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Breaking Bad - 3x1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCskx-2JAds&feature=youtu.be

Lost - 3x6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6HuBgVMj-c&feature=youtu.be

Agents of SHIELD 3x1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mi-kZmTCLMs&feature=youtu.be


Paul Murphy

New Patreon, just watching ep 22 of S2 on YT, gonna go straight into this ep! 😎

Paul Murphy

Already have! If you read this too, & at risk of asking a stupid Q that I think I know the answer to, is the next level up a lot more than one episode ahead? I noticed some of the comments under the YT vids I’m just watching are a month old. If yeah, how far ahead are you irl with these three shows? If you don’t mind me asking... ? 👀😬👍

Steffen Bauknecht

BB is 3x5 for Premium right now, Lost is 3x9, AoS is 3x6. I don't think we know how far they are in irl, but it's pretty close to that.

Paul Murphy

Thanks for the replies. 👍


where can I find Lost 3x8?