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Who do you most relate to in team RWBY after watching this episode? 



As a POC I find it hard not to see where Blake is coming from and feel her pain. What are you supposed to do to fix a world that hates you? How do you know what you're doing is right?


hmmm.. I could post next week's poll to be more oriented towards the male protagonists :) thanks for the idea!

Edwin Ayala

I’d pick Ruby but only because she is the closest to a certain character that you have yet to meet. #O.P.S.

The Answer

Where's the double drop 👀

Edwin Ayala

Yeah, I’m looking forward to double drops also in Volume 3 cuz ohooo boy......they’re/we’re not gonna want to wait in that Volume.

Quinton Teratino

Yang, mostly because I have a bike and usually work on it.


Ruby, her quirkiness is similar to mine 😁


I'm glad to see y'all doing more polls like I suggested


For me it’s Blake when she t comes to being more the quite and insecure type

Kaiki Deishu

Blake is my least favourite out of the 4 because she is bland, so i relate to Blake therefore vote blake 🤣


I relate so hard to Weiss bc of how restricted she is by her family. She comes off as unkind at times bc of the learned behaviors that her family taught her but she strives to be better every day. I love her so much ugh.

Dylan Hughes

I'd probably be between ruby or Yang I cant be stealthy like Blake but I can sure snipe the hell out of anything in COD or Battlefield lol.

Jerome Green

I wish I was yang but I think everyone i know would say I relate to Ruby the most out of those 4.


has haikyuu ever been in a poll yall would love it and its something new.