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Hello everyone!

We'll try to have these more often as part of our commitment to community engagement on Patreon! This involves a lot of coordination with our editors putting in extra work or collaborating with other editors as well as scheduling for recordings. We'll try to diversify options as we go so that everyone can get a chance to get a double drop for their favorite show :)

Right now these are the shows that we will be able to double drop next week if they win the poll! Be responsible patrizens and get the vote out! 



The best time to double drop full metal was this week unfortunately. Oh well. DOUBLE DROP


Come oooon Agents. Need that SOS 1 and 2

Caio Miranda

aos double drop finale!


AOS!!! It’s literally a 2 part finale and needs a double drop!!!!! Pleaaase




Please double drop Agents of Shield! It’s the finale


Serious question tho.... Why allow multi selection?

Etty Gafa

AOS !!!!!!!!!!

Jose Flores

Damm, no Breaking Bad smh gotta get on that Full Metal Alchemist 🚂 so I can watch you guys react to it


oooooh this is for one week only. I think AoS has this since it's season finale. I vote FMAB if it were consistent double drop to wrap up the series


AOS is never going to win against an anime but it's a two part finale. Please double drop it.


Why not just double drop the only one that is an actual 2 part Finale? AOS deserves a double drop.


AoS AoS AoS AoS AoS!!!!!!!!!!

Linsey Morris

aos is never gonna win against an anime which is a bummer bc it's a two part season finale so it would be perfect


This I dont understand. Its literally a two parter. And it's not going to get more votes than an anime on this channel.


What an odd decision. I'm not invested in any of these but I'm not sure if you expected either of the other two to beat FMA:B


Doesn't seem like AoS is taking this one, though it is the perfect time to double drop it. Y'know, with it being a two parter and all.


I love FMAB but I want AoS Double Drop sooooo bad

Sean Barbante

I hope AoS makes a comeback in the poll, but not holding my breath.


C'mon, AOS is at a season finale, why even ask? Anime is just too strong.

Kamina 1

Brotherhood fans NEED this double drop more than the other two shows. It's the fucking promise day muthafuckaaaaz!!! 😝😝😝😝 With AoS followed closely behind. Let's just do a DOUBLE double drop.


And why are you allowing multiple choices? :thinking:


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the only logical choice here, it is literally a 2 PART SEASON FINALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fuck Agent of Shit Go Fmab

Julia Contreras

Of these shows I only follow Gravity Falls and it probably won't win, but I wanted to leave my two cents anyway. These decisions should be made based on the contents of the show and not popular vote, simply because there are instances in each show where a double drop is necessary and others that do not need it. With FMA:B it was the last episodes, not the following ones. With AoS it should be the finale, for content, but you still put it to a vote? I think it would be better for you and your followers to be consistent with how the contents of each show are presented without using surveys that may not produce a natural flow of reactions.


since there is literally less than 20 eps of fmab left i think aos which has multiple seasons left should take this one

Andre Ransom

Maybe you guys should have separate categories for anime and cartoons. I’ve noticed anime always wins no matter what in pretty much all of the polls. Nothing wrong with that of course, just something I noticed.

Chris Skalicky

So is Gravity Falls. It's a 3 episode finale. Pt1 will be this week and parts 2 and 3 aired together so to me it would just as equally make sense to double drop it.


As someone who watches the FMAB really only, I'm willing to vote for the Agents of SHIELD folks, since they get a final in 2 parts. As for concessions, the FMAB viewers will get a separate double drop poll for later on, choosing which 2 episodes. everyone cool with that?

Sky Alderson

Come on, it's a 2part season finale for AoS next week, that should be the double drop.


only one of those has a 2 parter... i dont really see why there are multiple options. AOS should be the double drop regardles because... logic. Nothing has a chance to win a poll against anime. It'll be the same result every time. Hope you guys are reading the comments,



Kamina 1

As much as it PAINS me to do this , i think i'm gonna switch my vote to AoS. After reading all these comments it makes a lot more sense to vote AoS over Brotherhood because of the two parter. Although you can also say the promise day (climax of fma) is essentially one looooong part. 🤔 Not sure if my vote for AoS will matter in the long run , but what the heck.


AoS is a 2-parter, so I guess it would make sense. I do love FMAB, but in this instance I'll have to go with AoS.

Alvin Cura

AOS. And I just clicked the button and put money on it.

