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The BAH-UL is here! I'm flying back to the U.S. today meanwhile Korra is flying across the battlefield getting her arse kicked. Varrick valiantly Varricks himself after getting Zhu-Li'd, probably one of the most selfless things he has ever done in the series. Hope it didn't seem like we were too hard on Korra I think it was just super frustrating for us to see her lose so badly and be publicly demoralized in front of Kuvira's army. Enjoy this reaction and thanks for the continued support!


The Legend of Korra - 4x6 Battle of Zaufu - Group Reaction



Just a heads up, the series finale would technically be chapters 11-13 ❤


It was hard to watch man

Lalisa Truong

Feeling frustrated because Korra was getting her ass kicked hard was how we're supposed to feel IMO. Korra was just not 100% both physically and mentally. We have to keep in mind that she's not only rusty as hell after years being out of action, but also getting out the poison doesn't just magically fix everything for her mentally as well (Dark Korra showing up again was pretty indicative of that). This fight between her and Kuvira was also more of a mental fight than a physical one when you really think about it. You have Kuvira constantly taunting and throwing low jabs at Korra, and Korra herself trying to not let it get to her as well as trying to get back into her groove. It was honestly going to be a tough fight for Korra overall. Doesn't help that Kuvira also obviously knew that this fight was in her favor, because it's no secret that the Avatar was badly hurt and out of action for a couple of years. With all of that in mind, I think it was obvious who was going to win this fight from the start or even how frustrating it was going to be.


Korra was holding herself back that entire fight. She’s afraid now. After 3 seasons of wanting nothing else but to be the avatar and wield the power that comes with being the avatar, she has finally been humbled by a fear and respect for it. She’s afraid of becoming the monster she was against Zaheer. She’s afraid of killing Kuvira. She’s afraid of the avatar state and what she can do with it.

Lalisa Truong

Yes, all of this among other things such as her being overall rusty and not mentally 100%.

Raymond Strand

Kuvira's story arc is basically the formation of modern China. After they expelled the Qing emperor and formed a "Republic".


This fight is like Goku vs Kale in DBS


Why didn't Korra just take an aspirin and cure herself of PTSD? It's so easy. Seriously though, it sucked seeing Korra get her ass kicked.


they are talking about making another splintercell! <3


This is a kinda of sorry episode to watch others react to for the reason you guys gave. Nahid im happy got what was going on the whole episode, usually not a person who reacts to this episode gets even a clue. They just see Korra losing and get frustrated 😞 but really good reaction, looking forward to the next few episodes ✌


Nice reaction! Nahid's reaction was so spot-on in this episode =P Thanks to you all for that!

Katarina Kurko

Why is Mickey so obsessed with metalbending? Maybe Kuvira wasnt wearing metal even if she was the fight would end immadiately and it would be meh and thats not the point who will win ,the point is to show Korra's mindstate and how not okay she is.


Korra was fighting her mental blocks and Kuvira at the same time so there was no way she could’ve won


"why didn't she just try to get rid of her PTSD waaaaa" guys ur killing me Nahid is the only one with sense


The way Korra was using the same moves/strategies over and over even though it didn't work reminded me of some of my taekwondo sparring matches. In the heat of the moment, when you're tired and a bit panicked, you can't think clearly and you end up just repeating the same thing over and over.


The spirit laser / energy is an allegory to nuclear bomb / energy.


Suraj you are on camera, and bein hella gross... am i the only one that thinks that?

Michael Simpson

Dude they had a literal tug of war with that rock, why would Korra bother trying to metal bend. Kuvira is just a better earthbender in every way and a straight up prodigy at metal bending. That's like asking why earthbenders don't just push each others rocks right back at each other while fighting or why earthbenders didn't just crush the Dai Li's fingers. If kuvira is confident enough to WEAR METAL against other metal benders don't you think she could easily counter it?


One thing I love about this fight is how we see two very different styles of fighting clash: Korra uses large, wide sweeping attacks whereas Kuvira uses pin-point accurate blade attacks, supplemented perfectly with earth bending leg-locks. Not to mention her controlled smoth movments when it came to evading Korra's attacks. People have aleady said it: Korra hasn't fought for REAL in years, not mention using the Avatar State, and the first opponent she has to go up against is Kuvira? It would have been ridiculous if she would have won.

Jules Eris

you guys are too hard on Korra lol she's been a cripple for like 3 years of course she isn't as good a fighter as she used to be


Korra hasn't been able to fight for 3 years Kuvira's been fighting constantly during that time, so her winning shouldn't be a surprise.


Suraj, you said you think it’s stupid that Korra thinks she lost to all the bosses in this show, but she DID. Amon took her bending, Unalaq took her connection to the past avatars, and Zaheer briefly took her life! Just because Korra won doesn’t mean she didn’t lose — as funny as that sounds xD. So now, she’s dealing with some PTSD. Every time she stands up to one of these guys, she loses something important. How do you think she feels having to do it again? Add to that the fact that she’s been out of commission for the past THREE YEARS, and you get this fight. She got the metal out with Toph, yes, but have you ever heard of the YIPS? It’s something many IRL athletes struggle with when coming back from an injury. Even though they are completely healed, they favor whatever their injured part was and don’t use it at full force because their body subconsciously remembers the pain. Imo, Korra is experiencing something similar. Thus, you and Micky need to RELAX! Lay off my girl Korra. lololololol.

