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Happy Monday! We hope everyone is having a great day so far. 

While we unfortunately do not have an episode of Dark for Premium Access today, we are so excited to let you know that Dark will be returning to the schedule next Monday!

Thank you all again for being so patient. We appreciate you all. 

- The Normies




3 weeks later :( really


Yes The Expanse is back!! I'm so ready to see this season!

Michael Bagasan

Cool sounds good. Would that mean a double or triple drop next week considering episode 4 is out on your channel next Monday?

Daniel Sessions

We're getting Clone Wars next week right?


No food wars ? :(


Will Premium be getting episodes 2 and 3 of the Expanse early, or are they going to be released on all tiers at the same time?

Storm King

😎 Chill dude watch some of their other stuff to occupy time


With 127-128 being Jiraya centric.. I think it’s only right that I/we put it in the universe for a 131-133 triple drop to end the year 🤞🏾


triple drop Naruto to end the year please

Isaiah Cox

Are triple drops still a thing because this week or next week would be the perfect time for one.

Bernhard Escher

Season 5 will be released weekly. That means there's only one episode per week to watch, so there's no possibility to do that, sadly.


What about money heist? Another week without it for premium access?


Was waiting for when the Dark reaction would release, and my crappy monday wouldn't be so crappy anymore. Not today :(


Some one knows where I can see thr attack on titan reaction?


I would love a triple drop of ere sennins fight please!!!


If you’re fine with it, a triple drop for Naruto would be great!

J Hunte

If you look at the end of next month, those would be perfect triple drops for 139-141


would it be possible to get 2 eps of Dark next week to make up for 3 weeks without?

Alex cleveland

Low-key yall would hoe us if yall don't triple drop at the end of the month lmao😂. If u know those eps, then u KNOW it gotta be together 😂. No stress Normies. It's all hype thats all. Hope its possible tho!


Are you guys filling up Monday with anything new? It's lonelier than my DMs...

don’t call me lev

Can you guys give us any updates on Money Heist? :/


Agree, doing episodes 129-130 next week and then 131-133 the following week would be so nice!!

jose giron

well premium gotta get at least 3 episodes of dark next monday them cuz now even yt is going to be caught up with ep 4 so we def getting ep 5-7 if not the rest of the season, if not imma drop down to early access lol


still no Naruto livestream :(

Bryan Malacaro

The expanse is back yay so excited and Viking comes back couple weeks hope you guys will be doing that love your discussions and reactions to it the best

Edwin Ayala

Hope you guys do premium reactions when you get to RWBY Volume 3. That’s the Volume when reactions start to gain more views as that’s when the story/animation begins to pick up. Let’s just say that V3 is when RT figures out what they wanted their show to be. *sits down happily, waiting*


A 131-133 naruto triple drop to end the year would be hype

don’t call me lev

Hoping we get a triple drop of 131-133 for our Christmas present 🙏🏾. It would round out the arc wonderful and end this year on a high


Being premium patreon this and last month only for money heist really hurts

Chaos T

Friday just became lit.

Pervy Sage

How about spreading some holiday cheer and do a triple drop of Shippuden?

Grey Montero

oooh, wrong month to be a Patreon Premium, I was expecting Money heist and dark, instead they're reacting to movie that they already had watched a bunch of times, If you wanted to react to an old movie, Train to Busan wouldden be nice.


How is Suraj reacting to Attack on Titan new season but Dark is being ignored by them? Kind of sucks as a patreon member. They need to drop multiple episodes next week otherwise I'll drop from patreon. I'm only a member because of Dark right now.


Man this is a hard time for people who only bought premium to watch Dark this month.


Need Dark, or need a refund. Been a patron fro 3 years and never asked or a refund.


It's literally saying in the description above that Dark will continue next week! Also, not to mention that some serious circumstances delayed the reactions..

Barry Allen

When is Batman The Animated Series 1x13 releasing. I don't see it on the feed yet?