Alvin Cura

Actually, since today is the 30th and billing recycles tomorrow, I just put money on it twice.

Justin Jefferson

I luv FMAB and even i think it should be AOS its a 2 part season finale hell all the 2 parter season finales should be auto double drops lol.


I'm SOSing so hard right now...


Gotta be AOS :), 2 part season finale is doubledroptastic


I just want to say to the people that are voting AoS, even though they like one of the other shows better,... You guys are awesome. It takes a lot to be willing to sacrifice your own enjoyment for others because it ultimately makes sense to you. You're good people.

Jules Eris

oh please let it be AoS, it's a two-part finale.



TJ Frangie

I’ll go agents of shield. Maybe we can get double drops for FMAB later. It’s more so just a want for me to see 2 in a week for FMAB. We are like 10ish episodes left in FMAB so it’s not essential at this point. AoS fans can have this one. We get blessed with so much Korra and FMAB already, you guys can have some fun with the shows you watch. Ive never seen it so I hope it helps out!


Wow, Gravity Falls got wrecked. Not completely unsurprising, though.

Linsey Morris

seriously, all these comments are making me a bit misty-eyed. it's very sweet.


you don't have to use it unless you want one of two and don't care which one :) - Marketa




why not :) that way you can vote for more than one if you're indiferent about which one gets the final pick


I really think The Normies would have appreciated the final episode of Korra if they watched both of them together - as intended. I don't want to see a mistake like that again, so please vote AoS so we get both parts of the finale.


Guys hear me out, make all of them equal. Boom triple drop from teamwork

Barney Rudkins-Stow

The Normies tend to binge watch anyway, so whether or not it's a double drop has no bearing on how they watch it.


I dont even watch AOS and i love FMA:B. With this in mind, I agree with those saying AOS. FMA:B next week is not a two parter anyway. To make both parties happy, why not just double drop AOS and FMA:B. I know its more work but its just a suggestion


Can't compete with the anime fans sadly, even though AoS would really need the double drop because its a two part finale :(


Yeah, AOS would make more sense as a two-part finale.


Much as i would love Fullmetal lets drag it out we are in the final part. AOS hated it when it first started, love it in same vein as buffy, angel and firefly now but its still going!


AOS, 2-part finale. You will NOT regret it. Trust the fans!!!!


Come on AOS 2 part final! Couldnt be a better time for a double drop!

K Murray

AOS has a million more episodes and a two-part finale. It's a no-brainer.


In Wolf I Trust.


I love both FMAB and AoS. I voted AoS because it has waaaaay more episodes left, and ya'll need to get as caught up as possible before season 6 starts airing. No way you'll ever get caught up completely, but every episode counts :)


You guys should do both. It looks like AOS is gonna get beat out and the episodes originally aired together it feels wrong to do them separately haha ;/


Please Normies, read the comments, the vast majority of the sentiment is that AOS should get the double drop even though it's not quite winning the vote due to it being a double episode. :)

Heru Muharrar

Wait why are we doing a poll when AoS is the show with an actual 2 parter?

Kyle Edmond

I love Fullmetal but Agents of shield should get the two parter.


Double drop that Agents of Shield Finale, you know you want to

Mabel Marte Taveras

I withdrew my vote for FMB after reading the comments and vited for AOS. I don't watch AOS, but seeing how the commenters say that the next drop is a part-two finale, we should give them this one. Double-drop for FMB finale later on.


Thank you Mabel, the 2 episodes were also premiered on the same night so they should drop together


Then its not a majority lol. Just cause people complaining loud doesn't make them the majority.


People tying to tell the normies to ignore the poll are the worse. Just cause you want something doesn't mean everyone else does. Same with saying look at the comment people want AOS YET FMAB is still ahead BECAUSE more people like FMAB and want that. Just cause you want something doesn't mean you should try to silence others opinions.

Teddy S

How about instead of comparing who has the biggest fanbase people are just pointing out that one shows episodes are meant as a two part finale and the other isn't. Perfectly reasonable for people to point that out and there's no silencing going on, everyone is free to comment aren't they? Sounds like you're just afraid they'll actually do it so you'll have to wait another week for more FMAB :P


To make things crystal clear, the next two episodes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., SOS part 1 and SOS part 2, are a two parter season finale that aired together on the same night when they first aired, to drop them on separate days would make no sense whatsoever, they were meant, and made, to go together.


They split up two-parters on Avatar and Korra all the time.


shieeeeld! 😁