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Hello everyone! As you may have heard we are venturing into a new style of content. It is a work in progress for sure but you will be able to see what we are going for. Please let us know what you think and any suggestions you have so we can improve the quality of these in the future! Enjoy!


Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise Part 1/6 - Group Reaction



This is getting kinda annoying now lol


oh was waiting for korra, but didn't expect to get this as well i didnt know they were doing this, that's cool


Oh boy! I've heard multiple people say the comics are a mess, but personally i enjoyed them. Then again, im sometimes too easy to please. Can't wait to see what you guys think!


Nice dude! I'll stay a patron for a while longer now


I love the idea! Please make this a regular thing. My only critique is that constantly screwing up the lines and then stopping the music to draw attention to it is really annoying. Its funny when done every now and then, but not when you do it every few seconds.


This is really awesome. One thing to be careful about as you mentioned is Fair Use or any Copyright issues with showing the images. One famous comic book Youtuber is Comicstorian and he reads comics to his viewers which he also shows the panels to but what he does is whites out the bubbles so as to not get in trouble with any Fair Use issues. It’s worked out pretty great for him. So yeah the speech bubbles should be blank in the future just so that you guys don’t get any complaints, hopefully. Besides that, looks great.


This was great guys I hope you keep going with them! ❤️


We are! We are recording another one tomorrow. We are gonna get a schedule out soon for it. Whether its weekly or bi weekly we shall see yall! - Nahid

Lalisa Truong

Man, now I feel like rereading the whole comic series again LOL ...I have them all heh heh


I'm so excited for this, great idea guys 😀😀😀

Kim Carragher

The way you guys edited this was amazing. You're all doing a great job reading! Would definitely download this as an audio book. Everyone was so funny.

Delarie A Henderson

Oh Good! You guys can go over the real Journal 3 of Gravity Falls!


Hi! I found a Last Airbender Book 1 recap cartoon. Maybe you can react to this haha! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkX9vpsCi3I" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkX9vpsCi3I</a>


Okay, I had to pause the video 5 minutes in just to comment. I don't know who is editing this but amazing job with the scrolling of the images in the background! And amazing job with the pacing of the music. LOL i love how the music and ambience literally pauses every time a reader makes a mistake! YAAASSSS. I agree with the comment earlier about emptying out the speech bubbles! But if you do that, can you please preface who's who with writing the names of each character at the bottom under each person?


Awww this is so nice thanks guys!


Well that was different 🙂 always happy to see you folks experimenting


Thoroughly enjoyed this. I haven't read the comics so this will be a fun ride. Please continue. (I love the slip ups too)


This is awesome, keep it comin please


This was fun!! The comics are nice stories that really bridge the lore, and I’m excited to see your reactions continue :)

William Abbott

Amazing I am 100% happily surprised I thought the "new avatar content" was going to be the Netflix series and months away

William Abbott

Cozy four episodes would be gold, or just more defined roles. I love it.


Marketa's voice acting is top-notch




Yeah this was surprisingly compelling. Good idea guys.


This is so awesome!!!! So much stuff happens in the comics, can't wait for more reactions

Rich Cassou

Great idea Guys! Please keep this going!


I think there are videos of the comic book contents with a background scores and everything. Maybe you want to check those out?

Mabel Marte Taveras

Love it! Continue. I'll recommend what many said to protect yourselves from copyright - empty bubbles, but add who is reading who somewhere so we can follow. Props for the editing.


Just wanna say hope you guys keep this up, love it a lot especially the stuff ups


It's great! Can't wait for more :).

Neil Prospect

this was really well done. props to you all


Check out comicstorian on YouTube. He does this regularly.


Well done, guys! I thoroughly enjoyed that. Even more so than I thought I would, thanks to the delivery and editing. Keep it up!


Love it! So much fun. And Rana trying to balance the books on her head in the background lol.

Kamina 1

Micky was the highlight of this reaction lmao i was in tears every time he opened his mouth.

Lavota Carter

Even the worst leaders have one to a few ideas that had merit if not taken to the extreme. Also the books bring more depth to the royal family of the Fire Nation how it works and how that affected the generations we currently know Roku/Sozin to Ozai/Zuko's Mom/Iroh/Iroh and wife to Zuko/Azula/LuTen.

Lavota Carter

Marketa your real-world connection to The Promise obstacle is so good I am going to remember it if I need to explain to my friends in the future.


Don't know if I'm going to watch these read-throughs or not since I haven't read this myself yet, but this is a REALLY COOL idea! I love it!


i love these! these are great haha!


the slip ups are great, i love that you guys are still adding in your personality to the content. the voices are great too! thje backround music is great!. it would be special awesome if....you guys dressed up lol


thanks for the feedback!! and you are right - and although we would all much prefer to read ahead and practice so we don't screw up this often, it would take away from our reaction as the story unfolds. the emotions we show are genuine and we want to continue bringing that to you and reliving the story together, maybe we can figure out a better way where mishaps are edited out and put at the end of the video each time as bloopers. - marketa


lmao, not sure about the audiobook quality but thanks for the compliment :))) - marketa


so happy to hear this!!! we probably won't be able to do it every week but our goal is to release every other wednesday here :)


that's great! i'll try to be more coherent when explaining things and stuff in the future lol - marketa


Buy the books! Join us for a new adventure. Its been pretty badass. I dont understand why the creators never made these into the shows. They would do soo good and we would have soo much more of Aang and the gang. - Nahid

Justin Neason

This is actually amazing....


Love this!


i love Marketa's Ozai voice😆

Antonio Bacon

Please do more of these. The books are amazing.


This was really good! I love seeing people rediscover how FUN reading out loud with your friends/family is. People used to do it all the time. It's great fun when everyone lets go and no one makes judgments about suspension of disbelief. It's very heartwarming! Keep it up!


This was really well done. Loved the editing with the music &amp; green screen. Definitely keep doing them!

Jason Lim

This is so amazing, first time seeing something like this


I’m late, but had to say how much I loved this. All the slip ups and addlips worked for me. What really makes this work for me isn’t that you are reading this perfectly or treating it super serious, but are having fun and that makes this stand out for me. I expected just a discussion videos on the comics after you read them, but this is so much better. I hope you keep having fun reading these. That is what made your Avatar and Korra reactions so great.