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It takes a special kind of person to not only put their country first but also the men with whom they serve! Running into oncoming bullets to pull men from certain death, running to and from foxholes or to nearby medic camps to gather supplies for your comrades. Another visually stunning yet gruesome representation of what these men went through, let us know what you thought of this episode in the comments!

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/461360826/2d5d152625 


Band of Brothers - 1x6 Bastogne - Group Reaction

It takes a special kind of person to not only put their country first but also the men with whom they serve! Running into oncoming bullets to pull men from certain death, running to and from foxholes or to nearby medic camps to gather supplies for your comrades. Another visually stunning yet gruesome representation of what these men went through, let us know what you thought of this episode in the comments and leave a like and subscribe! Be sure to stick around after the reaction for the discussion, this is Band of Brothers Episode 6, Bastogne! --- NEW MERCH! https://thenormies.threadless.com/ --- COMIC BOOKS!! https://thenormiesllc.com/ols/products/the-normies-comic-book --- Thumbnails by Kya Gaming Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/thenormiesgaming Weekly Show Schedule: https://www.facebook.com/TheNormiesGroup Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thenormies Link to our Discord: https://discord.gg/thenormies You can send stuff to us at PO 785 Fishers, IN 46038 Check out our social stuff too: facebook - facebook.com/thenormiesgroup twitter - @the_normies Instagram - @the_normies snapchat - thenormies


Daniel Sessions

Christmas armistice did happen when German troops and British, didn't have any orders to move forward or attack so for one Christmas they came out of their trenches and stopped fighting. But that was back in WW1 1914 to be specific, it has never happened again.


In the 1st world war there was a christmas ceasefire that stretched across most of the line. They even fraternized with each other some places. Higher ups were not a fan and stopped it.


Warsaw got completely razed to the ground. Hitler wanted to do the same to paris but he didnt have the time or supplies to dedicate.


This and the next one were the most brutal, hard-to-watch TV episodes I had ever seen...until I watched The Pacific. :(

Ian Duran

Paratroopers were all volunteers so in this case with these guys they all signed up for this.

Chaos T

This battle is a pretty good representation of what it was like for Soviet and German soldiers on the Eastern front. Absolutely brutal conditions.


The nurse was a real person as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ren%C3%A9e_Lemaire


"Renée Lemaire was the fiancée of a Jew arrested in Brussels by the Gestapo earlier in the year.[2]" In December 1944, Renée Lemaire returned to Bastogne to visit her parents, and was trapped when the Germans launched its Ardennes offensive on December 16, 1944.[1] Along with nurse Augusta Chiwy,[3] she volunteered at an aid station for the American 20th Armored Infantry Battalion on December 21, 1944.[4] In a commendation request from Battalion Surgeon Dr. Jack T. Prior, Lemaire was described as "cheerfully accepted the Herculean task and worked without adequate rest or food...", that she "changed dressings, fed patients unable to feed themselves, gave out medications, bathed and made the patients more comfortable...", and "her very presence among those wounded men seem to be an inspiration to those whose morale had declined from prolonged suffering."[5] On December 24, 1944, around 8:30PM, Germans bombed the building where the aid station was located. According to a column in a Belgian newspaper, the aid station in the basement of the Sarma Store on rue de Neufchateau was demolished. Lemaire managed to evacuate six soldiers from the burning building, but died while attempting to save a seventh wounded.[6] Dr. Prior recovered her remains, and brought them back to her parents wrapped in a white parachute.[7]


It wasn't that we would have lost the war. It was a desperate push by the Germans to try to force a peace on better terms than just their unconditional surrender. Cutting off their supply routes and getting those armies to surrender would have increased their bargaining power, possibly even allowing them to retain some of the land they had taken.


I think at some point it's not longer a job but protecting the people you're with. It's a band of brothers an they'd do anything to keep each other safe. That's what it was all about.

Champion Bescos

This is honestly my favorite episode of the whole show. Winters may be my favorite in a plethora of great characters in BoB, but Doc being the brave every-man medic that we follow around, exhaustingly, wearily, sometimes demoralisingly, as he walks through hell in attempts to keep others just a little bit healthier, more capable, better. At the cost of his own peace of mind, I dare say. Everyone does their part, big and small, in the great machine of war. Terribly beautiful and also, just.. terrible.


" Im glad im not in Bastogne..."


You guys were thinking of World War 1 when they put down their arms for Christmas. Also know as the “Christmas truce”

Frankie H

Suraj, to answer your question, those were German bodies at the beginning not American I think, most of them had the long coats used by the German Army. Also, the 101st Airborne Division was also supported by some of the 10th Armored Division (tanks). So the 101st airborne had some American tank support in Bastogne. The 10th Armored Division never got the credit that the 101st Airborne did which seems a bit unfair. Lastly, the black nurse was a real person and has her own wikipedia page, Augusta Chiwy was her name, half Belgian and half Congolese. Renée Lemaire was also a real nurse, and also has a wikipedia page. Anyway good luck on the next episode, it's ... tough.


Yeah WWI still had some 'gentlemanly' elements of war to it where both sides expected the other to be civilized and honor certain norms. That was the troops on the ground, the generals and officers HATED that and pushed for utter hatred and intolerance towards the enemy and treat them as evil incarnate. That attitude carried over into WWII so 'truces' like in WWI were rare and something only troops on the ground would do secretly with each other.


I like the little detail in the beginning of the episode with Cpt. Winters shaving. While everybody is letting their facial hair grow ( understandably so ), Winters keeps a clean shaven face according to military grooming standards. It just shows how much of a consummate professional he is even in the middle of shitty situations.


The Battle of the Bulge was Hitler trying the same thing he did in 1940 to knock out France and Britian. Blitz through the Ardennes with panzers and mechanized and push to Antwerp and cut off the Allied army in Belgium. It worked 100% perfectly for the Nazis in 1940 but in 1944 the Allies tech and tactics were on par with the Germans and the Allied manufacturing excelled. HItler through all his cards into this push and when the Americans held the line and pushed the bulge back... Hitler had nothing left. The Battle of the Bugle was Hitler's attempt to force the Allies to sign a peace so the Axis could put all their forces on the Eastern Front. Even in 1940 it was a hail marry plan, but somehow it worked. In 1944... it was really doomed to failure. The Germans did not have the materials and fuel to do it and the Americans in their path were veteran after the initial push that broke the front line. The 101st holding Bastogne really screwed the Germans chance of winning. There were heroes and atrocities commited. The SS machine gunned a large group of American prisoners out of utter spite over losing. Yet in another case a German soldier found a wounded American and got him into a vehicle and drove him to the American lines so he could get treated. There was sadly a lot of Germans in WWII who still believed and held to Prussian honor about war while fighting for a Germany that abandoned all decency.

Chaos T

Overall it was a very dumb plan by Hitler. Almost like he was throwing a hail mary pass at that point.


Why remove the PiP for things that the normies have good reactions to while having so much PiP during trivial or unimportant moments? Usually the editing is on point. Maybe so there's less gore? Idgi actually just curious. Other than that this was a fantastic video guys, solid discussion.


The art Mickey is referring to is called kintsugi, not "wabisabi" lolol


Welcome to the fucking show.


I had fever dreams about this episode and the next one when I first watched thiem before bed.

Darth Skhorrn

The next episode is my favorite of the show, but it is one of the hardest to watch.

Deviant Parker

Dunkirk is the best World War 2 movie, in my opinion. Forget narrative, just immerse me in the extremes of the human experience. Someone should make a movie about the horrors of the eastern front. They put their arms down and sang Christmas songs the first winter of WWI. The higher ups did not like it and made sure it did not happen again.