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Alright.  It's official.  This is not a kids show.  Holy violence batman!  I mean Shota!  So we finally see what The League of Evil is all about.  And they are a force to be reckoned with, this much is for sure.  But that ALL MIGHT entrance though!  Can't wait to see my man fuck shit up next week!


My Hero Academia - 1x11 Game Over - Group Reaction




Patrick Powell

Yesss this is what I needed to end the day with 😊😊


Have no fear dear Patreon, Micky with the MHA drop is here!


Or do you mean cant wait to see my man fuck shit up later in doble d???

Agni Kai

It’s overwhelming since there’s a bunch of characters, but it’s better to start memorizing everyone’s last names instead of first, since they are more frequently referred to by their last name


no double d this week. next week there will be one to finish off season 1! check the my hero update post for details if you were expecting a double d today!


That cliffhanger lol

Mike Drop

Have no fear Patreons, the reaction is here !


I would have had several heart attacks when Suraj said it wasn't recording.


Since you guys made a big deal about it. Everything was taking place at the same time. That's why Iida was still there. Also, she was using her black hole, which possibly could have been dangerous for him since she was pointing it in the direction of the door.

Brian Poston

Next week: The Normies learn the true meaning of Plus Ultra

No Consequence

Nobody would guess that Midoriya actually has All Might's power and not just something like it unless they were already aware that there was are quirks that can be passed on to people. As Midoriya said in the earlier episodes, it's unheard of. Even Midoriya yelling out attack names like All Might is easily brushed off as Midoriya admiring All Might so much that he copied his attack naming style.


What the heck were 3 kids supposed to do in that situation?


Run, get help, distract them, find other students. They could have done a lot.


Amazing reaction as usual 🔥 just wondering, will you guys hop right into season 2 or take a small break? Same question with Naruto when you guys move on to Shippuden!


Wait i dont see the 1 x 10 ep reaction anywhere


I just see that it jumps from 1x9 last monday to 1x11 today, where is 1x10.

Lyric Laude

Y’all just went up in my book for knowing that Lil flip song. Haha

Burooj Ahanger

nah using smash isnt an all might giveaway. remember most ppl dont know that quirks can even be passed on. so the idea Midoriya is a Fanboy is more likely to pop into ones head than something thats unheard of

Commander Dodge

I know a lot of people who are fans of Mineta

Burooj Ahanger

just call creation girl Momo, her last name is harder to pronounce. Momo is her first name


You guys have to remember that Yaoyorozu's quirk relies on pulling stuff for her skin, so it kind of makes sense that she needs to show a lot of skin


Suraj scratching like like the villian: "You got any more of them double drops?" lol That's me right about now, waiting for next monday, at least I'll have RE2 to pass the time this Friday.


Lil Flip even? That takes me back.


Almost fell out of my chair. It’s legit all of us.

Sebastian Ramirez

It's not that I don't hate mineta, he's pretty good comedic relief, but in some later episodes they put the whole "pervert" side of him on for too long and it gets old fast in those episodes

Jaime Ruiz

So double drop last week... double drop this week?:D


He gets constantly called out on it and eats dirt tho. so its not all bad. Furthermore they treat him like the pervy little shit he is, and don't just ignore it.

Jason Lim

You should scroll down and look at the post regarding this issue because it seems like you missed it 😉



Bryce Nielsen

Guys, these are all children with no combat experience and little to no actual training who are under attack by villain's who are aiming to kill them. Of course they are not running into the fight, they are scared and panicking.


he sure sent people flyin with no juice left

Julia Contreras

It's simply a decision of the author. It's fanservice, nothing against that, but it just is. He could have perfectly argued that the academy's support team created a suit for Momo with a technology that keeps she covered/protected and that at the same time allows her to use her quirck. At the end it's a fictional world, everything is possible within the margins that the author imposes for himself and the audience.

Sebastian Ramirez

Also normies try yoyur best not to read episode titles of the next episode in season 2, it will spoil stuff that happens

Julia Contreras

This also happened a lot in the LoK reactions... that in situations where the protagonists doubt or do not face the danger immediately or directly, some Normies criticized them, despite being literally teenagers with little to no experience in combat. I understand where it comes from, but I feel that it goes over one of the things that I enjoy the most about this series: the evolution of the characters as heroes. For me it's great that they doubt their abilities or actions in the beginning, because it makes them closer to the common people.

Danny Hulliung

Dude All Might's about to clap some ass in this bitch. This episode makes me tense every time, even though I know what happens. Good ass series man... And across the board, every reactor has awesome reactions. Good shit


Mineta is widely hated because he is pervy, annoying, and should not be in the Hero course since he is so weak. Fans even try to get him removed from the Manga and Anime!


Yeah definitely not happening. He’s going to be #1 hero 😩🙌🏼


i dont think they ever clearly state why Deku’s arm didnt break, but its because the Nomu’s quirk is shock absorption.. so as things are absorbed you also dont take the full impact yourself so he was fine. Essentially at this point, Deku could have continuously wailed on him without consequence 😂


I think it is very clearly stated why Deku did not break his arm...that explanation is coming in the upcoming episodes


really? i must have missed it. like i never seen an internal monologue from Deku stating that’s exactly why his arm didnt break.

Yolo Samurai

I'm not sure if anyone has told y'all yet but Mineta is actually the writer's favorite character! XD

Jarryd Thompson

Can't wait for next episode when there find out the real mean of to Go beyond Plus Ultraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michael Diaz

It's not an internal monologue. He talks to All Might about it and they form a conclusion together. It effects the way he fights in the future even.

Lavota Carter

I don't know I feel like a lot of people expect too much from the kids. Like "go fight them" "do something". Uh they just saw the Hands of Death tear away Aizawa's elbow and a big giant dude cracking Aizawa's face in and NOT being affected by the erasing quirk. I would be shell-shocked out of my mind seeing my homeroom teacher getting pulverized like that. They are in high school and after a week of school it is life-and-death. Nope nope nope, I'll stay in the water


Dude Rana is really crushing on Todoroki

Bracey Johnson

Just call her Momo (The Creation Girl)


Man, Mickey... You gotta chill with that anger you always get to characters that hesitate in the least bro. It happened in Avatar, LOK, Hunter x Hunter and now MHA, it's not exactly NORMAL when you are a 15 years old kid to just decide to jump into a crowd of murderers who are currently showing they can wipe the floor with a seasoned warrior. It's not like everyone is some suicidal idiot who just thinks of jumping in first and figuring out a way to survive later, if you see a guy who can turn flesh into dust by touching it and another guy who's strong enough to blow a hole in concrete with a small push, you ARE gonna stop and have to gather some resolve before moving in. These are kids for crying out loud, Midoriya is the only one who's ever faced a villain before and even him almost died in the process of doing so, some self doubt is much more than okay in a situation like that, it's pretty much mandatory.


Mineta's awesome


"wtf do something" lol like what, they don't stand a chance against that nomu smh...