the 'Empire' but try and reform it from within while struggling with having to compromise in order to do so. Likewise Kylo Ren could then become the Rebels new 'Jedi' and they would have to deal with being forced to work with a war criminal as he's all they got. And all the Force Ghosts say he's cool now so who are they to argue? Could've been the start of a new trilogy.

jose giron

I gotta say bruh, I thoroughly disliked this movie, especially cuz I like what the last jedi did with setting up some really interesting concepts just to be let down with this one. I'm honestly getting sick of everything star wars because they always go back to the same old skywalker saga stuff man, its so boring to me now, just my opinion.

Richard Cabanas

I didn't like the Sequals, BUT I LOVE THE NORMIES. So yeah, thx guys💜🖤

John Lewis

to you lol


That jab at Clone troopers was hurtful...

Zen Reacts

I can understand how a casual would enjoy this movie but fuck, if you think about any number of things in this movie for more than a second it falls apart. Straight garbage movie

kong kong

This movie sounds so horrible i still haven't watched it.


The new magical things done with the force felt too magical to me.


Don't let anyone tell you what you should think about a movie. If you like it own it. My personal opinion that this movie is just generally bad not just as an entry in the star wars franchise. In my opinion, The Last Jedi tried something new and actually had something to say even if it was not great. This one just didn't. Not to mention all the writing faux pas like 3 mcguffins, 3 fake deaths (including C3PO), and an inexplicable villain with unclear motives/plans. There's more but you get it. I don't blame any particular director but I do blame Disney who should had some sort of outline ahead of time so that directors didn't feel the need to retcon major parts of each other's films.

Dallas Winston

That’s where you’re wrong, This entire trilogy is the result of not having a plan, but hey... “ThE FOrCe iS FeMaLe”

Dallas Winston

What do you mean? Force ghost have always been able To interact with tangible things and shoot lightning... totally


They can enjoy this movie, that's fine. But Chris is straight up wrong in a lot of his points. Just google the interviews with the cast where they pretty much openly admit there was never any actual plan for this trilogy, they were just making it up as they went along.


I hope you don't think that the OT or PT had a plan because they didn't and it shows.

Rando calrissian

I dont understand how chris can like the sequels more than the prequels.....is he just a pure prequel hater lol..... I'm only kidding great reaction guys


You don't have to say just kidding lol it's a valid opinion. Chris' logic is usually on point but for some reason he just has a wall up for the prequels. I mean the prequels do have many flaws but damn.. the sequels are just soulless hot garbage with nothing to stand on besides high graphics budget and big explosions. The prequels are a narrative masterpiece by comparison and actually made you feel something for some of the cast.


I tried and had to stop halfway through. This trilogy has done nothing to make me feel anything for any of these characters or the plot. Rey was a Mary Sue to the highest degree, Finn was wasted potential and Poe was just a lame attempt at another Han Solo that fell flat on its face.

Storm King

Finn was going to tell Rey that he can feel the force when he thought they were dying in the sink hole. He had trained a bit with Leia as well.

Rishi Shukla

I recommend you guys react to Screen Rant's Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Pitch Meeting on youtube! Funny and informative on all the plotholes. Plus fun to react to.


I tried my best to have an open mind when I went to watch this in theaters, but I was so bored. There's so much pandering, plot holes, contrivance, bad fanservice, cringy memeing, wasted character potential, and so many more problems. There was only two points in the movie where I actually felt something significant, but one of those moments was immediately undone. I had so much fun with Force Awakens despite its problems, and it was only downhill from there.

The Anime Man

The vimeo's aren't working