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Here we go fam... 

New shows coming up this week! We will start the week early with the first episode of long awaited My Hero Academia on Mondays followed by Naruto on Wednesdays! If you'd like to know more about our reasoning behind the the show and show version selection, please check the info posted earlier today!

We will also continue reacting to our favorite Vikings series on Thursday until the show ends and, of course, same goes for Doctor Who.

That is about it about our exciting new premieres. We hope you're pumped them and our regular shows! 

May this week be amazing for you all! 

- Normies




Will we ever get our answers on Peaky Blinders?


Next week release! It takes us a bit to record and edit these. Be patient my friend! - Nahid


Wow Naruto AND my hero academia? I’m getting spoiled




Is My hero gonna be the English dub please because subs always win polls


when will peaky blinders return?

Jack Walton

Are uncut reactions gone now? Still not seeing the Uncut reactions for Thursday's shows.


Oh God not Naruto

Heru Muharrar

They’ve said many times they will go back to it they’re just taking a break.


Since we got episode 9 of Bojack last week are we getting episode 8 this week? Schedule still says 9 just trying to clarify my expectations :)


When the black arc is done y’all should skip the filler episodes and jump to the next arc my opinion dragon ball super


Really disappointed with this new anime (Naruto), at least when you reacted to a show I didn't like much, I knew its slot would be free in a few weeks/months eventually so we could vote for an other show that i might like, now the Naruto's slot is there forever and I feel like it's unfair to your patreons who are more interested in less mainstream and shorter animes juste like Cowboy Bebop...


How is it unfair to people that like "less mainstream and shorter animes"? They've done countless shows like that (certainly most of the best ones already). Now the react wheel lets them do 1 long-running series and everyone acts like it's the end of the world. Besides, Naruto is mostly a new slot that they are ADDING.


3x1 of Lost! My fav character is here! Cant wait!

Keep It Zen

Wednesday can’t come soon enough 😬


I can’t find any breaking bad episodes on here.. I’ve been a premium normie for a while and all of a sudden I can’t see any breaking bad episodes. I can only find ep 7