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Naruto spends some quality time with the Pervy Sage! Looks like he reopened his seal a little bit to make it easier for Naruto to access his chakra.


Naruto 53





In case you guys haven't figured it out yet, kakashi has spent the entire series reading porn


I remember when I figured that out as I got older, that shit blew my mind




When this episode originally aired, I remember people in my school going wild for that ending revelation

Ruben Lopez

Thanks for the triple drop even tho we don't deserve it. Lol


Triple Drop!

Runner Up



Wow I don't remember this at all!

Cpt Falco

6:40 I haven't thought about Gullah Gullah island in years. What a weird reference.

Johnny Blue

Thank you so much for the unexpected triple drop.


I love how the show just throws the line out of him saying Naruto has a sexy little body (and yes he does says something similar in the Japanese too aha) and then just brushes past it like it never even happened lmao. Rewatching Naruto now that I’m older, definitely realise just how wild Jiraiya’s lines can be lol


Don't worry, Jiraiya's comment about Naruto's body was just meant to distract him from him looking at the seal. Besides, the way I understand it, the adjectives he chose were far less creepy in Japanese.


honestly forgot a lot of this happened lmaoo


Oh wow, I forgot how cringey this episode was lol

Philip Kay

So many times they were talking and missed smth actually important to react to


Thanks for the triple drop guys! Yeah that comment Jiraiya makes is weird, super funny that they just totally brush it off like it's nothing.


I feel like Jiraya mostly said that creepy thing during the training to pass off how he was staring at his chakra-abs lol

Liam D

That's because its meant to be a joke, in the middle of a serious scene it breaks it up. It supposed to be comedic relief which is why it isn't brought up again.


"I never jerked off a cloud" - Chris

Coco XLarge

UFC champion Israel Adesanya has the nine tailed fox seal tattoo on his stomach. He's also known as the Style Bender

Kishan P

aww man u guys should have done a quadruple drop!!!! lol, just kidding thanks for the triple, hope you guys are enjoying the show so far.


naruto triple drop,hunter double drop and that early too ? You guys are awesome!!


Maybe it's a dubbing issue? Those lines do seem weird


Yeah and his seal tattoo is like combined with a Avatar TLA tattoo

Daniel Burgmann

The translation i know for this "you have a sexy body" scene is "you would look really cute if you were a girl" which is a lot less creepy imo.


Yall better not focus in on the "Pervy" part of Jiraiya so much so that you destroy the character's importance. That'll be unforgivable. Also, I'm gifting you all ball gags for the next unboxing.


The man, the myth, the legend has arrived!


So funny 😂

rickie woodson

with jiraiya here i officially jump on the bandwagon of "3-4 naruto's a week". 2 sannins down and the greatest is coming aka my fave bka best girl, with her two companions who are also super awesome!!!!!! sigh i could watch a show/read a manga just about them. gotta sing "medical ninjas do it better!!!" epicness is coming and her name is...........you'll see

rickie woodson

not necessarily. its a shonen martial arts anime/manga. they all have their own tropes just like any genre, doesnt mean one particular influenced the other. watch enough of these and you see all these things, even in modern martial arts shonen like real bout high. women with big boobs, pervy guys, etc etc

rickie woodson

hey micky, man on man love is NOT weird. its HOT, SEXY, and BEAUTIFUL

rickie woodson

when did you see orochimaru put a seal on naruto? lol he didnt. its the same seal thats been there since the 9 tails was put in him

rickie woodson

tickle me how japanese man, tickle me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wow you might as well reveal that entire arc with the spoilers you dropped.


he did put a seal on him during the fight in the forest of death between him naruto sasuke.

Michael Diaz

Sneeze into your arm fold, not your hand. You're gonna touch everything with your hand. lol

Michael Diaz

Also this was one of those awkward episodes I coulda done without


don't see how, showed naruto and jiraya bonding.. teased jiraya being one of the greats and then revealed it at the end... dude removed his seal and etc.. probably the best episode out of the 3 uploaded today

The Pebble

Spoilers: After seeing Naruto completed....It's hilarious to think this one chance encounter with Naruto and Jiraya laid the groundwork for a massive aspect of the show for many years to come. rip Toad Sage, might've watched Boruto if you were there.

Oscar Giron

i just realized something. When naruto was fighting kiba in the chunin exams he was taking forever to gather his chakra and i thought he was just being naruto but he had a hard time because of the seal. My mind is blown and i cant believe it took me over a decade to figure that out


Honestly it's at it's worst right now. They really downplay that part as the series goes on (for the better) imo


Lmfao that line was seriously problematic, but I'm gonna break it down to maybe lost in translation. Either way, Jiraiya is awesome

Keep It Zen

“You look sexy when you’re Naked” is what is says in the Sub


O.O I've been watching Naruto since 2003 and I never made that connection. Woah! That makes so much sense.

Carson elliott

In regards to someone having that tattoo Israel Adesanya from the UFC has it, and his nickname is the "The Last Stylebender"


I don't think Naruto had any perverted intentions when he tried to sneak in with Konohamaru. I think it was to see if Konohamaru's jutsu could pass as a girl.

