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Sometimes you have to go with the devil you know... Hunter x Hunter goes for the kill shot and it's a SWING N A MISS!!! Meanwhile the hunt for Lash intensifies when we see that he has the ability to transform down back into a human!


Agents of Shield - 3x4 Devil You Know - Group Reaction



If we get a DD I'm gonna pop open a champagne

Christopher simeon

Wards whole personality is that he does bad things and blames others for it. He’s not stupid he’s just irrational. He dropped fitz and Simmons in the ocean and blamed Garrett for it. He blamed his parents and Christian for his upbringing, he blamed coulson for giving him to his brother and blamed Skye for shooting him. This is the core of his personality. I think you guys missed that. His goal is to get revenge on the team. It’s not logical because he killed her but ward has never accepted the blame for the things he’s done. He just passed it on to someone else. This time it’s shield. He’s not a mustache twirling villain who is doing this. He is a flawed psychopath justifying his actions. That’s why we like him as a villain. By now you should have got that.

Etty Gafa

Omg you'll be so surprise to find out who LASH is and I can't wait for your reactions 😊


You guys are assuming things about Ward and acting like you know your assumptions are true and its only the 4th episode of the season. I know you guys are going to speculate, but you shouldn't just assume you're right about the outcome.


Guys, relax about Ward)) There's no sane motive to find. He's an approval seeking drama queen. When he had Garett to tell him what is right and what is wrong he took it as directives and that made him seem more stable. Without orders he is lost. So he finds an objective to fixate on each season.

Etty Gafa

I really hope they read your comment becos that's 100% accurate, I was hoping they would've got that by now too but no, lol they need to pay more attention to the episodes lol especially the couple in the middle 😂😂

Etty Gafa

Can we just have the cossy 4 for the AOS reactions plz lol

Heru Muharrar

Whoever told you Ward is the best villain lied to you lol. I love him but he's prob not even top 3.

joe shmoe

imo theyve been clear about wards motivations throughout the show, the normies just always think he has a different angle or something. its pretty straightforward. he is a cruel person who always has someone else to blame. he thinks hes the misunderstood hero who has faced so much adversity. he thinks this because he probably has a particular psychological disorder that the writers probably spent time researching.

joe shmoe

season 2 he clearly thinks theres still a chance for him to be with skye and wants to help her. she knocks sense into him when she shoots him and he latches on to another person to give him approval (kara). he kills her and blames shield because, again, always has to have someone else to blame. putting us where we are now. he is a sad little man always trying to find someone to instruct him or accept him so that he can have someone to blame when people he cares about (as much as he can care about someone) inevitably call him on his bullshit and leave.

Christopher simeon

I personally think he’s up there because unlike other villains we start out learning to care about him before the reveal. He was so close to the team and he uses this information to get under their skin. Nobody can replicate that in my book.

Kim Carragher

Ward is NOT the best villain. There are so many villains to come and my favourite one is next season. Seriously.... the villain tier doesn’t stop at Ward. You haven’t even reached God Tier.

Kim Carragher

Great reaction! I understand Chris’ pain about Ward, first time watching I also felt he was overused but actually the writers choices make so much sense when you go back and rewatch. Next episode is amaaaaaaazing and it’s going to kill me knowing you’re watching it now and I have to wait a week


omg you guys really need to pay more attention!!! I'm looking at you Chris and Marketa. Because you've looked down on this show since the beginning, you never bothered to pay attention to the characters and that's why now you can't understand Ward's character. It has been revealed since season 1 that Ward always needs someone to give him orders or tell him what to do. That's why when Garret dies, we see Ward trying to latch on to anyone who accepts him. That's why at the beginning of season 2 he was trying to make things right with the team and Skye, and after she shot him, he latched on to Kira and tried to do everything she wanted because, as i said, he doesn't have an objective, in his twisted mind, he's a misunderstood hero and everyone else are the villains. And now in season 3, yes Kira died because of him, but like it was stated before many times in the show, he doesn't accept the blame but instead turns it on someone else, that's why he's blaming Shield. He's simply just a delusional psychopath. Also, these are canon sentences from the show that you should have paid attention to: 1-"Just listen to yourself, you twist every act and blame it on somebody else" , 2-"I've seen the real Grant Ward, the one buried deep inside. He's a coward who always has an excuse or someone else to blame"


I can literally relate to every single person on this couch. I hated Ward so much when I first watched the show. He was nothing but a nuisance to me and I just wanted him dead. On my second viewing, I started enjoying Ward as a character, loved his presence and started understanding his twisted ways. I NEED the next two episodes right now. Ughh!! Your reactions have been superb. Love you guys!


Seriously you don’t want Ward killed


Honestly, the show has been pretty straightforward with Ward's motivations. Chris/Marketa, y'all just need to pay attention to the fine print a bit more. Also, please never compare Cersei to him; he's just way more badass and spectacular as a character. Nice reaction as always though

James Avery

A lot of us (not all) had Ward fatigue by the third season. It’s normal. And like Saiara & Kim said, on the 2nd viewing it’s more enjoyable and tolerable. I enjoy all the complaints 😆. I’m looking forward for you guys to see how good the show gets. Ward is not the best villain. I wouldn’t even put him in my top three. I enjoy watching Ward, off the top of my head I would probably place him at number five. I’m sure if other villains had as much screen time as Ward people would love them too.

