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The fight between Salsa-Ree and Sakura heats up with the latter taking matters into her own hands! We also get some much needed insight into SalsaRee's backstory. I'm really hoping we get these deep dive into EACH of the Akutsuki while at the same time learning about past lore of each of the villages. Exciting stuff! 3rd Kazekage going down!!!

Clone vs Team Kakashi stuff though... Not so exciting. At least for me. Anyway what did you think of this week's batch of episodes? How is Navi fitting in with the Chunnin 5? Let us know your thoughts down below!

- Suraj

21 - https://youtu.be/u-YAqAaL7_U [revised from last week]

22 - https://youtu.be/s-zPsHXAfPA

23 - https://youtu.be/dGME1Vmeois



Heru Muharrar

The clone fight was wack. It's just filler.


thank you!!


Well I guess I'm the bright side this technical difficulty thing hasn't happened since regular naruto episode 131 I think


Yeah that clone fight is second behind Ino vs. Sakura as the worst fight in all of Naruto. I think the solution was try harder or some dumb shit ike that.


Personally I just wish they would wait until the quarantine is over because these Frankenstein reactions aren't that interesting. Mabe they should do whatever blind wave is doing because their reactions are actually working right


I guess we have to just pray for a miracle and hope nothing goes wrong with their reactions until the quarantine is over


Kakashi's father killed Sasori's parents and Sasori built the puppets in mimicry of it.

Aadit Doshi

The otaku charms sponsorship audio is not working. Just fyi


the Clone fight is fun to watch for some scenes with the fight Choreo for Lee, Neji, and Guy but it get repetitive at points.

spoiled milk

are you dumb? blind wave is doing the exact thing... frankenstein reactions..


finally they get to hear my favorite battle music track, Reverse Situation!


Sasori did NOT kill his parents. He didn't start killing people and using them as puppets until after leaving the village. The Mother and Father puppets are just puppets designed after his dead parents. Also yes, he did live with his grandmother as an innocent child.


Sorry To break it to you but Sasori didn’t Kill his parents remember when lady Chiyo First met Kakashi? She tried to kill him because she thought he was his father “The White Fang of the leaf” The man that killed lady Chiyo’s son... Kakashi’s father killed Sasori”s father... The father and mother puppets were the very first puppets he ever made because he didn’t have parents. He also made crow, black ant and, salamander... Puppets that are not people


Watch the two videos then comment (Spoiler alert they know already)💀💨


There’s nothing wrong with the Ino/Sakura fight. The clone fight is literally just filler outside of some scenes


Watch both episodes before commenting


Y’all need to praise Rana more cuz she pays way more attention.


Reading the comments, it’s probably best that y’all watch both reactions before commenting so you don’t look like an ass.


Iron sand is a real thing by the way.


I hope before the arc is over they understand that without Chiyo and Sakura helping eachother out, Sasori wins this lol. Feels like alot of asterisk is being put on one or the other


Sasori's backstory is really sad, Part of me wishes Kakashi was with Sakura and Chiyo. The son of the man who killed his parents with his student teaming up with the mother of one of the victims to take on the child. Feels like it kinda writes itself


Seymour Asces I accidentally deleted your comment! Sorry fam i was trying to comment back and say I busted out of my seat laughing! Sorry please rewrite it. I thought it was hilarious it does remind me of orochimaru and Saturobi! - Nahid


hope they skip the clone fight. Worst fight in all of naruto

Mike Strider

The clone fight in the manga was just used as an excuse to keep Guy's team busy, and to show that Akatsuki were clever at setting up traps. It was just meant to be a few pages. However the anime team used all that for padding.




Just to be clear Chiyo is not in complete control of Sakura. Chiyo is buffing her. If Sakura wanted she could fight Chiyo controling her but she isn't. Hope that helps and keep up the great work :)


haha naruto had his picture taken by a camera in episode 2 of the original series, so that technology has actually been established for awhile


The Sakura hate is so unjustified here


Granny Chiyo is mostly controlling her cause she knows how puppets work and all about Sasori. Its not really so much as to increase speed and skill vs just being able to react to things faster and having more anticipation. Everything else is all Sakura

Marcus Brandon

Sasuri parents dies to the white fang the puppets you see was him make was because he missed them just fyi


Didn't Chiyo nearly attack Kakashi when they met, because she thought he was his dad (White Fang) and wanted to avenge her son's death? Meaning that Sasori didn't kill his dad. He just made them into puppets after their death.

Adam Vialpando

Sakuri has the strength but Chiyo has the experience. Old and young.


We've seen a camera before... Start of episode 2 of the original Naruto, remember? Naruto had on white face paint and made a pose for his ID card. We've even seen CCTV, CRTTVs & VCRs before in this show.


I usually watch both episodes before commenting, and I should've done it this time. At least now they know.


I can understand the Sakura hate in the original series, but it really has no place in Shippuden, especially this fight. I just don't understand it


Okay normies, I’m not sure about the criticism of Sakura. Her and Chiyo compliment one another in that Chiyo is using her to help her dodge things she otherwise would not be able to on her own. Almost nobody would. In turn Sakura is providing the brute strength to destroy puppets and such. So how is Sakura doing nothing? Lol.

Steffen Bauknecht

Just wanted to say: I agree with the Normies Sakura critizisem.


Yea this is the only moment where Sakura isn't totally useless and annoying. I would at least wait until after this arc to start shitting on her awful character once again.


She isn't quite as bad but she is still an awful character. Plenty of reasoning to still hate on Sakura into shippuden. The bitch lies to Naruto and she still can't do shit around Sasuke cause she still has "feelings for him". -_- Yea no fuck her

Kevin Kovacs

I don't.. because this is the only time Sakura is shine so let's just enjoy it pls 😅😚


I think it’s just jumping on the bandwagon, Sakura has her flaws but she’s not useless


I don't expect anyone to be blown away by Sakura's abilities, but the expectations set upon her are through the roof, and unjustly so. I don't blame the Normies entirely for this, but I also don't think they fully understand the purpose and necessity of Chiyo using Sakura like a puppet. Also Sakura jokes are low-hanging fruit so an easy laugh in group settings, they'll take it where they can lol.


rana the queen right again


That was a great reaction guys...revisiting Sasori's past is always a heartbreak esp with the music..


Don't react to episode 28 guys. If you guys are tired of the clones fight, episode 28 is all about the clones and the episode is soo dumb lol. Just skip that episode guys


People are actually defending Sakura in the comments. Is this real?! My heart😭


So is the new girl gonna just be here for a couple reactions or what?


What's with all the spoilerfest in the comments... I understand that people want to defend Sakura, but how about you let the normies find out by themselves?


Some people can’t shut their mouths


Please say that they are skipping filler episodes


Naruto literally had his picture taken in ep 2 of OG Naruto


did you increase how many cuts there are per episode?? it seems way more frequent than previously. It used to be like a cut every 20 seconds and now it seems like every 5 seconds and it's ruining any immersion there previously was