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I know you have all been raging in anticipation for the next episode.  Well wait no more!!  Here we go!!


My Hero Academia - 1x6 Rage, You Damn Nerd - Group Reaction


Antonio Bacon

Chris you said "are they even friends" and the answer is NOOO. Katsuki was just some kid minding his own business when fan boy stalker Deku shows up and declares you're friends and proceeds to stalk you for years no matter how many times you tell bro to beat it smh, i swear sometimes izuku doesn't deserve the sympathy he gets.


Im trying to summon a DD guys, help me


anxious for episode 7 please release today

Jason Lim

Glad to see you guys are enjoying the show

Jason Lim

I would love that too but I don't think that's gonna happen T.T

Antonio Bacon

Also you guys seem to miss the point that katsuki is just talented like he's not just an asshole he's literally always been the best at everything he does so he's confused as to why someone so obviously beneath him is trying to get in his lane.


You sound like a bigger asshole than Bakugo except you never got the character development Bakugo did LMAO


Japanese colture is very different though... they were always together when they were kids... attended to class together hanged out outside school. They relationship was fucked up but still... maybe it qualifies as firendship in japan lol

Jordan Mills

Rana, your face moves!!!

Chai Tea

Had to become a Patreon again just for this show :D Glad to see you guys are enjoying it, it just gets better and better.




It`s so fun seeing yallz opinions on Bakugou right now lmao. Everyone hates him at the beggining but believe it or not he is the most popular character according to Japanese AND American pools. Can`t fucking wait


So I kind of cried a little when in the beginning, Chris said "tell us how you're doing today? I'm concerned about you, we'll talk it out." Just graduated from College with my bachelors in Business, and it's supposed to be a happy time but life is beating me down so hard right now with work life, family, yeah. Thanks for that little tidbit Chris, whether it was on a serious note or not, it actually triggered tears just hearing those words alone. You're awesome. All the Normies are awesome. Love you all. Happy to be premium Normie. Merry Christmas...


Merry Christmas, take care of yourself. You'll make it thru this hardship!


Marketa loving tenya iida is so cute;;;

Justin Neason

Chris gets Bakugo already! I love this show xD

Agni Kai

What Marketa said @16:04 cmonBruh

Miguel Estrella

Subbed again for academia reactions :) need more reactions!

Senbu Johns

"NOW RUN !!!!!!" Me: Did you just say run ?!

Senbu Johns

Bakugo's personality takes a while to get used to, give them some time guys

Anthony Mosher

I couldn't remember who mentioned it and on what video so I am just posting it here...but I recall one of the Normies mentioning Izuku's mom's weight and height change. I thought I'd post it here since its not stated directly in the anime, but in the manga there is a panel about how she felt so guilt ridden for her son's lack of a quirk and how she felt helpless to do anything about it that she became depressed and gained the extra weight and ended up losing a few inches with her age. Just thought I'd point it out now if no one else had.


Damn shit Bakugo is my second favorite character and since my number one favorite isn’t introduced yet then Bakugo takes number one


Bakugo is not just all talk. He is a pretty good strategist himself. I would rate him equal to Izzuku in strategy if not greater. I think initially Bakugo will claim the No. 1 hero tittle but he may die (or become incapacitated) protecting Izzuku which will cause Izzuku to be able to control one for all fully and become the No. 1 hero.

Kairus Simpson

Is there like a section where all of your videos specifically are listed? It would just make life a little easier 😅

Marcus Webster

ya'll sleeping on my boy bakugo!!! he's good at fighting