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Hello heroes, it's Micky here with an update on today's drop!  It is currently exporting and will be available soon!  Busy work day today so things are running a little behind all over the channel.  But fear not, you will be seeing Game Over very soon!  

Now let's talk about double drops.  Let me go ahead and just break the bad news now, there will NOT be a double drop for patreon today.  I know a lot of people were expecting one today even though it was not stated anywhere that there would be one.  Youtube did get a double drop today and maybe that's why people thought there would be 1 on patreon too.  I apologize if anyone feels mislead.  The best thing to do in the future is just not to assume there will be a double drop.  Here's what I can promise, Patreon will ALWAYS have more double drops than youtube.  The reason Youtube got a double drop today is because we're quite a few episodes ahead here on patreon and I thought it would be a nice treat for them, they deserve some love too.  So I am once again sorry if anyone feels mislead about there being a double drop today!  Here's what I will say.  There's only 2 episodes left for season 1.  2 juicy action packed episodes left.  That seems like just the perfect amount of episodes for potential double drop next week!  hmmmm....  Not saying anything or making promises, but it sure seems like the perfect time to do one ;)

We love our patrons and I will do my best to spoil you with double drops anytime it feels appropriate but please DO NOT start to expect them on a weekly basis.  I want to keep communication between us clear and transparent.  And I also don't want you lovelies to set yourself up for expectations that simply won't happen.  

okay rant over.  If you have any questions leave them below and I will be happy to answer all of them!!

Much Love - Micky -
Now go grab some popcorn, it's almost My Hero time!



Yeah not sure why people kept hyping themselves up for a double drop. Last week there was a double drop so one would assume no Double D’s this week 🤔


The reason so many were hoping it was a double drop is because episode 11 ends on a major cliffhanger. It's all good tho

Jason Lim

Oh well, was sincerely hoping for a DD but thanks for the update though


People need to stop bitching about double drops. It's annoying.


wait you mean two episodes left besides this one?

George Byrd

No problem brother. I really don’t expect them anyway.

Lewis H

So you're saying there's a chance...

Brian Poston

Honestly a DD to finish off the 1st season(if that is at all possible) is personally more preferable. Thanks for the update Micky!


I mean yeah people shouldn't start expecting double drops since its just an icing on the cake type of deal.


I know, and in hindsight i would like to have had the double drops timed differently. It's been crazy busy here at the office with all the new content we're rolling out. But My Hero is a priority show and I will keep in mind for the future which episodes will make for better double drops together!


You're awesome Micky! Thanks for the thorough rant! <3 :D


Thank you for taking the time to keep us updated


I'm okay with waiting week to week for MH it's the Naruto's that need 2 & 3 drops good luck


We love you, Micky <3


you all are awesome! thanks for understanding!

Alexandre Boutin

People expect double drops every week now ... just dont think about it, take em as a bonus when we get them, not the other way around.


oh man, i forgot today is cardio day i need 30 minutes >_< and then an extra 10 for a proper shower :(


love you guys!


Well last week you kind of made it sound like there would be a double drop but I understand


Appreciate all you're doing for us! You guys rock!

Kamina 1

It's all good Micky man. I totally get it

Franz Jundis

Thanks Micky! Appreciate the update.


Yeah, ^THIS is why people were expecting a double drop, bc you kinda of nodded to the possibility of one happening this week (He never said that there would for sure be one, in fact he explicitly said "Do not hold me to this but mayybbeee there will be one")

Kya Wither

What kinda popcorn should I have for my hero time ?

Ojas Ghanekar

If you're doing long animes in the future, is it possible that we could get uploads on more than one day? Thanks for your hard work fam!

Alex Green

We shoulda just tilde them to look out for episode 12 when they just started reacting to it


Yeah it would be nice to get MHA uploads on more than one day


I'm hoping once other shows finish in the future they just have one of these replace it so have it more than once a week instead of adding in a new show

Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen #1

So from what I got from that is to not expect double drops, but to not not expect triple drops!!!


Well its cause Micky hinted at it so if anyones to blameee... 😂😂 joking but not joking :p I'm not mad about it tho cause I understand double drops is more work and everyone has things going on

Chai Tea

Thanks for the update guys, once one of your other shows finishes consider doing two episodes of MHA a week so you can catch up before the new season drops in October. You know its a popular show and we would love it ;D


Thanks Micky!! Love you guys' reactions


Don't worry guys. We love you and appreciate your content. This won't be the end of the world. There's tons of my hero greatness left. We didn't even scratch the surface. I cannot wait for season 2!


Haha last week really spoiled the fans. But I’m not mad because I don’t expect it. If you do you do. If you don’t it’s all good.

Alex Green

Micky you guys gotta catch up before October because that’s when season 4 starts

Liam D

Ngl sad that these episodes won't be double dropped cuz they go so well together, but i never take double drops to be an expectation (well except for naruto ofcourse). thanks for the update! Can't wait for this weeks reaction :D keep up the great work!


Makes sense, im hyped for those double drop DBS! And maybe the end of FMAB

Carson elliott

I dont think any of us were expecting it we just wanted it, cause episode 1X12 is definietly top 3 episodes for me easy, and im sure alot of people feel the same. But its worth waiting another week so all g normies.


It’s appreciated, but you don’t need to apologize for not doubling dropping. No one should be expecting them in the first place.


Well its not like they aren't gonna react to the new season so its gonna be something they deal with anyways


It was said that it might be double dropped in the last MHA. You can't say it wasn't stated anywhere if it was talked about in the last video. People were expecting the double drop because of what was said in the last MHA video


In the same video though they corrected Micky and told him not to make that promise and said they might be able to just in case they couldn’t or chose to do something else. While I agree they mentioned it in the video, which is what would get people expecting a double drop this week they also corrected themselves and were upfront to us that they may not do it within the same video.


Great response when i saw it on youtube i thought we might get one but really its not a big deal


We appreciate you 💖


I would trade the mha double drops for more hxh. There is no need for them to rush mha since it has not many episodes and eventually you will catch up with the current seasons, but for hxh it's starting to get necessary especially for the later arcs.


If they want to catch up to when it comes back in October, they would need to approx. double drop 15 more times and 20 regular drops starting after next week. Regardless, I would actually prefer if they were a few episodes behind when it comes back since they are doing the dub instead of the sub and also chances are there may be a break during Christmas (like the did with season 2) so when it comes back they'll just be continuing off right when they last watched.


No double drop on the two best episodes of the season? Noooooooo!!! Thou is the cruelest of bitches!!! Lol jk jk but I am bummed we dont get the episode 12 reaction

Chris V

I don't think anyone assumed we were getting double drops. We just hoped we would.


Double drops shouldn't be standard so this is fine! It would be nice if you timed the double drops based on the episodes though :) For example, single episodes get no double drops but if there is a 2part (or 4 part) episode then a double drop would be awesome.


Thats how i saw it, but maybe some took that as misinformation, and ended up expecting a double drop.

Jules Eris

lol no hate but you Normies really need to talk to each other with these things. Nahid said in december that from now on there would be a double drop in the last week of every month and now Mickey's here saying MAYBE there will be one next week but no promises? maybe you should all have a meeting or something so that you dont contradict each other


I don’t see mha ep11🥺