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The outcome of the Neji Hinata fight is upon us! Then holy shit those next three eps... you guys weren't lying and I'm glad we watched them together in one sitting! Unfortunately we can't triple drop those because that would mean only seeing this episode for this week. Ep 48 will be posted shortly!


Naruto 47





Should of did a quadruple drop lmao 😂😂 regardless I'm so hyped for episode 48 and next week!! Let's go!!


they would've won me over for life if they did that lolol, but same I'm still hype too


That’s cool thanks for the notice guys


Gaara wasn't shaking from fear the sight of blood makes him a little ehhhh murdery


Its funny that for a competition where the fights are to the death, no one has died yet


the audio is just so bad I can't hear a single word you guys are saying..


Something about the US dub and the "ugh" "ah" sounds of the characters is super cringey

rickie woodson

well, guess those pleas for a 4 episode drop went unanswered. this is why i dont do petitions lol


As I said before, sometimes, I feel like the only person who really understand this show is my bro Nahid. The others are laughing all the time. This episode was great, emotional and he is necessary because it helps to understand the relationships between Naruto and Hinata, Naruto and Neji or Neji and Hinata. I thought you'd take this episode seriously. Shout out to my bro Nahid, you're the best bro!

rickie woodson

i so took that a different and freaky way as a kid "blood...turns me on!!!!!!!!!"


I switched to sub in shippuden and don’t know how I was able to watch dub before. The sub actors are really good.


in all seriousness though, this episode is kinda "over the top" the soap opera scenes they mentioned were alittle funny. and i cant stand the way hinata talks. like her low whisper. I love hinatas character but i just cant stand it sometimes when she talks so i cant really take the scenes seriously. i watched this when this first came out so i was much younger so i dont think i noticed back then, but now that im older its kind of weird. but it was the way anime was back then so i understand it. Everyone feels things differently. I wouldnt say they dont understand the show, they just like to joke around and thats why i love watching them. People get mad when they joke too much and what not and i personally dont get why, because i think its what makes their reactions fun.


LOL right! When they first mention fight to the death you would expect at least ONE person to die within the first 3 fights or something

Gabriel Moreira

Hmm . So, yeah.. the girls trying to impress boys is a fact in the show for a big moment but at least the girls can FIGHT, and fight with boys, not only with other girls, that is what happens in almost all shows.


Getting rly strong Bakugo vs Uraraka vibes, not from the characters but from how the fight played out


why did they ever say the sharingan came from the byakugan its so stupid

Fighting Wombat

Is there something different with the audio? It sounds like it is coming from the camera and not the mic.


Well its "rumored" that the Uchiha clans origins lie in the hyuga clan. why do you say its stupid?

omar martell

Spoilers I love how Naruto tells neji that destiny doesn't exist than proceeds to defeat him with a power he had since birth lol


Damn.. Hinata got fucked up something serious.. “RELAXXX Neji”


What's so funny?


Honestly, I'm not going to renew my subscription next month to these people.


Listen, if someone goes into cardiac arrest, don't slowly put them on a stretcher and carry them away slowly... START CPR IMMEDIATELY! These ninjas have some terrible EMTs.


whats up with the echoing sound?


Also just letting you guys know that it was a bit hard to hear you guys this time, especially when there was music playing in the bkg :)


Favorite day of the week


They have a good point about how a lot of the girls are seen as “boy crazy” while the male characters aren’t really seen as girl crazy. And that really is just Kishimoto being shit at writing females. He has admitted it himself lol Still, without spoilers, the females of the show prove themselves to be hella strong and they do improve, ya just gotta be patient with them

Cpt Falco

I was waiting for someone to comment on the bloodfist. Micky nailed it, had me laffin something fierce.


They have medical ninjas with magical healing chakra powers though, so it evens out in the end.

Stefan Thrane Lund

Byakugan is not stronger than the Sharingan. They are both Dojutsu and they derive from each other. In my opinion Sharingan is better. Nice group reaction and I hope this does not count as a spoiler, since i'm not mentioning anything that hasn't been said in the show :)

Keep It Zen

"Since I'm not mentioning anything that hasn't been said in in the show"... They haven't said 'the byakugan is not stronger than the Sharingan' . So technically you're wrong wrong on your last sentence.


I hope in shipudden will be used subtitles or at least vote


I honestly don't mind that we couldn't get the whole Rock Lee/Gaara fight in one week. Just glad that the Normies watched it all in one sitting and it just gives next week that much more hype.

William Pahau

im with you nahid bro sometimes the others do miss some stuff and dont react accordingly but it is their opinion at the end of the day still annoying sometime tho lol great react video none the less, oh and theyre a combination of fantasy and real life shinobi which in my opinion is way more entertaining to watch. oh and dont forget guys this is an anime so trying to make sense of some of this stuff is just like pointless.


Looking back at my favorite anime(s) of old, I love how often the writers just threw shit together until it worked lol. Not to mention how many times they rescale powers mid-show. Byakugan is stronger? But is it tho? HMMM. I honestly don't know, but I always liked it the most. Neji4L


again I don't know why people ignore the fact that kakashi said it's better in insight than the sharingan, not overall


Nothing better than a little bit of Normies and a bowl of Frosted Flakes! Thanks guys!!

William Pahau

just enjoy it for what it is guys :)

Lavota Carter

Have they explained the upload limit before? Why can all 4 not be posted? Is it the time constraints that would accompany that or a rule they put on themsleves to not get overwhelmed?


The audio was fucked in this episode. I could barely understand you all between the show being cranked up to a billion and you all yelling over each other //and// the show at the same time. The echo is insane.