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The case is over and Avon Barksdale is in jail, but... did we actually accomplish anything? D'Angelo goes back and forth on his place in the Barksdale organization, and McNulty mulls over if the whole thing was worth in the Season 1 Finale of the Wire!

Reaction: https://youtu.be/9fSGdHvml7E

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/485970527/e948056233


The Wire - 1x13 Sentencing - Group Reaction

The case is over and Avon Barksdale is in jail, but... did we actually accomplish anything? D'Angelo goes back and forth on his place in the Barksdale organization, and McNulty mulls over if the whole thing was worth in the Season 1 Finale of the Wire! The Normies discuss and review the episode after the reaction. --- NEW MERCH! https://thenormies.threadless.com/ --- COMIC BOOKS!! https://thenormiesllc.com/ols/products/the-normies-comic-book Gaming Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/thenormiesgaming Weekly Show Schedule: https://www.facebook.com/TheNormiesGroup Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thenormies Link to our Discord: https://discord.gg/thenormies You can send stuff to us at PO 785 Fishers, IN 46038 Check out our social stuff too: facebook - facebook.com/thenormiesgroup twitter - @the_normies Instagram - @the_normies snapchat - thenormies



It’s actually Heroin and Cocaine, that’s why Bubs and co call it a one and one. They shoot them both up in the same syringe. It’s called a Speedball, and it’ll kill you quick.


Watching you guys watch The Wire has quickly become one of the highlights of my week. Thank you for highlighting the acting for D'Angelo, in these past couple of episodes especially he really breaks my heart. I really feel like one of the main themes of the entire series is how nothing really changes. An individual can get better or worse, but there's always someone to take the place they've just vacated, the world never changes. I'm so excited to see your reactions to season 2!

The Normies Staff

Hello, Dustin the editor here! I just wanted to share the message that I sent to Chris here. Hope you all enjoy the reaction, this was an amazing season of television! "Stringer and Avon are legit terrible people. Personally I feel like this is getting glossed over a bit too much, though I think you (Chris) were trying to talk about it more in the 1x12 discussion. But they probably have more money than they know what to do with, and they’re willing to f*** nearly anyone below them if it means they stay in power. They’re disgusting, and they’re preying on people struggling with addiction. Stringer taking night classes to learn actual business doesn’t make him better, it makes him worse. Yes, he could be a legit businessman, but it won’t ever matter because he’s an a**hole who will use the people below him to get to the top. Although, what “good businessman” doesn’t do that? “The game” is made up. All the unwritten rules and expectations about not snitching and “taking care” of the other people in “the game” is bulls*** designed to keep those at the top in power. It amazes me that more people aren’t just looking out for themselves, but I guess that’s the indoctrination from the top doing it’s work. D'Angelo sticking up for himself while in custody has been my favorite moment of the whole season. But I also love how all of this mirrored in the police/bureaucracy of Baltimore. Most of the people in the detail are flawed, but mostly good people. Same with most of Dee’s crew. But the higher up you go, the worse the people are. The people in power just want to stay in power, and are always threatened by the possibility of that being taken away. So anyway, tl;dr this season is about power and how those in power want to f*** whoever’s below them for their own gain. Both factions of those in power are “bad”, but the people working underneath them are usually pretty “good.” " This isn't everything I think about the show, and I know there's a lot of nuance I didn't touch on. These were really just quick thoughts I jotted down right after editing the 1x12 reaction. But the tl;dr at the end does kinda sum up what I think about the season as a whole. Again, love you all for supporting us and enjoying the reactions!


Congratulations on finishing the first season, thanks for taking this show on. It’s not exactly a Reactor friendly show nor a big draw for those sweet sweet clicks. But this was the perfect time for one of the big channels to take this show on. Looking forward to season 2, just keep an open mind and trust in David Simon and Ed Burns, they know what their doing, all the pieces matter.

Nerd Going Outside

So much to say, but I'll keep it to: I love the mirroring that happens between the organizations in the last couple of episodes. Look at Bodie and Carver's paths: both of them go over the heads of their direct superior (who is, in both cases, trying to do the right thing) to take instructions from someone higher up in the organization in exchange for promotion. Now Carver is a Sergeant and Bodie has a tower, while Daniels is screwed over and D took 20. Not as much difference between these institutions as we might think.

Chaos T

Spot on. Pat said in the beginning of the video that's all they knew. While there's truth to that there becomes a point where that becomes an easy excuse. Both Stringer and Avon are well past that point for the many reasons mentioned in this post.

Chaos T

Chris's dad sounds awesome.

John M.

Who's been badmouthing Season 2? It's great.


It's jarring the first time through and I can understand a lot of people feeling let down when it looks like the focus has abandoned the streets for the white dockworkers but honestly I think when you look back at where it fits in and how it expands the scope it's actually one of the strongest seasons

Kamina 1

Suraj: "This might be one of the most perfect seasons of television" - Ladies and gentlemen.... We got him 👏🏼

Kamina 1

Rana takes the best notes. Chris you were seconds away from ending the vid when she pulled that thing out 😹 SN: Overall you guys as a group did an EXCELLENT job reacting, and discussing this season. Mickey especially has been a joy, and shout out to Dustin on his lengthy take on The Wire. I'm glad you added that in Chris. Cheers to the seasons to come! :)


I love how deliberately this show is paced. The first 3 episodes are an Opening Statment they establish what issues the season will address and the characters we will follow. The next 3 show the investigations beginning and the scraps they have to begin with. The next 3 episodes are the chase where the cops find out how far behind their targets they are and begin to make up ground. The next 3 episodes are the climax and the final episode of the season serves as an epilogue and a closing statement. Every season has this basic structure to it, each phase isn’t always three episode since there are different episode amounts each season. But the structure of an Opening Statement > Investigation begins > the Chase > the Climax > Epilogue and closing statement is always adhered to in some manner.


And he still has the actual Perfect Season to go.

Kiana B.

the crew back!

Kiana B.

not boy pussy lmaoo, bussy if you will!

Kiana B.

i think y'all are forgetting that d'angelo was going to jail regardless before he decided to 'snitch' or not. he really did traffic schedule I drugs across state lines. he didn't "take" any years for anyone, he just elected (using that word super loosely, more like he was coerced) not to 'snitch' in exchange for witness protection.


Ignore those shitting on season 2. It's fantastic. Please don't go into it expecting to hate it.

Kwame James

Yeah they act like dee didn't escape life on episode 1 for a murder he did and Avon got him free which is part of the reason for the cop problem in the first place and I know most of yall aren't too familiar with criminal processe but generally getting sentenced to 20 years he's not going to do the full 20 and wee bey is in the life to take care of his family him taken life mean Avon will keep taken care of his family too that's how this work also yall too hard on bodie about Wallace on top of the fact that he snitch he didn't have to come back he wanted the perks of the life and non of the dirty work plus bell would have had him killed either way and I don't know if anyone ever corrected yall but the money he stole from his mom wasn't for the kids it was for his drugs


One thing that I'm surprised nobody (but Chris) focused on or maybe even missed was that the question everybody's been asking since the first few episodes-- whether or not/how Daniels was dirty-- was basically answered in his talk with Carver-- he wasn't just talking about systemic issues, he was talking about himself. Also, Season 2 is great. Also, it's crazy how Pat just stubbornly sticks to his indoctrinated beliefs that the show basically explains is part of the problem. Buying into the code BS is just about as bad as buying into the chain of command BS.


Brother, you need to use punctuation. That's a really long sentence


D wasn’t trying to do the right thing for their business though. He always fucked up.