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Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/308355774

PW: hxh38

Here we go with episode 38 fam!  We are moving right along to the next arc! We cant wait!


Hunter 38 Youtube

Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/308355774 PW: hxh38



and so begins another Normie Animated Wednesday!


Damn I need more!!! I was so pissed off with Gon for not listen to the mother part too jajaja I mean what if she died at labour or something, at least hear the tape

Alejandro Gil

Y’all got anymore of them double drops? Scratches neck*


Enter Ging, the most famous deadbeat daddy of anime. I’m sure most of us are behind you guys for thinking it was shitty of him to just ditch Gon. Not sure bout everyone else but I think it’s quite touching how much gon considers mito’s feelings and truly embraces her as his only mother.


Normie Wednesdays are pretty much the only reason I subscribe. Though I like they started MHA on Mondays too


I think this is where the name hunterxhunter came from... Gon's a hunter thats hunting another hunter, his father.


Ging is top tier deadbeat dad in contemporary fiction; he’s right up there with guys like Professor X (taking care of other folks kids but not his own) and Goku (let me come back to life a couple of time as long as I don’t have to really engage with the kids).

Yolo Samurai

"The show needs more female representation." Don't worry about that, there is plenty of female representation coming lol

Oliver J. H.

About to enter my favourite part of HxH :) Kurapika hype


not sure how i feel about their reactions to this show. they get unreasonably pissed off at everything.


Gon not wanting to know about his mom is really important for understanding both Gon and Togashi as a writer. He consistently avoids common tropes like this to better serve his characters and the story.

Alejandro Gil

Yep, there’s a very intentional point being made here about Gon and how he sees the world.


Gon not wanting to know about his biological mother because Mito raised him and she's his "real" mom was suposed to be a feel good moment, not a rage inducing one... lol Like... that shit happens in real life too. Kids that were adopted at a young age and that never wants to know who their biological parents are. It's not really out of the ordinary.


yep, never cared about my father, never questioned about him, found out some things purely on accident, and even till now no one has talked about it with me and i have never asked anything I understand there are kids who are curious, but not everyone is like that, so i think it makes sense Gon wouldn't care to find out, especially considering he has Mito And it seems mom really is not around anymore or just didn't care and bailed - not sure if there is any reason to know more details about that. For both, viewers and Gon

Justin Neason

Guys, didnt he already explain why he didnt wanna know about his mom? Or am I trippin? xD

Neil Patel

Here we go, we are starting my favorite arc now and i can't wait


Bruhhhh we need a double drop pleaseeee


Wtf apparently I missed last week's hxh reaction, so it's a double drop for me lol yay


Double Drop, plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !!!!!! :D


Ging is like every Goku is a shitty father joke turned up to 11 for me and love to see people's first reaction to Ging's message. It is always priceless.

Dean Cyphers

For a group of people who watch hundreds of hours of TV you guys have the attention spans of a god damn fruit fly. (Micky and Suraj) I love you guys but all your viewers dont want to see you bitch the entire time lol


“This show needs more female representation” yeah seriously lol like hxh is a great show in many aspects but it is so lacking when it comes to any representation of women. Anyway the next arc is great i think it’s where i got hooked


actually there is evidence that it's possible to extract some of that kind of info from just listening to someone's voice. <a href="https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-sound-of-your-voice-may-diagnose-disease/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-sound-of-your-voice-may-diagnose-disease/</a>