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Cameron Britton's portrayal of Ed Kemper is amazing.  And to know how accurate to real life events the show can be some times makes it that much better.  They have direct quotes in the scripting from the real life interviews.  This is show is really good so far!


Mindhunter - Season 1 Episode 2 - Reaction


Joseph Sanchez

Ed Kemper is not just a real guy, but the show's portrayal of him is very accurate. He's also still alive, serving a life sentence.


can never hear the word "cartilaginous" and not think of this guy.....😫


Ed Kemper is hands down the best part of this show, every one of his scenes is fucking gold. He is so creepy yet so charismatic, and I say that with great discomfort, he should't be likable. I think his charisma is part of what makes him so creepy, there is this uncomfortable disconnect between what appears to be this friendly, polite, and intelligent person, and his horrible depraved actions.


This show is very underrated.


Yep, he's also one of the more intelligent killers documented.


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDYBmNYc8IA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDYBmNYc8IA</a> the actor who plays Ed is amazing, but the real Ed Kamper is really eerie by his mannerism and speech and sounds 100% logical.


The actor who plays him, Cameron Britton, and the actual tape's tone of Kamper is uncanny, a testament to his acting ability. The above YouTube clip shows this creepy AF twinning brilliantly.

Neil Patel

Ya'll are killing it with the discussions btw im loving this

Kim Carragher

OK, so while Kemper said a lot of true things, like women learning ways to protect themselves because they're physically inferior (in most cases), his conclusion that it's to humiliate men is absolutely incorrect. Women are threatened by men on a day to day basis - humiliating them is at the bottom of the list, because it incites aggression. Kemper sounds reasonable, but you have to remember that he's inherently biased. He hates women. HATES them. He believes the worst in them, unfairly, due to his relationship with his mother - who, remember, by his own word was a good person to others. Maybe she felt the weirdness in Kemper and reacted? Maybe she was simply abusive. Doesn't matter. His analysis is incorrect. Women don't actively try to humiliate men. It's counterproductive and threatens their own safety. The greatest part about this show is that is makes you empathise with murderers and forget that they ARE murderers. They aren't rational people, they have sick needs which they justify with their past traumas. You shouldn't take their word for anything - especially since most serial killers despise women. That talk with Holden's girlfriend where she was demonstrating the flirtations of a woman - it was satire. She was revealing what men believe women do. And to some extent, how women are expected to act. Holden reads into everyone's actions without realising that sometimes people DON'T have ulterior motives.

Kim Carragher

Oh, Kemper is pulling manipulative tactics. Forcing Holden to eat the sandwich. Sympathising with Holden's problems with his girlfriend. Establishing that he practically owns the prison. Touching Holden without his permission. All highly intelligent actions meant to lower his guard. Is it working? Who knows. Holden is very smart and is holding his ground. That's what's great here - who is manipulating who? Don't brush off his partner's concerns. He's been at this far longer than Holden and being objective about a serial killer is hardly a bad move.