William Pahau

ok nahid , and rana are the only two who pay attention during the episodes the other three talk most the time lol

William Pahau

bruh put some respect on yamachas name frfr he stronger then roshi no cap he shoulda been in the TOP


Thank you so so so much for the triple drop!!!! This is the best thing to come home to after a long day!!!! I can’t believe we’re so lucky that you’re considering making it a monthly thing. I really appreciate you doing this for us even though we don’t deserve it with the amount of incessant, demanding, and insensitive comments you receive every week. I really hope you know whatever appreciation you feel for us is not half as much as we feel for you, and I genuinely hope you’ll all continue on as you are, saying what you want, reacting as you want, and being yourselves regardless of what anyone says. I’m not here to watch homogenized reactions for the sake of affirming and validating my own opinions. I just love you all and I want to hear your honest opinions, comments, and jokes about this series. Rana: - Lol I loved the way you said “Is this a market substitute?” Please keep enlightening us - The Icha Icha novels are infamous erotica literature in the Naruto verse. Jaraiya would approve of your enthusiasm to read them - You tell them! I’m sure the guys grew up with the same pervy thoughts most teenage boys have too. That moral high ground they’re standing on is probably an inch high - I actually thought it was adorable and hilarious when Naruto brought back a watermelon instead of a girl; it showed his paradoxical childlike innocence - Lolol please film it if you ever do take Suraj to the pool so he can master walking on water like Jesus - Hahaha your full body shudder and reaction to the questionable tickling - I understand


Micky: - Why were you bleeding in the beginning?? I hope you’re okay now and you disinfected it. You were injured in a previous ep too. Please be more careful! - HAHAHA your mortified reaction when Naruto did the thousand-years-of-death anal poke. I can empathize. I really don’t know how this failed to register as inappropriate and invasive at all when I was a teen. I only took it as the comedic gag it was meant to be - I can honestly understand why you and the others were disturbed by Jiraiya’s comment about Naruto’s “tight sexy little body” and the pedophilic vibes it gave off. I feel the same. But I also think it’s important to recognize the cultural differences between the West and East in terms of its views on bodies, the private/public domain, the adult-child dynamic, nuclear family relations and etc. There was a thematically similar case in Korea this year that provoked extremely divergent opinions between the West/East. If you have a chance, I hope you can watch this video of a discussion on it because it’s very eye-opening and might make you see things differently even if your moral stance remains the same: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iJge9cipf4 - I love the comparison you made between Eren and Naruto about how they were still putting in the training but were unknowingly impeded by something beyond their control. It’s a really good and appropriate comparison! Chris: - “I think that’s his hair” Lol your sarcastic humour kills me - Haha don’t we all walk like Jiraiya sometimes? It’s the most natural form - Lmao I am shocked clouds don’t do it for you. You have unreasonably high standards - SAME. That whole exchange between Jiraiya and Naurto in his sexy no jutsu form made me cringe hard - Lol yes after Jiraiya there is only one out of the three sannin left that you don’t know about. An astute observation as expected. But really, I can’t wait for you to meet the last one!!! - I think it’s basically mislabelled as a “filler” if the ep’s events do not fully correspond/align with the manga’s events. It doesn’t necessarily mean the info presented will be repeated again in a later ep, making this one redundant. It would’ve been a lot more accurate to categorize this ep as mixed canon/filler rather than straight filler. I’m not sure why the lists didn’t do that


Suraj: - LMAO I will never get over how you and Micky sing “e-bombaaay” during the opening song. It’s the funniest thing ever. I’m sad this will be the last time - It’s kind of alarming to hear that DBZ also normalizes sexual harassment/assault. It’s definitely not okay no matter how prevalent it was during this era’s anime. I’m glad you’re recognizing it for what it is - Kishimoto was definitely inspired by and a huge fan of DBZ! I’m sure you’ll notice more similarities in the future - It’s ridiculous the amount of gravity defying blood loss Naruto’s sexy no jutsu causes. That’s how Ebisu really dies - Lol I like that Naruto is so clueless about everything though and momentarily being kept in the dark, for better or for worse. Ignorance is bliss. - This episode was definitely not a filler! It was a crucial introduction to Jiraiya and moved the story forward. The anime added the filler-esque shenanigans between Jiraiya and Naruto like the whole chase sequence and etc. while their introduction was more abbreviated in the manga, but it’s important all the same and I actually preferred the anime version since it fleshed out the characters more in my opinion. So the online episode lists are not always accurate, they’re just a loose guideline. It’s better to ask your discord community for confirmation like you did. I’m really glad you ended up watching this ep! - Hmm I think it’s because Naruto doesn’t sexualize Hinata and she’s not nearly as exaggerated in her mannerisms with the intent of seduction. Therefore he does not reconcile how he behaves as a “shy sexy girl” with how she is naturally. I think if she were to behave that way with the obvious intent of seduction, he would pick up on that for sure Nahid: - I can’t believe we’re at ep 53 already either! It feels like it’s gone by quickly - LOL Naruto has priorities, man. He already did his due diligence for Ebisu with the anal poke. If that can’t revive him, it’s time to move on - I’m glad you used the term “predator” in describing Jiraiya here. I thought the same thing when I re-watched this ep. As much as I love him as a character, the way he sexually harasses and objectifies women here makes me very uncomfortable in a way it never did before. It really shows how much feminism has progressed in the last decade. It’s a relief you all find it cringeworthy too - I love how you always strive to focus on the important things in the show, trying not to miss anything, and appreciate the positives among the negatives (like the seal release scene). I miss hearing you say things like “this is not a kids show!” or your other unique phrases. I hope it makes a comeback soon!


Yeah sally calm your ass down


Sally don't listen to them. If they don't like it they can go somewhere else. I enjoyed your thoughts! Keep it up!

Kishan P

If someone did say that this episode is a filler than they are someone that you should not be listening to because they clearly don not have an idea as to what a filler is. A filler is an episode that does not show up in the manga or actual source material. This is almost always true. This episode is in the manga, it is chapter 90 in naruto, so it is not filler.


Lol I’ve never heard the English version of Jiraiya before hahaha it’s so odd


The pervy old teacher trope doesn't age well, but trust me Jiraya is one of the best characters by far in the show.


This video seems to have regional restrictions, but other videos do not. Would you mind to fix it, sorry for bothering you guys~


I can't watch this video in my country?! WTF