Heru Muharrar

"Also, please never compare Cersei to him; he's just way more badass and spectacular as a character." when fandoms collide lol. Disagree big time but more power to you.

Linsey Morris

"ward is a piece of shit bitchass motherfucker" lmao what an opening (also a MOOD). chris and marketa, you both have had the same feelings towards ward as i had from the get go lol GREAT MINDS. by this point in the show i was TIRED OF HIS ASS AND JUST WANTED HIM GONE. don't let people lie to you, ward is NOT the best villain. you ain't seen nothing yet, trust me. people who keep telling you guys to stop speculating are weird, man. that's the fun of tv shows!!! how many of you speculate during the seasons of this show? how about i show up in your living room and tell you to stop? stop being weirdos. i love seeing their predictions bc it makes their reactions so much fun when the truth gets revealed and they see how close/how far off they are. i think you all are really gonna enjoy how this season goes. it's a fun ride. VERY excited about the next ep!! 4722 hours is one of this show's strongest episodes.

Linsey Morris

oh and also CHRIS ABOUT FITZSIMMONS LOL I FELT THAT!!! there's actually a deleted scene from last season where daisy (then skye) and simmons are talking and simmons talks about how she missed fitz when she was undercover bc it was the longest they'd been apart since they met and she goes "it's a silly thing to think about isn't it?" and daisy goes "THAT YOU MISS HIM?! you should tell him that...you brits keep way too much to yourselves" and she's RIGHT DAMMIT


I love Chris screaming about Fitzsimmons to just hurry up and get together! Cuz MOOD

K Murray

Next couple episodes are SO FUCKING GOOD


Cesei Lannisster is not a good villian and deserves to die far more than Ward! GOT is so very overrated, the story is extremely static and the characters do not grow! Don't get me wrong it has great moments but as whole the story is not that good!!


I totally see Chris's frustration with Ward and they are not unfounded. Ward is an interesting character all things considered, and Brett Dalton is a great actor, but he is not the best villain in this show. He is just a mislead, emotionally stunted, tactically brilliant character. You guys will meet some truly amazing villains in episodes to come. So much so that I can't wait to see what they do with seasons 6 and 7!!

Calculatus Eliminatus

I think they are fine. Especially now. Chris has a strong personality and speaks with so much self confidence he can sway others. Marketa has a strong sense of right/wrong and will not tolerate "evil" characters. Without judging, having had several episodes for the cozy four to watch the show and not be influenced as much has allowed them to see some of the reasoning, character development and personality traits that they were missing before. Notice that now, instead of all the Normies somewhat agreeing about something, there was a bigger diversity of reasoning and thoughts and opinion. I think that makes the overall reaction stronger. Upon reflection, I think that's what was bothering the most the first time around. When no one reacting was fully engaged and on-board with what the show and writers were trying to do, and that they had completely misinterpreted things that were clearly explained, it made for a very frustrating experience. Now, I don't see that and I'm glad Chris and Marketa are there. The fact they don't get Ward as a villain that we love to hate is just fine. Consider that Chris just can't fathom how Ward blames SHIELD for killing Kara, I'd say to Chris, that's the point. That's how messed up he is, you are right, it isn't SHEILD's fault, but Ward thinks they are and that is exactly what the writers are trying to tell us. That's how warped his view of the world is. It makes no sense, he is a warped, broken, angry, fearful, smart and revenge driven creature of evil. If I saw the world through Marketa's eyes, I'd hate him too.


They get him just fine. Just because they have a different opinion of him than you doesn't mean they don't understand. Learn what an opinion is mate, their fine.


The story, as long as the original material was available, os fantastic. Everything you said is applied, but only after they caught up the books.

Rufus May

It's not as if they're the first people to not like/get Ward, no need to bite their heads off guys. I do miss Pat stanning Ward though.


Very well said. It's true that there are diff levels of interest from each Normie, but unlike before, the ones less interested aren't bringing down the others. That was my issue before... it felt like they were being stifled subconsciously. Now they all seem on their own wave length... now it's not an issue if some don't like it, the whole vibe is different.

Chris Skalicky

The actor who plays Frye also played Ash in season 2 of Supernatural.


I feel like people in the comments have to think back more to the time they saw those episodes for the first time, that would make it a lot easier to relate to some of the opinions shared by the Normies. If you're a hardcore fan and watched all the episodes several times and also watched a ton of reactions to it, it's easy to forget how you originally felt watching it and only see the things you learned about the story and the characters from watching it over and over again. At least that's how it is to me. I hated Ward so much and couldn't understand any of his fanboys and thought he's been overdue to die since the midseason finale of season 2. But now i absolutely adore his character and think he's brilliant as a reoccurring pain in the ass/villain.

joe shmoe

nah plenty of people liked the character the first time they saw the episodes.


Chris you're angry at Ward for blaming Shield for everything but that's his whole thing - he's always blaming other people for his actions just like Coulson said. That's his problem and how he justifies everything he does.