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Zabuza doesn't care at all!? What an a-hole! Haku essentially gives his life for him and he shows no remorse....until next episode of course... The finale to this arc has definitely exceeded expectations.


Naruto 18



You guys will love the next arc


The next arc and the next theme song, you guys will love...hopefully.

Manny D.

I didn’t like the English translation here when Kakashi did the Lightning Blade. “My jutsu” didn’t emphasize that Kakashi meant his sole original jutsu, that he made instead of copying from someone else. It makes me miss fan subs, who 9 time said out of 10 tended to come up with better translations than the translators for official companies do.


bro you're BIG tripping my god


This whole arc is about what it means to be a shinobi. I feel like you don't understand that naruto and co. are pretty much soldiers that kill and get killed in service of their village and that is their purpose. This world just works like that. What makes this arc so important is that it gives Naruto his own ninja way going forward.


I think he explains what a shinobi is next episode so yeah def didnt grasp it this episode if it wasnt explained. - Nahid

Shady Mozy

Pretty much the beginning till now was the prologue, basically world building and showing us how serious it is.. Wait till the next arc when shit hits the fan.

Keep It Zen

Wow... this was an incredible reaction you guys. Maybe due to the episode nature, but, I’m super hype now going into 19!!!


Yeah, prime example: subs - I'll kill myself if you touch Inari, dub - Please don't touch him


Was that an invader zim reference at 14:40.

Lavota Carter

Hey the voice actor for the little Wave Village kid (Inari) is the same as the one for Izzy in Digimon. Maybe that's where you remember it from.

Lavota Carter

This is a world where it is kill or be killed. Haku watched his father turn 180 just because of his power. Watched his village come after him willing to kill a woman and child. He had no one and chose to join Zabuza and lived by that purpose. Zabuza didn't raise him like that, he allowed Haku to follow him. If anything it is like a Hound and weak-willed Arya mash-up.


Loved the "Shinobi Wan Kenobi" pun 😂😂


the dub is so bad,no wonder you guys hate this show


Link not working 😱😭


Spoiler alert tah