Luis Benavides

Think of Kuvira as Napoleon Bonaparte rather than Hitler its a better comparison considering their actions in the long run. both are arguable good but terrible people at the same time


Exactly! It also has that correlation of North Korea or other countries having nuclear weapons:)


Aang’s grandkids and the other airbenders are consistently the MVPs of every episode, I almost wish Jinora was the avatar lol. I understand Korra and think her reaction to her trauma is realistic, Aang had his issues too (though ironically though he’s more peaceful than Korra, his issues manifested in outbursts/avatar state rage rather than depression), but it’s just not enjoyable to watch. Like I totally believe that someone like Korra, who defines herself entirely by her avatar identity and fighting skill, would have her self worth crushed after she basically lost to an enemy for the third time in a row. But it’s not compelling...I don’t remember what happens after this episode though so maybe it’ll have good payoff


Also Kuvira is hot

Lavota Carter

How in the fruuuuck does anyone think Korra would win this fight? Just what, about a week ago, she was getting her butt handed to her by an average kickbox-style earthbender. Average. So average no one truly believed she could have been the avatar in disguise. Some little skirmishes with Toph basically "playing" with her and getting the metal out a day before this fight would not bring her to Kuvira level. Kuvira was in Su's inner circle because she was a gifted and talented metalbender.

Lavota Carter

I don't know about Su taking over the Earth Kingdom. She took over Zaofu because she was the founder and respected, not for power. Her taking over the Earth Kingdom is not something her free-spirited nature would be keen on. She wanted to help, trust in the four nation+republic city council, but not take control. If Lin was the leader of Zaofu I think she WOULD have taken charge. But who is to say that would be better forever? Prince Wu would be crowned and spend the kingdom into a new debt and be a puppet for the council. Tenzin, Su, Firelord(lady?) Izumi won't live forever and someone could manipulate Wu like his grandfather was.


Voltron? Next?

Alec Campo

Man, you guys were really way too hard on Korra. THAT was annoying to watch, not Korra failing for an obvious reason that will be explained in the show. She has had no fighting experience for THREE YEARS. Give her a break.

Lalisa Truong

I'm actually a bit surprised you don't find this compelling lol. I mean, this kind thing is usually very compelling since it's the whole "breaking down and building back up" or just the struggle overall until the character finally overcomes it. It's usually why you see this used or retold a lot in stories. Also, I love Jinora (she's my favorite airbaby) but her being the Avatar instead would make for a boring show imo. It would be like an Aang 2.0 but female version.

Tessa Nyx

I also like Kuvira's hair messed up...Suraj you dirty bastard


If you really think about it, Korra has only had about a day's worth of metalbending training. Because all she got were those few sessions with Su, before events with Zaheer literally prevented her from getting more training. Sure, she picked it up quickly as she did with most of the elements, but she still didn't get much practical training with it, which is why her metalbending tends to be restricted. She just hasn't had time to properly train or practice it, and trying to use it against Kuvira, who has been training with it almost her whole life just wouldn't make sense.


I'm pretty sure kuviras armor is platinum btw


I guess I don't see how you could have watched the season up to this point and thought that Korra would stand a chance


If it was platinum Kuvira couldn’t bend it. Korra is just no match at metal bending against her.


Yea, but apparently Suraj and Micky did not get the behind message of Korra's mental state.


I know right? I also felt that way. Especially micky and suraj. Micky obsessed with his metalbending while Suraj frustrated with Korra losing in battle. However, we all perceive things from shows in a different way so it is not like we expect them for SURE to react in a particular way. So hopefully micky and suraj understand of how Korra's is feeling and her mental conflicts :)


I know Suraj and Micky were not being patient or getting frustrated with Korra fighting in battle which I agree was hard to watch; however, I think we all perceive things from shows in different ways so it is not like we expect them for SURE to react in a particular way. We want them to react in a particular way because we have SEEN the show. Probably Micky and Suraj were just so focused on Korra's physical side rather than her psychological side which is the main component she suffered from. Hopefully in future videos micky and suraj fully understand of Korra's mental conflicts.


When it comes to Kuvira and comparing her to historical leaders, I'd go with 19th century Napoleonic France.


Do you think Micky wanted Korra to metalbend Kuvira's armor?


Aang wouldn’t have been traumatized like this.


The dude stopped using fire because he accidentally burned his waifu. Was deathly afraid of the avatar state at the beginning of season 2. Yes, he would.

Tiang Maphosa

its called PTSD folks. offcourse korra was gonna get her ass kicked. she just went through one of the most traumatic things any avatar has ever gone through. cut her some slack. jeez


I think you guys seem to forget that Korra, not only has PTSD, but also hasn't been at the top of her game for a good few years already. You can't expect her to be the best again after she has only JUST gotten the few remains of poison out of her either.

Joey Jonah Jameson

Bending becomes more difficult the farther away you are from the object you are trying to bend. This goes triple for metalbending because you are not bending the metal, you are bending the earth within the metal. This is why most examples of metalbending begin with the bender being in direct contact with the object, or them using overstated movements when far away just to move small objects. Korra trying to metalbend the suit of armor worn by what what may have been the second greatest metal bender to have ever lived at that point would have been like telling someone in a sword fight to try and grab the sword out of their opponents hand: Its a stupid idea, and opens them up to a huge, most likely lethal, counter. Also, Korra has PTSD, has not been active for almost three years, and hasn't been able to actually just focus on elemental training for like six years. Avatar Roku had all the time in the world to train and he did not master all the elements until he was well into his 40s. Korra is in her early 20s. The fact that she lasted as long as she did against a bender so driven to perfect her bending is a fucking miracle.


where is korra

Julia Contreras

Kudos to Rana and Nahid for getting the point of this fight tbh