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Happy New Years Fam!  Here goes another goodie for us to enjoy!   - Nahid


Breaking Bad 3x3 I F T Normies Reaction I Fucked Ted 3 3 303 3 3 s3e3 react reacting


Eric M

Oh! Rana's jaw is no longer wired shut. So happy for you. Hope you all treated her to a feast. Happy New Years!


Did they skip some episodes? Thoght they were still in season 2 ?

Jarrod Wild

Yay Rana can eat all the pizza she wants now! Also, "I fucked Ted" is one of my fave moments of the whole series.

Mike Strider

The old lady the twins stole the van from was one of the casting directors that passed away. She was credited at the end of episode.

Adon Delgado

Main takeaway from this reaction series is Rana is a ride or die chick. And Hannah will turn you in for jaywalking.


i assume this drop was for premium normies only, but us early accessors also have this episode in our feed

joe shmoe

i think skyler makes some irritating choices but in context they mostly make sense, so that prevents her from earning the title of bitch.


Skylar is absolutely terrible. She fucks her boss and has pretty much no issue helping him cook the books and break the law...but she shits on her own husband who despite all his faults did begin doing what he did for his family. Walt is not innocent by any stretch of the imagination...but Skylar doesn't know about Jane, she doesn't know the details of what he does, and she throws away their relationship completely without even talking it out with him. You can recognize that Walt isn't a great guy...but seriously...fuck Skylar.

joe shmoe

rana is still in the honeymoon phase where she hasnt accepted that "for my family" is something he tells himself so that he can stay the hero in his story. hannah woke

joe shmoe

i dont think she needs to know the full extent of his actions to be justified. she didnt choose to marry a drug dealer or manufacturer. his choices put them at risk (in her head), and making meth helps fuck up thousands of lives. imo those three things make her choices understandable

James Avery

😆 Uncle=Tio

Joe Mags

Skyler’s process for dealing with Walt’s shit: Step 1 - abuse your unborn baby with smoking; Step 2 - act petty and start disappearing, cause 2 wrongs make a right; Step 3- cheat on your husband. [insert Bill Burr videos]


Hey, my Aeromexico factoid made it into the video! I actually didn't even know that until relatively recently as well. I stumbled upon it because you guys have been watching this show and it has been sending me down Google rabbit holes.


Hannah sees through all of Walt's bullshit compared to the other two and I love it haha

Abdo Dragunov

Hello from the future!


Does anyone know what the hell Nahid was getting at, at the end? “Correcting” Rana? Of course the product is meth. Is he trying to steer them off course for some reason? All that got me confused.

Liam Skoda

These comments are depressing. Skyler has reacted reasonably this whole time. It might get in the way of your drug lord fantasies but Walt is a monster and clearly the abusive partner in that relationship. She knew he was hiding something because he was, learned the truth and immediately tried to cut him out of the family, as any sane person would. The only person acting more reasonably was her lawyer. The cartel was just in their house ready to kill him. He is clearly a danger to the family. There is no other side to this. If Walt cared about his family at all he would have swallowed his pride and let Gretchen and Elliot pay for his treatment.


Yeah but she seems to forget that Skyler has done some pretty shitty things herself.


Hmmm I recall Skyler smoking while pregnant and emotionally cheating on Walt out of the blue upon learning he had a second cellphone with no context. Yes Walt is a terrible person, but Skyler isn't perfect either. She also doesn't think things through and fucked Ted only to get back at Walt without even trying to have a talk first.


Why does nobody seem to understand Skylar didn't "cheat"? She filed for divorce, Walt said "I refuse" and powerplayed his way back into the house, and so Skylar powerplayed back and said "Just because you won't grant me a divorce doesn't mean we're together"

Liam Skoda

Exactly. You need to both agree to be in a relationship. She very clearly said she wanted nothing more to do with him. He refused to acknowledge this so she had to resort to a more dramatic demonstration.


Also Walt has literally never once apologized for anything, he only gives arguments why all of his behavior is justified.

Alex Johnson

Walt had the choice to accept the job offer back in Season 1 instead of making meth. None of this was done for his family. This is all pride, and Skylar knows it because she was the one who tried to get Walt that job in the first place, but he refused. So he instead decided to go the illegal route and start producing drugs, potentially putting his family in extreme danger, all because he didn't want to accept "charity".

Jarrod Wild

I may be totally off, but I think Nahid was trying to focus not on the meth but on the rules of the cartels and the role Gus plays in relation to them, and how much power he may or may not have at present, especially when it comes to his power to protect Walt.


I love how this show pits everyone against each other, fighting over who is in the right. I understand Skyler’s decisions even though I don’t think they were the right way to handle the situation. But I also still like Walt even if he is starting to turn down the path of evil. I’m so conflicted 😫


Nahid has obviously forgotten SPOILERS //////////////// that Walt comes clean at the end of the show and says that he was doing it for himself the whole time because it made him feel alive ///////////////// SPOILERS


21:10 Those reactions. "Arn't you glad you invited Louis over."


At this point I would have to say Hannah understands this show better than Nahid and he has finished the entire show. Anyone who defends Walt after Jane is missing the point entirely. Love seeing someone who doesn’t buy Walt’s bs, Hannah is the best.

Stephen Mailman

So glad to see Rana’s wire out!! Now she won’t crave pizza like Jesse craved meth last season😂


Nahid please remind rana to pay close attention community epi 5x9 when they get there for the vince gilligan cameo ! she'll go nuts haha


Rana needs to stop getting high before these reactions.


He's saying he's doing it for his family, Skyler should just trust that from the man that's been nonstop lying to her? Like how can she trust anything he says ever again?


Glad you guys are finally coming around on what an immature bitch Skyler is. (Not to mention a terrible mother)


I don't think he's necessarily forgetting. Some good conversation can be had through the show regarding Walt's state of mind, it's a big question mark that hangs over the entire plot, and robbing new viewers of that by saying "oh btw in the end he reveals his real motivation for the whole show and it's this" is just cruel. Like in this episode, he said "yeah" to them arguing that Walt isn't worth taking the Cartel head on, instead of just saying /////////SPOILERS/////////// "oh Gus is already planning to kill the Cartel cause they killed his friend/boyfriend back when he was younger, so he isn't afraid of them cause he's already gonna kill them next month anyways" ///////////////SPOILERS////////////////.

Joseph Sanchez

Tio means uncle in spanish, hence why Tuco called him that. "Tio"'s real name is Hector, which is what everyone else on the show calls him.

Sachal Ali

Imagine being the policeman from this episode and seeing (spoilers) the news reports once Heisenberg was publicly exposed. Do you suppose he saw Walt's face and remembered that he'd been called in by the guy's wife? I'd be fucking haunted if I realized that the wife of one of the dangerous criminals in recent history called me in because she needed out and couldn't say it, and I hadn't been able to do anything.