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Hey ya'll! Today we are starting an epic journey with NARUTO! The format for these reactions may end up changing in the future depending on how YouTube deals with the copyright issues that we are likely to face with this series. We will keep you updated if anything goes down but for now we will be double dropping these episodes as separate videos!

We watched Episode 1 in DUB and Episode 2 in SUB before we make the final decision of watching in DUB. We ultimately decided it would be far more enjoyable for us this way. Hope you enjoy this react series! BELIEVE IT!


Naruto Episode 1 Reaction


Joe Mags


Brian Poston

just happened to check my email and this popped up. Time to start this long journey with you fuckin Normies


tbh i dont think the series "gets good" till the half way point of part 1


Sub or Dub doesn't matter much its anoying both ways


Yes, please DO skip the YEARS (literally) worth of fillers. That was such a moneygrab at the time.


So excited you guys are doing this series!!

Yolo Samurai

LOL fun fact, today is International Ninja Day. Please tell me you planned this?? XD


The dub gets better after the first arc, and i think he stops saying believe it every other line.

Omar Guerrero

Aww man I been suggesting naruto for such a long time, perfect gift to start December:D thank u


so excited you guys are liking it so far! usually some people don’t like the first episode but if u keep watching it it’ll get even better. I would say the first 10 episodes are kinda cheesy lol but still fun to watch regardless


Three types of Jutsu's, Maguffin, Useful and Needlessly Complicated

Kim Carragher

"That's like having a poll and going against the poll results" ok i see you suraj, laugh all you want, I enjoyed that SHIELD double drop and you can't take that away from me! Lmao


The flashbacks may anger you in the future


Why would you guys pick a series with like 200+ episodes, and like 400+ for Naruto shippuden.


The dub has some good performances. Crispen freeman, yuri lowenthol. But boi do i hate the actress voice for naruto. Its just in pt 1 in shippuden shes much better but that first part ooof


jeez this brings back memories.. still wishing it was samurai champloo but I guess this will do for now.. Just don't watch the fillers pls, the flashbacks are enough.

Justin Neason

Thank god for filler skips! xD I forgot how much I love this first episode too


Thank you guys so much! This anime was my first anime and my childhood, it has a lot of mixed opinions like all the long anime but I love it and I love the dub!

Kanan Jarrus

You might need to treat this series the way you treat DBS in terms of copyright


Because my brother saw this as a kid and he loved the hell out of it. I never saw it cuz i was dbz kid and never got to see naruto. My bro has seen both and he says all the time goku would beat naruto but naruto has the best story ever. The show was really good for my bro! So i really wanna see what this who is about! Im glad it landed others might be mad but im glad call me selfish lol - Nahid


So excited. Yeah, just a heads up. The first 10 episodes are mostly exposition like these 2. Some interesting stuff happens, but it's mostly getting to know the world and the characters.


He stops around a certain big arc only saying it in key moments

Aras Paty

Really excited you're watching this show, my first anime ever, and it has a special place in my heart(I even like the filler lol). I actually watched in dub when I first started, it's kinda cringe in certain points but it's not bad. Are you guys doing 2 episodes a week?


I hope you enjoy this series better than I did. It's such a sore spot for me as it was the first anime I got into but the ending of the series was such a disappointment. The way they portrayed women rubbed me the wrong way but I'm looking forward to your ATLA comic reactions (whenever that comes out)


Yea Kishimoto's portrayal of female characters leaves some to be desired.. Women in Naruto get a lot of hate from fandom edgelords but in the end any valid criticism against them is all because Kishimoto doesn't know how to write women very well

Keep It Zen

Holy Crap!!! Can’t wait to watch this when I’m off work! I first watched this series in 2016 when I wasn’t really into anime, even though I didn’t watch in in my childhood it still feels very nostalgic and I loved the show all the same. The series does have a slow start, mostly introductory episodes to characters and places, but it has some of the most HYPE moments in anime, Believe It! It’s not without its faults of course, some very serious ones, but the various highs (not always happy moments) make it all worthwhile.


Thank your for you support man! Its great to see you around after the avatar days! Hopefully we keep you entertained my friend for however long we can. - Nahid

Hachem Hm

I kind of feel that if it was the other way around (ie SUB on ep1 and DUB on ep2), it could have been different. Ep1 is a serious and interesting episode, Ep2 is almost a filler, how silly it is


hey sorry for not commenting before and I guess this might be too late to change at this point but I prefer dub


I remember watching this in -07 - my first anime. Episode 1: Tajyuu kage Bunshin No Jutsu. Naruto Shippuuden 467: Indra's Arrow. Gotta love the powerscaling.

Hachem Hm

Also, DATTEBAYO>>>>>>>>>>>>>BELIEVE IT


The hokage can't exist at the same time. The third hokage was the hokage before the 4th but when the 4th hokage died they just made the third hokage the hokage again because it was such a sudden change. The village still refers to him as the third hokage though.


One thing to keep in mind in shonen anime like naruto is that every character has skin and bones made out of steel which gets tougher as they level up unless they are death flagged. This might make your journey through naruto more fun.


Theyd have no idea whats going on


I kind of like Narutos voice, its super annoying but it kind of fit his character

Frankie H

Naruto: "But why only me?" Micky: "Because You Suck!!!" Hahaha. This is great commentary guys. This is gonna be fun.


omg please skip the hundreds of filler episodes!

Davimison Garmo

The Naruto series is the best and one of the worst anime ever. worst only because of flashbacks, fillers, and dragged out convos. hopefully sam champloo is scheduled next.


Prediction: you guys will not be able to handle watching this show. It's going to get too slow for you guys to fit enough content into a reaction.


Holy shit it's been awhile Tony the Tiger....


sub please






oh my gawd


You've got upper case and lowercase naruto tags. You should pick one or the other so we can find them all in one place


So excited for this! The voices for the sub is much better


Yoooo bring Navi on for some Eps!! Without a doubt there are some eps that she'd be so down to watch. I feel like ya'll will anyways, but watch Shippuden after, which we can expect in the next 5 years lol


So glad you're going to watch the dub. It's just a thousand times more enjoyable to not have to read the subs while also trying to watch y'alls reactions. This way I can actually watch the reactions in a laid back manner and not have to go back and forth between following what's going on through reading the subs and then looking back to see the reaction. Fuck all the pretentious sub bullshit.


Well, it helps that the dub is actually good, and it's not pretentious sub bullshit it's just some people enjoy that more the same way you enjoy dub more.